The bulk update request #2993 is pending approval.
create implication easter_anal_beads (84) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_belly (29) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_breasts (96) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_breasts (96) -> painted_breasts (276)
create implication easter_butt (32) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_butt (32) -> painted_butt (359)
Reason: If an artist is depicting any of these things, they're deliberately trying to evoke Easter eggs (the non-meta kind) and, through them, Easter itself. Easter balls already implicates Easter. Also, two missing easter_body_part -> painted_body_part implications are thrown in.
The request for Easter egg to imply Easter is in topic #33419. Also, the injoke and hidden sorts of Easter eggs such as those in software really should be tagged as easter_egg_(meta), unless someone's developed a different tag somewhere.