Topic: EastBUR Egged

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2993 is pending approval.

create implication easter_anal_beads (84) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_belly (29) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_breasts (96) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_breasts (96) -> painted_breasts (276)
create implication easter_butt (32) -> easter (4599)
create implication easter_butt (32) -> painted_butt (359)

Reason: If an artist is depicting any of these things, they're deliberately trying to evoke Easter eggs (the non-meta kind) and, through them, Easter itself. Easter balls already implicates Easter. Also, two missing easter_body_part -> painted_body_part implications are thrown in.

The request for Easter egg to imply Easter is in topic #33419. Also, the injoke and hidden sorts of Easter eggs such as those in software really should be tagged as easter_egg_(meta), unless someone's developed a different tag somewhere.


These sound too vague and ambiguous. There's more to easter than painted spherical objects, and painted spherical objects can be non-easter related but look exactly the same. The implications for easter_balls was done without discussion by I'll let you guess who.

watsit said:
There's more to easter than painted spherical objects...

This BUR isn't about other Easter-related subjects. Those would fall under their own tags. It's about painted spherical objects, usually body parts, meant to resemble Easter eggs.

... and painted spherical objects can be non-easter related but look exactly the same.

Then, according to TWYS, how can we be sure they're not Easter egg inspired? Although they come in a variety of patterns and colors, Easter eggs still have a distinctive look that tell a viewer that these things are meant to be Easter eggs, whether they're simple paint-daubed orbs or highly ornate Fabergé eggs. Other painted spherical objects meant to evoke billiard balls or croquet balls are visually distinctive from Easter eggs (although this doesn't mean some cheeky artist can't paint Easter eggs to look like those things, but in order to make the association work, there should be other Easter paraphernalia included).

May we have examples of painted spherical objects (specifically anal beads, bellies, balls, breasts, and butts and not things not covered by this BUR) that aren't meant to resemble Easter eggs, but look just like them and thus could be mistaken for them?

The implications for easter_balls was done without discussion by I'll let you guess who.

It doesn't mean she was wrong, just that she should have thrown it up for community discussion first.

clawstripe said:
This BUR isn't about other Easter-related subjects.

When you have ambiguous terms like "easter_breasts" or "easter_balls", there's no indication of what Easter-related subject it's referring it. Couldn't "easter_breasts" or "easter_butt" be referencing the breasts or butt looking like an Easter basket instead of painted Easter eggs? Or an Easter bunny face on their breasts/butt? Is there even a need for Easter-specific painted body part tags, that wouldn't be handled by easter+painted_<body_part>?

clawstripe said:
Then, according to TWYS, how can we be sure they're not Easter egg inspired?

If the image is Easter-themed, it would be tagged Easter. If they're not Easter-egg inspired, it wouldn't be tagged as Easter.

clawstripe said:
May we have examples of painted spherical objects (specifically anal beads, bellies, balls, breasts, and butts and not things not covered by this BUR) that aren't meant to resemble Easter eggs, but look just like them and thus could be mistaken for them?

post #472086

On the flip side, I'm curious how/why something like post #2779154 is assumed to be easter_breasts and easter_belly, as the belly doesn't look like it's meant to resemble a painted easter egg with the lumps and it not being remotely egg-shaped, the breasts look off for resembling painted easter eggs, and there's no overt Easter themes.

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