Topic: [Feature] Tag alias and implication help/hint

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Short explanation of what your request will do.

Tag Alias Request
Posts tagged with $tag1 will be automatically corrected to $tag2.

Tag Implication Request
Posts tagged with $tag1 will have $tag2 added automatically.

Why would it be useful?
Less users will be confused about aliases and implications.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Tag Alias Request, Tag Implication Request pages

+1, but I personally feel like even more information than this should be added.

EDIT: and also a note to use BURs rather than posting multiple forum threads for aliases/implications


waydence said:
A reminder to check MetaSearch would be useful as well. Or better yet, a button that opens a new tab with tag already searched.

I mean, the MetaSearch function exists. Why not some kind of automatic query?
Give it like.. 5-10 seconds of the fields not being modified before calling it, and if it finds a pending or conflicting result, put a red banner or something next to the submit button or disable it altogether

waydence said:
A reminder to check MetaSearch would be useful as well. Or better yet, a button that opens a new tab with tag already searched.

If this reminder happened, it'd be cool if MetaSearch could search BURs as well as regular aliases and implications. I also want a pony. :D

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