Topic: [APPROVED] Invalidate "bns_arts" (or how I learned to stop tagging circles/character owners as artists)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2916 is active.

change category bns_arts (10) -> invalid

Reason: This tag is being used as multiple different things which we don't need.

The tag's primary user, t.n., treats it like a duplicate of their artist tag 99% of the time. They have furthermore used this same alias as their primary e621 account (now banned), and to ban-evade on FurAffinity (also banned.)
A second artist, chaningham, tags it on their own stuff as if it were a dojin circle. Circles are not artists, so in these cases it's not applicable.
A third, mechanicalstage, tagged it on a request by the first user, featuring BNS's "original" character. BNS Arts themselves also tagged mechanicalstage on post #3186238, which is mechanicalstage's character, so if anything this seems to be a shared misunderstanding as to how artist tags are supposed to be used.

Lastly, there's already death_mission as a copyright tag that consists of T.N.'s bootleg Dubmare and nothing else. death_mission -zaria_(t.n.) If that is supposed to be the all-encompassing copyright tag, then use that (or don't, and just use the character tag by itself.)

EDIT: The bulk update request #2916 (forum #340751) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

alphamule said:
Am I only one getting a headache from reading that? So much mess.

So it wasn't just me, then.

I have no idea what OP is talking about.

lonelylupine said:
I have no idea what OP is talking about.

A group of artists making individual contributionsnot a collaboration entity like blotch were being posted under a group artist tag, apparently.

lonelylupine said:
So it wasn't just me, then.

I have no idea what OP is talking about.

I could see how you might have that issue if you didn't check any of the links provided.

t.n. is obsessively including this secondary tag on 99% of everything they upload, mechanicalstage tagged it on post #3466917 solely because of the character being portrayed (while t.n. themselves made this exact same mistake by tagging mechanicalstage on post #3186238), and multiple posts under chaningham erroneously include this tag as well. Furthermore, t.n. already has death_mission as a copyright tag that covers exactly one character, (again, see death_mission -zaria_(t.n.))

I literally cannot explain it any further for you.

lafcadio said:
I could see how you might have that issue if you didn't check any of the links provided.

t.n. is obsessively including this secondary tag on 99% of everything they upload, mechanicalstage tagged it on post #3466917 solely because of the character being portrayed (while t.n. themselves made this exact same mistake by tagging mechanicalstage on post #3186238), and multiple posts under chaningham erroneously include this tag as well. Furthermore, t.n. already has death_mission as a copyright tag that covers exactly one character, (again, see death_mission -zaria_(t.n.))

I literally cannot explain it any further for you.

I did check them out. I'm still confused. It's a bunch of references I don't have the context for.

lonelylupine said:
I did check them out. I'm still confused. It's a bunch of references I don't have the context for.

too many people are having fun with the tag and lafcadio is proposing that we take it away from all of them and throw it in an incinerator, if i understand it right

magnuseffect said:
A group of artists making individual contributionsnot a collaboration entity like blotch were being posted under a group artist tag, apparently.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to put that under the copyright catagory?

lonelylupine said:
If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to put that under the copyright catagory?

If it were a project name, sure, but it sounds like they're just a group of artists who support each other without actually collaborating on anything? We don't tag groups of friends, only projects and individual artists.

Even if "BNS" is a project, not everything they produce is a part of that project, so it's being used wrong then.

lafcadio said:
I could see how you might have that issue if you didn't check any of the links provided.

t.n. is obsessively including this secondary tag on 99% of everything they upload, mechanicalstage tagged it on post #3466917 solely because of the character being portrayed (while t.n. themselves made this exact same mistake by tagging mechanicalstage on post #3186238), and multiple posts under chaningham erroneously include this tag as well. Furthermore, t.n. already has death_mission as a copyright tag that covers exactly one character, (again, see death_mission -zaria_(t.n.))

I literally cannot explain it any further for you.

Naw, I meant that's a load of many, many problems. Not your explanation, but what you explained. It sounded pain-inducing.

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