Topic: (BUR) boat/ship wheels

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2525 is pending approval.

create alias boat_wheel (10) -> boat's_wheel (0)
create alias ships_wheel (6) -> ship's_wheel (0)
create implication boat's_wheel (0) -> watercraft's_wheel (0)
create implication ship's_wheel (0) -> watercraft's_wheel (0)

says "A ship's wheel or boat's wheel is a device used aboard a water vessel to steer that vessel ..."

Suggest boat's_wheel and ship's_wheel be different tags because a
1) a boat is a SMALLer watercraft ( says "A boat is a watercraft ... generally smaller than a ship,"
2) a ship is a LARGE watercraft ( says "A ship is a large watercraft that travels the world's oceans and other sufficiently deep waterways, carrying cargo or passengers"


Both boat and ship imply to watercraft.

Also, e621 aliases have boat tag separate from ship tag

boat tag: tags that alias to boat : row_boat, rowing-boat, pleasure_craft, rowingboat, row-boat, pleasure_boat, narrow_boat, rowboat, rowing_boat, and narrowboat

ship tags: tags that alias to ship: pirate_ship, woodship, naval_ship, wooden_ship, viking_ship, and wood_ship

I wonder if steering_wheel would be a better option? When I read boat_wheel, I thought it was about an amphibious vehicle.

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