Topic: Pullout BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2453 is pending approval.

create implication vaginal_pull_out (27) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication anal_pull_out (41) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication oral_pull_out (10) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication cloacal_pull_out (0) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication urethral_pull_out (0) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication condom_pull_out (31) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication sex_toy_pull_out (18) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication buttplug_pull_out (113) -> pull_out (6401)
create implication dildo_pull_out (37) -> pull_out (6401)

Reason: All of these tags (except one) lack wiki entries and are individually tagged on single to low double digits of posts, these tags are made redundant by various tag combinations (such as anal pull_out or pull_out dildo_insertion).

Pair with topic #33607 aliasing vaginal_pull_out to pull_out


All aliases have been changed to implications, removed filled_condom_pullout temporarily, see comments below.


There is also knot pullout which has been aliased to unknotting, and I'm wondering if this should also be aliased together... or maybe they should be kept separate, but link to each other as a "see also" section.

cutefox123 said:
There is also knot pullout which has been aliased to unknotting, and I'm wondering if this should also be aliased together... or maybe they should be kept separate, but link to each other as a "see also" section.

I missed that one, but considering how knotting itself is separate from a tag like balls deep, and that it's a specific and distinct enough concept that a number of people are tagging it - far more than any of the tags in this BUR, it doesn't seem appropriate to add it.

hungrymaple said:
I missed that one, but considering how knotting itself is separate from a tag like balls deep, and that it's a specific and distinct enough concept that a number of people are tagging it - far more than any of the tags in this BUR, it doesn't seem appropriate to add it.

You could add it as an implication instead, perhaps. Unless I’ve misunderstood, unknotting is a form of pullout.

The argument in the other topic seems odd to me. If the sex toy / penis / whatever has been pulled out, it would be after_vaginal, so searching for pull out + vaginal shouldn't return all of the valid results if every image was tagged properly.

The sex toy one could be in either states depending on the length of the toy. You would have to search for two tags, and for sex toys, I don't think the after tag really exists. How would you track an after sex toy use? That point alone gets a down vote from me.


thevileone said:
The argument in the other topic seems odd to me. If the sex toy / penis / whatever has been pulled out, it would be after_vaginal, so searching for pull out + vaginal shouldn't return all of the valid results if every image was tagged properly.

The sex toy one could be in either states depending on the length of the toy. You would have to search for two tags, and for sex toys, I don't think the after tag really exists. How would you track an after sex toy use? That point alone gets a down vote from me.

scaliespe said:
Perhaps they could work as implications instead - though filled_condom_pullout should still be aliased as it’s equivalent to filled_condom + pullout.

Looking back at this, I don't know why I didn't make these implications instead, they might not have many posts, but that could be remedied by some tagging. It's a shame that double aliases aren't possible, since the ideal way to handle filled_condom_pullout would be automatically applying pullout and filled_condom instead, and manually adding the specific orifice (vaginal_pullout, anal_pullout etc)


scaliespe said:
You could add it as an implication instead, perhaps. Unless I’ve misunderstood, unknotting is a form of pullout.

I agree on the BUR request being changed to implications instead of aliasing, since there is many ways of penetrations and having thoses tags help people find differing kinds of pullouts

hungrymaple said:
Looking back at this, I don't know why I didn't make these implications instead, they might not have many posts, but that could be remedied by some tagging. It's a shame that double aliases aren't possible, since the ideal way to handle filled_condom_pullout would be automatically applying pullout and filled_condom instead, and manually adding the specific orifice (vaginal_pullout, anal_pullout etc)

Right. But just like how solo_male is aliased to male instead of solo, the best we can do (unfortunately) is to just pick one alias target.

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