Topic: Oblivion BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2450 is pending approval.

remove alias the_elder_scrolls_iv:_oblivion (0) -> oblivion (1037)
remove implication oblivion (1037) -> the_elder_scrolls (12765)
remove implication sigrid_(oblivion) (31) -> oblivion (1037)
remove implication quill-weave (402) -> oblivion (1037)
remove implication weedum-ja (18) -> oblivion (1037)

Reason: Disambiguation of Oblivion

Edit: remember to imply batul_gra-sharob to whatever replaces oblivion


As stated in the other thread, I’m not a fan of creating more disambiguations (and, therefore, tag cleanup work) when it isn’t necessary. Unless there’s a chronic problem of mistags, I’d rather leave it as is.