Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: alasurth -> ian_rizardon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

oh_boi said:
Also, it is Lan_rizardon not Ian_rizardon

Then this alias request is incorrect, since it's aliasing to ian_rizardon. You'd need to alias (using a BUR) both alasurth and ian_rizardon to lan_rizardon.

watsit said:
You'd need to alias (using a BUR) both alasurth and ian_rizardon to lan_rizardon.

Okay, I'm in the middle of making a BUR request right now, but I ran into an error that won't allow me to submit it.
My script was this:
update ian_rizardon -> lan_rizardon alias alasurth -> lan_rizardon
And my error was this:
Error: Antecedent name has already been taken (create alias alasurth -> lan_rizardon)

I don't get it. I want to update the tag to lan_rizardon and then alias alasurth to lan_rizardon, but apparently "the name has already been taken."

It might be because of this alias request that wants to alias alasurth -> ian_rizardon, so it won't let you create a BUR aliasing alasurth to something else. The error messages are rather nonsensical, so it could be something else, but that would be my guess. A moderator would have to reject this alias request before you can make the BUR.

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