watsit said:
Because they're pictures of real children? A drawing of a fictional character is not doing harm, but a photo or video taken of a real young person is.That same argument was made against violent video games. "People who like shooting characters in video games have possible subconscious desires." Same argument can be used about furries/anthros... you could just look at normal humans, but you specifically like characters in sexual situations that have animal parts; they represent things, possible subconscious desires. Diapers, which are largely used by babies and young children? They represent things, possible subconscious desires. "Possible" is doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting there. Also your use of "subconscious desires" comes across as "thought crime".
Sure I used the word possible because I can't read minds. But I think when you purposely insert yourself into a piece of artwork doing something like that it reflects on your character. You're not just pretending to be Niko Bellick (sp?) you're using your own personal fursona to depict something. Pretending to do immoral acts is always better than doing them in reality but how does one guage whether or not someone wants to act them out in real life?