Topic: [REJECTED] MathLady

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

You know what? Fine. Let's review a few common instances of *_(meme) being used.

menacing_(meme)... Well, people aren't exactly gonna be tagging ゴゴゴゴゴゴ, now are they? It's a necessary evil and I'm not sure any other tag name is going to be much better.
chad_(meme) and the related tags like Karen/virgin/etc. are a little weird because characters can identifiably be both Chad and not Chad (see the various Deltarune posts), but makes a little sense.
black_betty_(meme)... I guess this one makes a little sense, but it's strange that it exists when black_betty isn't being used, and the character tag is betty_the_monitor instead.
road_roller_(meme)... Okay, sure, it's referencing a specific scene from Jojo's, and not all uses of the tag involve actual steamrollers.
submissive_and_breedable_(meme) has 21 posts. Okay, yeah, I could see submissive_and_breedable being applied to unrelated posts by absolutely hilarious jokesters and then getting blasted into oblivion the same way several invalid tags already have.

What is math_lady_(meme) supposed to do that math_lady doesn't? Are we going to get furry art of Renata Sorrah and then not tag the character's actual name?

The bulk update request #2137 is active.

create implication math_lady (44) -> meme (52175)

Reason: Like many memes, math_lady is a template that artists redraw in various styles with various characters. Frequently it comes in four panels, but often it's just "a character with math/physics symbols floating around their head".

From the wiki:

Math Lady / Confused Lady refers to pictures or gifs of Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah playing Nazaré Tedesco in a scene from the telenovela, Senhora do Destino. The pictures are often used as reaction images to express confusion.

Link to knowyourmeme

EDIT: The bulk update request #2137 (forum #329192) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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