Topic: Llama-type BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2047 is pending approval.

create implication llama (1886) -> lamoid (2)
create implication alpaca (2288) -> lamoid (2)
create implication guanaco (60) -> lamoid (2)
create implication lamoid (2) -> camelid (4925)
remove implication llama (1886) -> camelid (4925)
remove implication alpaca (2288) -> camelid (4925)
remove implication guanaco (60) -> camelid (4925)

Reason: the purpose of this BUR would be to distinguish llama-type species from camels with which they share the camelid tag

EDIT: vicuña removed until topic #30561 is approved as it may interfere with its approval process + unimplications added


Could you remove "vicuña" from there for the time being? It might interfere with the approval of topic #30561

Also the others should have the "camelid" implication removed so that lama_(genus) can imply it instead

achtungmaybe said:
The bulk update request #2047 is pending approval.

create implication llama (1886) -> lamoid (2)
create implication alpaca (2288) -> lamoid (2)
create implication guanaco (60) -> lamoid (2)
create implication lamoid (2) -> camelid (4925)
remove implication llama (1886) -> camelid (4925)
remove implication alpaca (2288) -> camelid (4925)
remove implication guanaco (60) -> camelid (4925)

Reason: the purpose of this BUR would be to distinguish llama-type species from camels with which they share the camelid tag

From Wikipedia:

Lamoids, or llamas (as they are more generally known as a group), consist of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna, prev. Lama vicugna), guanaco (Lama guanicoe), Suri alpaca, and Huacaya alpaca (Vicugna pacos, prev. Lama guanicoe pacos), and the domestic llama (Lama glama).

I think it may be better to use the name lamoid instead, then have that imply camelid. The vicuña and alpaca actually belong to the genus vicugna, not lama. If you really want to, you could have the vicuña and alpaca imply vicugna and the llama and guanaco imply lama, then have both imply lamoid, but I’ll leave that up to others as to whether it’s necessary or not.

Also, you need to remove all the old implications from these tags to camelid.


gattonero2001 said:
Could you remove "vicuña" from there for the time being? It might interfere with the approval of topic #30561

will do

scaliespe said:
From Wikipedia:
I think it may be better to use the name lamoid instead, then have that imply camelid. The vicuña and alpaca actually belong to the genus vicugna, not lama. If you really want to, you could have the vicuña and alpaca imply vicugna and the llama and guanaco imply lama, then have both imply lamoid, but I’ll leave that up to others as to whether it’s necessary or not.

Also, you need to remove all the old implications from these tags to camelid.

I'll make the name/implication change; wikipedia says that all four belong to the lama genus (see here:

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