Topic: Tag Aliases for The Jackbox Party Pack

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1987 is active.

create implication drawful (5) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create implication mad_verse_city (3) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create implication split_the_room (14) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create implication tee_k.o. (92) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create alias jackbox_party_pack_3 (0) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create alias jackbox_party_pack_4 (0) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create alias jackbox_party_pack_5 (0) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create alias jackbox_party_pack_6 (0) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)
create alias jackbox_party_pack_8 (0) -> the_jackbox_party_pack (154)

Reason: General update to tie everything related to The Jackbox Party Pack into the same implication pipeline.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1987 (forum #326789) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Do we need separate tags for all of these? Any reason why we can't use one tag for all of them?

Not really sure, this is my first time requesting an update & I'm not sure what the general guidelines are. Would it be better to alias them all to the same tag?

randofurfriendo said:
Not really sure, this is my first time requesting an update & I'm not sure what the general guidelines are. Would it be better to alias them all to the same tag?

Are the games significantly different from one another that separate tags would be useful?

For example, all the Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy games have separate tags that imply the main franchise because they’re all quite different from one another. However, all the Pokémon and Sonic games are aliased together because they all largely share the same world and characters.

scaliespe said:
Are the games significantly different from one another that separate tags would be useful?

For example, all the Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy games have separate tags that imply the main franchise because they’re all quite different from one another. However, all the Pokémon and Sonic games are aliased together because they all largely share the same world and characters.

The Jackbox Party Pack in particular has a wide slew of games that have a vastly differing set of characters from one to the other. No two games have the same list of characters, save for serial ones like Quiplash which are recurring. I suppose I don't see a reason to differentiate from each individual party pack, though, but if the tags are to exist I'm assuming that with my reasoning here, they should be aliased instead. Should I write a new bulk update request instead, or can an admin modify this one?

randofurfriendo said:
The Jackbox Party Pack in particular has a wide slew of games that have a vastly differing set of characters from one to the other. No two games have the same list of characters, save for serial ones like Quiplash which are recurring. I suppose I don't see a reason to differentiate from each individual party pack, though, but if the tags are to exist I'm assuming that with my reasoning here, they should be aliased instead. Should I write a new bulk update request instead, or can an admin modify this one?

In my opinion, it would be better to alias all the_jackbox_party_pack tags together then.
The character tags can imply their respective game tags, and the game tags can imply the_jackbox_party_pack.

You can modify the BUR yourself. Just go to BUR #1987 and click "Edit" at the bottom.

bitwolfy said:
In my opinion, it would be better to alias all the_jackbox_party_pack tags together then.
The character tags can imply their respective game tags, and the game tags can imply the_jackbox_party_pack.

You can modify the BUR yourself. Just go to BUR #1987 and click "Edit" at the bottom.

Updating the BUR, then. I can't quite understand whether you mean the game tags should be aliased to or should imply the_jackbox_party_pack based on the second statement there, so I'm going to assume the former in my edit. I'll leave the_jackbox_party_pack as an implication to jackbox_games as well.

Additionally, Tee K.O. has a pretty large amount of unnamed characters and thus far, only 2 of them are referred to with unique tags based on their species. Several more, however, are present on the site and are untagged. I intended earlier to go down the list of Tee K.O. posts and add tags for each of them; would you recommend I do that? And if so, should I also tag each of those posts with the unnamed_character tag?

Edit: Having some trouble getting around the script. Not sure what the problem is, would appreciate some guidance.


Your current BUR has mad_verse_city and split_the_room imply jackbox_party_pack_5, when that tag is being aliased to the franchise tag later on. They should imply the franchise tag directly. Also, it seems you forgot to add Tee KO to the implications.

scaliespe said:
Your current BUR has mad_verse_city and split_the_room imply jackbox_party_pack_5, when that tag is being aliased to the franchise tag later on. They should imply the franchise tag directly. Also, it seems you forgot to add Tee KO to the implications.

Tee K.O. seemed to already have that implication, I think. I'll fix that.

randofurfriendo said:

Additionally, Tee K.O. has a pretty large amount of unnamed characters and thus far, only 2 of them are referred to with unique tags based on their species. Several more, however, are present on the site and are untagged. I intended earlier to go down the list of Tee K.O. posts and add tags for each of them; would you recommend I do that? And if so, should I also tag each of those posts with the unnamed_character tag?

I think this would be a good idea. Also gather those tags and have them imply the game that they’re from.

The bulk update request #1988 is active.

create alias tee_k.o._dog (0) -> inugami_(tee_k.o.) (18)
create implication inugami_(tee_k.o.) (18) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create alias tee_k.o._dragon (0) -> tournament_master_(tee_k.o.) (22)
create implication tournament_master_(tee_k.o.) (22) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create implication gyokuto_(tee_k.o.) (24) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create implication uwabami_(tee_k.o.) (8) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create implication kitsune_(tee_k.o.) (36) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create implication bakeneko_(tee_k.o.) (11) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create implication red_oni_(tee_k.o.) (7) -> tee_k.o. (92)
create implication tanuki_(tee_k.o.) (3) -> tee_k.o. (92)

Reason: It's better to tag the characters by their yokai type, rather then dump them all in unnamed_character or assign them the name based on the species they look like.
Here's a quick visual guide I've made:

randofurfriendo said:
Updating the BUR, then. I can't quite understand whether you mean the game tags should be aliased to or should imply the_jackbox_party_pack based on the second statement there, so I'm going to assume the former in my edit. I'll leave the_jackbox_party_pack as an implication to jackbox_games as well.

Here's an example of what I meant for tee_k.o.:

alias jackbox_party_pack_3 -> the_jackbox_party_pack
imply tee_k.o. -> the_jackbox_party_pack
imply tournament_master_(tee_k.o.) -> tee_k.o.

(Continuing the same thing for other characters and other games).

EDIT: The bulk update request #1988 (forum #326830) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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