Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: clifford -> clifford_the_big_red_dog

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Clifford isn't a unique name, and it might get used for characters other than the giant crimson hound. So, we should probably add a suffix, maybe clifford_(ctbrd), for the character and have that imply clifford_the_big_red_dog.

siral_exan said:
Clifford isn't a unique name, and it might get used for characters other than the giant crimson hound. So, we should probably add a suffix, maybe clifford_(ctbrd), for the character and have that imply clifford_the_big_red_dog.

I feel like clifford_(bridwell) or clifford_(scholastic) would be easier to remember than an abbreviation, though if those and clifford_(red_dog) were aliased to clifford_(ctbrd) it'd all work out.