Topic: autofix for mistakes I saw and other things I collected

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1644 is pending approval.

create alias hedghog (0) -> hedgehog (49422)
create alias double_ear (26) -> 4_ears (7019)
create alias mutli_ear (0) -> multi_ear (10226)
create alias don't_stop (205) -> begging_not_to_stop (113)
create implication begging_not_to_stop (113) -> begging (6603)
create alias forced_rape (0) -> rape (50189)
create alias power_up (55) -> power-up (414)
change category giving_pov (5) -> invalid

Reason: Sorry, this is a kind of mixed bag
I collected these tags and ideas over some time as I encountered them

alias hedghog -> hedgehog Reason: autofix for mistake I saw

alias double_ear -> 4_ears Reason: just a handful of posts for the "same" thing 4_ears implicates multi_ear aswell

alias mutli_ear -> multi_ear Reason: autofix for mistake I saw

alias don't_stop -> begging_not_to_stop Reason: more flexible tag, post doesn't necessarily contain the exact text "don't_stop" and is counterpart to begging_to_stop

imply begging_not_to_stop -> begging Reason: missing imply

alias forced_rape -> rape Reason: forced_sex has been aliased to rape and rape implicates forced

alias power_up -> power-up Reason: same tag, power-up has a bigger tag pool, has a wiki page and there is also a tag power-up_effect

category giving_pov -> invalid Reason: I properly changed the posts with this tag earlier because it was used in both ways like: POV is giving sex to XYZ or XYZ is giving sex to POV, and it was also used for other things too (not sex giving stuff). In my opinion, it is a confusing and incomplete tag and should not be used in the future.

I encountered 2 duplicates in this BUR, so I took them out of the list

Please feel free to look and vote on these two other topics as well
more exposure seems always been helping.

create alias heart_markings -> heart_marking

alias heart_markings -> heart_marking Reason: plural to simple form
# duplicate of alias #52330 post on

create alias bigger_on_top -> larger_on_top

alias bigger_on_top -> larger_on_top Reason: example bigger_male has been aliased to larger_male there is an intention for bigger -> larger tags
# duplicate of alias #36425 post on


prokura said:
I see now there are 2 duplicates, should I remove these from the BUR?
One is now 2 years old

I would remove them since they're already in the queue. But mentioning them in the description could tell bitWolfy to have a look at them.

clawstripe said:
I would remove them since they're already in the queue. But mentioning them in the description could tell bitWolfy to have a look at them.

Thanks, as far as I know, does a duplicate not interfere with the BUR in a "bad" way so that it would fail later.
But I took them out of the list and put them now on the bottom in the description.