The tag alias #53405 transparent_latex -> translucent_rubber has been rejected.
Reason: there is already an alias from normal tags like transparent -> translucent
so transparent_latex -> translucent_latex seems plausable.
The better question is shoud it be straight called translucent_rubber?
Cause there is already an alias from latex -> rubber and latex_suit -> rubber_suit
so both
transparent_latex -> translucent_rubber
translucent_latex -> translucent_rubber
might make more sense.
maybe to make it complete transparent_rubber -> translucent_rubber a well
in addition translucent_rubber would also implicates
translucent_clothing and
just as a side note we also have translucent_swimwear which is somtiemes related
there is also a tag for clear_latex
like other different colored latex tags like: blue_latex, pink_latex, orange_latex
should we keep that?
at least clear_latex would implicates translucent_rubber
there are a lot of *rubber* and *latex*
related tags maybe someone has other good suggestions for simplification
OK first BUR I did, I hope this works as intended
EDIT: The tag alias transparent_latex -> translucent_rubber (forum #315747) has been rejected by @Rainbow_Dash.
Updated by auto moderator