The tag implication #41111 gwen_martin -> gwen_geek has been approved.
Reason: Character exists as part of a designated series, similarly to the artist's other work, Tales of Sezvilpan.
This implication should also be applied to the character tags emma_martin, peter_martin, toshio_(joaoppereiraus), amelia_(joaoppereiraus), and denise_(joaoppereiraus).
I would suggest considering similar implications for the artist's other works, including Tales of Sezvilpan, Jonas Brazilian, and Billy and Friends , though these last two currently lack copyright tags.
These implications would allow the artist's original work to be more easily filtered from their fanart content while tag searching without requiring the use of multiple OR functions or exclusions.
EDIT: The tag implication gwen_martin -> gwen_geek (forum #315075) has been approved by @bitWolfy.
Updated by auto moderator