Topic: Tag alias: juno -> juno_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #52400 juno -> juno_(disambiguation) has been approved.

Reason: Juno tag a mix of different Junos. 3 general Juno* tags. 23 character Juno* tags. (6 artist Juno* tags)

(EDIT: started short wiki juno_(disambiguation), have to go out for errands ... hope to add to wiki later today and tomorrow)

37 posts tagged with plain juno tag, seems to be a mix of
1) a living inflatable cat
2) a living aircraft
3) white anthro feline
4) juno_(beastars)
5) juno (nanodarkk)
6) a female arcanine
7) a female sergal
8) female lion (with grey fur?)
9) female mustelid with blond hair
10) female kangaroo
11) female snow leopard
12etc) and apparently some other characters

Juno* general tags:
1) 1 . . . juno-6
2) 1 . . . junos31
3) 2 . . . junoshisu (possiby should be a character tag)'

Juno* character tags:
1) 4 . . . juno_(1-upclock)
2) 14 . . . juno_(aoru)
3) 17 . . . juno_(bard-bot)
4) 980 . . . juno_(beastars)
5) 1 . . . juno_(character)
6) 2 . . . juno_crina
7) 1 . . . juno_(darkaurora)
8) 10 . . . juno_(deer)
9) 1 . . . juno_(euskuuy)
10) 6 . . . juno_(jaibal)
11) 1 . . . juno_(kokoro-doll)
12) 43 . . . juno_lilikoi
13) 11 . . . juno_(limebreaker)
14) 4 . . . juno_lore
15) 2 . . . juno_(megatome)
16) 1 . . . juno_meyers
17) 43 . . . juno_(nanodarkk)
18) 2 . . . juno_(shinysteel)
19) 1 . . . juno_(sokolovo)
20) 1 . . . juno_(spirit_of_momad)
21) 2 . . . juno_(starbound)
22) 10 . . . junowolf
23) 1 . . . juno_(yerkelayh)

(most of artist below probably won't get mis-tagged as Juno)
Juno* artist tags:
1) 1 . . . juno-demon_(artist)
2) 1 . . . junopea
3) 1 . . . junorsky
4) 9 . . . junosunderland
5) 1 . . . junou_(artist)
6) 1 . . . junowski

EDIT: i tried to change category of juno_(disambiguation) to invalid so one less step for mods to do, but e621 says "can only used by moderators".

EDIT: The tag alias juno -> juno_(disambiguation) (forum #313812) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

listerthesquirrel said:
EDIT: i tried to change category of juno_(disambiguation) to invalid so one less step for mods to do, but e621 says "can only used by moderators".

Changing tags to the Invalid category (or changing the category of tags at all that have been used on 100 or more posts) has to be requested via a BUR, for non-moderators.

There is also the Roman name for the Greek goddess Hera. I don't know if that one would ever show up, but one never knows.

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