Topic: [APPROVED] The Great Video Gaming Unimplying BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

watsit said:
That's against the uploading guidelines:

It is a gray area. Game developers are allowed to show their games here. That's why we have stuff like heat_(vr_game). But it has to fulfill a certain level of quality.

Okay so now that the tag is dead, how do I search for a character from ANY video game? It was one of the main tags I used and now I can't find anything I liked. You can't possibly expect me to remember evert charavter fron every franchise



danjen said:
how do I search for a character from ANY video game?

How do you define "a character from any video game"? A character that's only been in video games? A character that first appeared in a video game? A character that's been mentioned to be in a video game's setting? A character that's based on someone in a video game? A character that's similar to one in a video game?

danjen said:
Okay so now that the tag is dead, how do I search for a character from ANY video game? It was one of the main tags I used and now I can't find anything I liked. You can't possibly expect me to remember evert charavter fron every franchise

So by your own admission, you have no idea what you were looking for? Here, this is an equivalent search to the one you used:

wat8548 said:
So by your own admission, you have no idea what you were looking for? Here, this is an equivalent search to the one you used:

I want characters that originated in video games. I don't want characters from Marvel or movie franchises, and I don't want to see furry OCs. Before I could search for video_games and get Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Halo, obscure rule 34 characters. There's absolutely no way to filter out all the unrelated tags with 6 or 8 search terms. I know exactly what I want and it was changed.
So in other words, given these updates, how do I continue to use the site as before? It's not like the andromorph/gynomorph tag update a few years ago, where they were implicated/aliased. It's been completely overhauled and not usable in the same manner.

danjen said:
I want characters that originated in video games. I don't want characters from Marvel or movie franchises, and I don't want to see furry OCs. Before I could search for video_games and get Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Halo, obscure rule 34 characters. There's absolutely no way to filter out all the unrelated tags with 6 or 8 search terms. I know exactly what I want and it was changed.
So in other words, given these updates, how do I continue to use the site as before? It's not like the andromorph/gynomorph tag update a few years ago, where they were implicated/aliased. It's been completely overhauled and not usable in the same manner.

Quick: without checking, tell me whether this is a furry OC or a video game character.

post #3167216

reading this thread is pissing me off and making me feel as if my brain cells are dying as the arguments and justifications for having nuked this tag are such utter BS!

watsit said:
By franchise/publisher/character. "videogame related" is too vague, particularly when dealing with cross-media franchises like Pokemon, the Witcher, etc, so you'll need to be a little more specific about what you're interested in.

this ignores the fact that even with an account, you can only use a certain number of tags/post.

wat8548 said:
What "game related content" is depicted in this picture of Fox McCloud giving anthro Bowser a blowjob, to take just one out of hundreds of thousands of examples?

the two characters in that pic are themselves VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS!

just how stupid do you think people are?! because that question is QUITE the assumption.

watsit said:
How do you define "a character from any video game"? A character that's only been in video games? A character that first appeared in a video game? A character that's been mentioned to be in a video game's setting? A character that's based on someone in a video game? A character that's similar to one in a video game?

you guys seriously believe that the people using this website lack both a functioning brain and more than two brain cells to rub together.

i feel insulted just reading this BS.

Oh I'm getting a record for this, but it's too juicy.

quintisia said:
just how stupid do you think people are?! because that question is QUITE the assumption.

you guys seriously believe that the people using this website lack both a functioning brain and more than two brain cells to rub together.

i feel insulted just reading this BS.

I mean, you're here.

quintisia said:
the two characters in that pic are themselves VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS!

just how stupid do you think people are?! because that question is QUITE the assumption.

The point of the question is, what about the characters themselves indicates that they're from video games, besides having outside knowledge?

Bear in mind that this website tries to respect "tag what you see".



quintisia said:
I want characters that originated in video games.

And other people want characters that are primarily known from a video game. And other people want characters who have more roles in video games than non-video games (which may or may not include fan works, depending on who you ask). And other people want characters that have ever merely been tangentially related to a video game (Sally Acorn, video game character or not?). And other people want characters that have only ever been in video games. Some people only want characters, others want to include species, objects, and/or places.

One tag can't do all of this, since they'll contain mutually exclusive results. Try to account for all of them, and you may as well just go here.

quintisia said:
the two characters in that pic are themselves VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS!

They've also been in comics, movies, and tv shows/series. And if you're looking for nothing specific, nothing about them stands out as "from a video game" than "from a movie" or "from a comic".

Funny enough, Fox McCloud and the others were in a comic first, which "was released before the original "Star Fox" was released anywhere in the world, making it the first look into the Star Fox universe and it's characters". So by your own criteria of "characters that originated in video games", Fox wouldn't count since he was introduced in a comic first. Unless you already want to start making exceptions, adding wiggle-room to fit your subjective feeling on what should count, behind-the-scenes details about what started production first, internal character concepts for what a character was intended for separate from their first canon appearance, timing of the game's release being "close enough" to other media, because you already presume something is a video game irrespective of the criteria you try to set... all going to show this is far from obvious to define.

watsit said:
And other people want characters that are primarily known from a video game. And other people want characters who have more roles in video games than non-video games (which may or may not include fan works, depending on who you ask). And other people want characters that have ever merely been tangentially related to a video game (Sally Acorn, video game character or not?). And other people want characters that have only ever been in video games. Some people only want characters, others want to include species, objects, and/or places.

One tag can't do all of this, since they'll contain mutually exclusive results. Try to account for all of them, and you may as well just go here.

They've also been in comics, movies, and tv shows/series. And if you're looking for nothing specific, nothing about them stands out as "from a video game" than "from a movie" or "from a comic".

Funny enough, Fox McCloud and the others were in a comic first, which "was released before the original "Star Fox" was released anywhere in the world, making it the first look into the Star Fox universe and it's characters". So by your own criteria of "characters that originated in video games", Fox wouldn't count since he was introduced in a comic first. Unless you already want to start making exceptions, adding wiggle-room to fit your subjective feeling on what should count, behind-the-scenes details about what started production first, internal character concepts for what a character was intended for separate from their first canon appearance, timing of the game's release being "close enough" to other media, because you already presume something is a video game irrespective of the criteria you try to set... all going to show this is far from obvious to define.

It's a done deal now, but wouldn't it have been better to add 'show, movie, comic and novel' tags to the appropriate material over time to enhance the archival data? That would have allowed the tag to function as everyone wanted by refining search criteria.



vulpinepanther said:
It's a done deal now, but wouldn't it have been better to add 'show, movie, comic and novel' tags to the appropriate material over time to enhance the archival data? That would have allowed the tag to function as everyone wanted by refining search criteria.

If you're talking about tagging all that apply, rather than just one primary type of media, that would get out of hand very quickly. Particularly for more popular franchises like Pokemon and Sonic, characters are in practically every type of media, putting all the tags on everything from them. Even for certain franchises that focus on one or two, there may be obscure adaptions to other media most people don't know about, while some do. Then there's still the question of what it would apply to; only characters, or also species, objects, places, and settings? Sorting that all out would be a headache.

e6 is an art archive, not an information database. The tags help people find or blacklist certain pieces of art, and while the wiki has some information, it's primarily for helping use tags. Whether or not something is in a particular type of media doesn't really help with that.

strikerman said:
The point of the question is, what about the characters themselves indicates that they're from video games, besides having outside knowledge?

Bear in mind that this website tries to respect "tag what you see".

If you ask me, I hate the “tag what you see” rule. We had huge argument about this before with feminine male characters.
Plus, if it’s tag what you see, why do we have lore tags?

lankylank said:
If you ask me, I hate the “tag what you see” rule. We had huge argument about this before with feminine male characters.
Plus, if it’s tag what you see, why do we have lore tags?

On my understanding, they exist to please folks that don't like the Tag What you see rule because of misgendered characters.

m3g4p0n1 said:
On my understanding, they exist to please folks that don't like the Tag What you see rule because of misgendered characters.

Then why can’t we do that for the video games tag too? Ugh



lankylank said:
Then why can’t we do that for the video games tag too? Ugh

Because lore tags aren't for random non-TWYS tags that people can apply haphazardly. The lore tags were created because a number of artists were going DNP because their characters were forced to be tagged as they appeared rather than how they identified, and because it would get confusing that a character could be tagged as a different gender in different images given what anatomy was visible. With lore tags, characters could be tagged as they identified regardless of how they looked, which led to many artists rescinding their DNP status, and allowed characters to be tagged more consistently as their intended gender regardless of what anatomy happened to be visible. The lack of a video games tag doesn't come close to that need. To say nothing of the fact that there still isn't a definition for the tag any more clear than "related to video games", which different people interpret significantly differently, and by some interpretations apply to most of the site.

On a related subject, I see that there is currently a tag for fighting_game, used on 80 images.

It's currently used for a few different purposes:

Characters playing fighting games:

post #2943960 post #382750

Characters depicted in the style of fighting games (life bars, character select screens):

post #1082927 post #3713524 post #3679599 post #2759178 post #2586324

Characters from fighting games:

post #3354578

Edited sprites of characters from fighting games:

post #3292454

Characters doing cosplay/wearing alternate_costumes from fighting games:

post #2926448

Based on the guidelines for how the video_games tag should be used, for which of those purposes is it OK to use the fighting_game tag?

I'd say it can definitely be used for "Characters playing fighting games", maybe it can be used for "Characters depicted in the style of fighting games", and should not be used for characters from fighting games, or of characters wearing costumes from fighting games. Can anyone confirm, please?

chemistrynoisy said:
Based on the guidelines for how the video_games tag should be used, for which of those purposes is it OK to use the fighting_game tag?

I'd say it can definitely be used for "Characters playing fighting games", maybe it can be used for "Characters depicted in the style of fighting games", and should not be used for characters from fighting games, or of characters wearing costumes from fighting games. Can anyone confirm, please?

At this point, I think it'd be ideal to disambiguate fighting_game to more specific tags like "fighting_game_sprite/animation", "fighting_game_sheet", "fighting_game_ui", and remove the tag from uses where a character is simply recognized from a fighting game.

m3g4p0n1 said:
At this point, I think it'd be ideal to disambiguate fighting_game to more specific tags like "fighting_game_sprite/animation", "fighting_game_sheet", "fighting_game_ui", and remove the tag from uses where a character is simply recognized from a fighting game.

Thanks. I've started going through the images in the fighting_game tag, and have removed cases where it just shows characters from fighting games. I've also created a new fighting_game_ui tag as you suggested, and also added these tags where relevant:

Not sure whether those images in the milfighters series should have the fighting_game and fighting_game_ui tags. They're video game stats sheets, but they're not necessarily part of a gui: e.g. they could be printed in a strategy guide instead of being on-screen!



chemistrynoisy said:
Not sure whether those images in the milfighters series should have the fighting_game and fighting_game_ui tags.

I would disambiguate fighting_game, and have a wiki pointing to fighting_game_ui or playing_video_game. fighting_game_sprite/animation is too ambiguous to me, since on the one hand, direct sprite rips on their own aren't normally allowed, while edits can be, but edits of a sprite/animation are essentially just another way to tag the character as being from a fighting game. There isn't really anything to a fighting game animation/sprite that says "fighting game", such sprites could easily fit into a brawler game or even some forms of RPGs, making it very not TWYS (cue the inevitable "then make it a lore tag!" from someone, as if lore tags are a dump for every non-TWYS thing).

I feel like I'm just mushing my way in here, but yeah other websites like have this exact problem.

mr_floppa2 said:
I feel like I'm just mushing my way in here, but yeah other websites like have this exact problem.

Considering 90% of's tags are copy-pasted from here, there's a decent chance it's the exact same problem.

My problem is this change makes it even more difficult to specifically sort rule 34 content, forcing me to think of every individual IP to keep up on instead of discovering content I didn't think about. What if I only want to see characters from games/movies/anime? Is there a tag I'm missing for that?

Rule_34 doesn't seem to be a tag, but rule_63, rule_88, and rule_85 are?

shagsterp said:
My problem is this change makes it even more difficult to specifically sort rule 34 content, forcing me to think of every individual IP to keep up on instead of discovering content I didn't think about. What if I only want to see characters from games/movies/anime? Is there a tag I'm missing for that?

Rule_34 doesn't seem to be a tag, but rule_63, rule_88, and rule_85 are?

There is no movir nor anime tag, though.

If you want to discover new content, refresh the posts tab, or use order:random.

wolfmanfur said:
There is no movir nor anime tag, though.

If you want to discover new content, refresh the posts tab, or use order:random.

Your answer is to constantly refresh and just check every single new entry? That's not conducive to what I'm talking about; in fact, it's the absolutely most difficult method of finding content you could possibly suggest.

What I'm saying is this: if I ONLY want to seek rule 34 content (characters from games, movies, anime, etc, and NOT regular OC art) there is no tag that allows me to mass search for that kind of content. There is no "rule_34" tag or even something like "video_game_character" to help with it, for example. There's just nothing except for manually checking every known IP tag you can think of.

shagsterp said:
Your answer is to constantly refresh and just check every single new entry? That's not conducive to what I'm talking about; in fact, it's the absolutely most difficult method of finding content you could possibly suggest.

What I'm saying is this: if I ONLY want to seek rule 34 content (characters from games, movies, anime, etc, and NOT regular OC art) there is no tag that allows me to mass search for that kind of content. There is no "rule_34" tag or even something like "video_game_character" to help with it, for example. There's just nothing except for manually checking every known IP tag you can think of.
