Topic: Tiger Tank by the Tail (BUR for redundant tags)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #852 is pending approval.

create alias pzkpfw (0) -> panzerkampfwagen (0)
create alias pzkpfw._vi (0) -> panzerkampfwagen_vi (0)
create alias pzkpfw._vi_tiger (0) -> panzerkampfwagen_vi_tiger (0)
create alias pzkpfw._vi_tiger_ausf_h1 (0) -> panzerkampfwagen_vi_tiger_ausf_h1 (0)

Reason: I'm not a tank expert, but it seems like the various tags with "pzkpfw" are just shorthand for their corresponding "panzerkampfwagen". Now that we have the auto fill for tags the shorthand tags are pointless.

Edit: spelling


Given this is a furry board, not /k/, shouldn't we just alias ALL of these to "tank" or at most "panzer" or "tiger_(tank)"?

votp said:
shouldn't we just alias ALL of these to "tank"

Nah. I don't think that's necessary.


Nah. This is just German for armor (i.e. tank). For brevity, panzerkampfwagen can just be written as... you know, tank, instead of pzkfpw. The real issue is that this is an English-speaking website so it makes no sense to use the German vernacular.

So, instead of that mess, literally all it needs to be called is "Tiger I." I think we can all be satisfied or not annoyed with that.

or "tiger_(tank)"?

maybe. Follow whatever rule they use for cars. I think if it's easily distinctive, accounting for artists not always getting the finer things right, it should have a distinct tag.


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