Topic: Monster Rancher (Monster Farm) BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #771 is active.

create implication tiger_(monster_rancher) (134) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication hare_(monster_rancher) (103) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication pixie_(monster_rancher) (53) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication evil_hare_(monster_rancher) (35) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication naga_(monster_rancher) (18) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication mocchi_(monster_rancher) (14) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication lilim_(monster_rancher) (9) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication mint_(monster_rancher) (10) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication suezo_(monster_rancher) (14) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication abyss_(monster_rancher) (10) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication genki_sakura (6) -> monster_rancher (335)
create implication monster_rancher (335) -> tecmo (352)

Reason: An anime/franchise, originally known as Monster Farm in Japan, that was very similar to Digimon and aired at nearly the same time, but for some reason never caught on. It apparently has a shit-ton of species, and I can't be bothered to go through all of them, so I limited this list to tags with at least 10 posts.

I did not include the alias monster_farm -> monster_rancher, because 2 of the 4 posts tagged with it seem to be from an unrelated series also named Monster Farm.

EDIT: The bulk update request #771 (forum #307100) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

Might also be a good idea to implicate monster_rancher -> tecmo (or tecmo_koei as they're officially known, but the tag here seems to be their old name).

watsit said:
Might also be a good idea to implicate monster_rancher -> tecmo (or tecmo_koei as they're officially known, but the tag here seems to be their old name).
