Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: digestion_noises -> rumbling_stomach

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #50837 digestion_noises -> rumbling_stomach has been rejected.

Reason: Both of these tags are essentially the same as each other, as they are both used to describe stomach noises. Considering that similar tags such as stomach_noises, borborygmus, bowel_noises, etc. have already been aliased to rumbling_stomach, I believe that digestion_noises should also be aliased to rumbling_stomach.

EDIT: The tag alias digestion_noises -> rumbling_stomach (forum #304815) has been rejected by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

abstractedtown said:
The tag alias #50837 digestion_noises -> rumbling_stomach has been rejected.

Reason: Both of these tags are essentially the same as each other, as they are both used to describe stomach noises. Considering that similar tags such as stomach_noises, borborygmus, bowel_noises, etc. have already been aliased to rumbling_stomach, I believe that digestion_noises should also be aliased to rumbling_stomach.

What if the digestion noise is occurring when the creature has no stomach? EX: A slime or something?

Digestion noises and rumbling stomach mean opposite things. Your stomach rumbles when empty, digests when full. If anything, both should be aliased to stomach noises.

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