Topic: VR Content Tags (BUR)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #382 is active.

create alias stereograph (0) -> stereogram (816)
create alias stereographic (0) -> stereogram (816)
create alias 360_image (0) -> 360_fov (75)
create alias 360_degrees (0) -> 360_fov (75)
create alias 180_image (0) -> 180_fov (184)
create alias 180_degrees (0) -> 180_fov (184)
remove implication wall_eye_stereogram (330) -> stereogram (816)
create implication vertical_stereogram (29) -> stereogram (816)
change category 360_fov (75) -> meta
change category 180_fov (184) -> meta
change category stereogram (816) -> meta
change category side_by_side_stereogram (572) -> meta
change category wall_eye_stereogram (330) -> meta
change category cross_eye_stereogram (146) -> meta
change category vertical_stereogram (29) -> meta
change category anaglyph (115) -> meta
change category wiggle_stereogram (55) -> meta

My primary goal with this BUR is to make searching for VR content easier.
To my knowledge, the site presently doesn't need to make distinctions between stereographs and stereograms
Aliasing *_image and *_degrees to *_fov makes the tag more generalized and more accurate when used on animations/videos.
Wall_eye_stereogram is already implied to side_by_side_stereogram which is implied to stereogram.
All of these tags are about the nature of the image itself, so I suggest they be recategorized to meta.

Edit: I've become aware of forum topic #26327 and have included some ideas from there.

Edit 2: I've tagged most, if not all, of the posts deserving the new 180_fov tag.

EDIT: The bulk update request #382 (forum #299434) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

Yeah, the current case of VR tags is that there was some level of cleanup, but I do not have any time and admin helping with aliases/implications didn't get too deeply into it either, so right now especially VR tag is a mess and should most likely be altered into umbrella tag instead of disambiguation. (as seen in that other forum topic linked already)

On technical level stereograph is the correct term for side-by-side and similar stuff and stereogram is usually used for glasses free autostereograms or similar, but currently there's no distinguishion like this as there's more defined tags and stereogram is more of a umbrella term for everything.

Definitely like unifying all 180 and 360 content under a single tag and have possible other tags aliased to make finding them easier.

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