The tag alias #47379 orc_humanoid -> orc has been approved.
Reason: So, I started this thread about 2 months ago: only two people responded but they both said that we are better off just aliasing orc_humanoid to orc. I can understand their reasoning, orcs are already very humanoid as is and you generally don't see similar tags get used for other humanoid mythological creatures like goblins, trolls, vampires, elves, or dwarves. Of course, the flipside to this is that their are images when orcs lack orc traits or have extra ones like horns and wings that could justify orc_humanoid's existence. Not to mention the existence of orc-like subspecies and races like the uruk-hai.
EDIT: The tag alias orc_humanoid -> orc (forum #297851) has been approved by @Millcore.
Updated by auto moderator