Topic: Clothed/nude intersex BUR at 3 AM (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #265 is active.

create implication clothed_male_nude_andromorph (0) -> clothed_male_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_male_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_male_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_male_nude_herm (1) -> clothed_male_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_male_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_male_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_male_nude_andromorph (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_male_nude_gynomorph (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_male_nude_herm (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_male_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_female_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_female_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_female_nude_gynomorph (1) -> clothed_female_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_female_nude_herm (1) -> clothed_female_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_female_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_female_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_female_nude_andromorph (1) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_female_nude_gynomorph (1) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_female_nude_herm (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_female_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_andromorph (0) -> clothed_ambiguous_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_gynomorph (1) -> clothed_ambiguous_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_ambiguous_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_ambiguous_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_andromorph (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_gynomorph (1) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_herm (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_ambiguous_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_ambiguous (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_ambiguous (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_male (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_male (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_female (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_female (3)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_ambiguous (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_male (1) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_female (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_ambiguous (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_ambiguous (0)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_male (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_male (0)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_female (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_female (3)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_ambiguous (0) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_male (0) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_female (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_ambiguous (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_ambiguous (0)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_male (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_male (0)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_female (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_female (3)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_ambiguous (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_male (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_female (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_ambiguous (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_ambiguous (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_male (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_male (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_female (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_female (3)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_ambiguous (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_male (1) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_female (1) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_andromorph (1) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_gynomorph (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_gynomorph (0) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_herm (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_herm (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_andromorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_andromorph (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_andromorph (2) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_gynomorph (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_herm (0) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_herm (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_herm (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_andromorph (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_andromorph (1) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_gynomorph (2) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_gynomorph (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_herm (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_maleherm (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_andromorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_andromorph (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_andromorph (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_gynomorph (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_gynomorph (0) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_herm (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_herm (0) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_maleherm (0) -> maleherm (4594)

Reason: Giving these clothed/nude intersex tags attention, despite blacklisting some of these... pls send help :')

EDIT: The bulk update request #265 (forum #296284) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

I notice I'm a bit late as this has already been approved, but can someone tell me why these tags should not be changed to invalid_tag? I thought making combination tags was generally frowned upon.

idem said:
I notice I'm a bit late as this has already been approved, but can someone tell me why these tags should not be changed to invalid_tag? I thought making combination tags was generally frowned upon.

"clothed x nude y" is already an established fetish of sorts (Google "CMNF" or "CFNM" for results)

The bulk update request #410 is active.

remove implication clothed_andromorph_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_andromorph_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_andromorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_andromorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_andromorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_herm_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_herm_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_herm_nude_herm (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_herm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_maleherm_nude_andromorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_maleherm_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_maleherm_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
remove implication clothed_maleherm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_intersex_nude_andromorph (1) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_intersex_nude_gynomorph (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_intersex_nude_herm (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_intersex_nude_maleherm (1) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_intersex (0) -> andromorph (23935)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_intersex (2) -> gynomorph (196965)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_intersex (1) -> herm (27766)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_intersex (0) -> maleherm (4594)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_andromorph_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_andromorph (1)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_andromorph_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_gynomorph (2)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_andromorph_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_herm (1)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_andromorph_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_andromorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_maleherm (1)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_andromorph (2) -> clothed_gynomorph_nude_intersex (2)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_andromorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_andromorph (1)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_gynomorph_nude_intersex (2)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_gynomorph (2)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_gynomorph_nude_intersex (2)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_herm (1)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_gynomorph_nude_intersex (2)
create implication clothed_gynomorph_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_maleherm (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_herm_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_andromorph (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_andromorph (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_herm_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_gynomorph (2) -> clothed_intersex_nude_gynomorph (2)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_herm (1) -> clothed_herm_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_herm (1) -> clothed_intersex_nude_herm (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_herm_nude_intersex (1)
create implication clothed_herm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_maleherm (1)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_andromorph (0) -> clothed_maleherm_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_andromorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_andromorph (1)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_maleherm_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_gynomorph (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_gynomorph (2)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_maleherm_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_herm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_herm (1)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_maleherm_nude_intersex (0)
create implication clothed_maleherm_nude_maleherm (0) -> clothed_intersex_nude_maleherm (1)

Reason: More intersex tags, and refining existing implications regarding clothed_intersex_nude_intersex and related tags.

Edit: Just realized the other BUR above was for aliases, and not implications. Folks can let me know whether I should keep this BUR up and see if it'll be approved, or if I should try canceling it.

EDIT: The bulk update request #410 (forum #299963) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

I figured the clothed_intersex_nude_* and clothed_*_nude_intersex tags would serve as base tags for the more specific clothed_*_nude_* tags. Though as you pointed out, this may be unnecessary.

lance_armstrong said:
Have BUR thread titles gone too far?

Stay Tuned To Find Out... Right After This Commercial Break!
post #1546306

monsterbomb10010 said:
Just looked at other collection of tags involving intersex tags, such as iti_crossgender and iti_transformation...

Welp, maybe it's my BUR that needs to be cancelled. -_-

Not necessarily. You could also edit the BUR to change those alias requests to instead be implication requests (since those implications would otherwise need to be added to another BUR). Though I'd suggest leaving a description in the Reason: that describes what edits you've made to the BUR, if you decide to edit the BUR.

I have to admit that this is for the sake of effective searchability.

Why the heck haven't I thought of a possibility that a user might search for a single identified clothed intersex character (let's say, clothed herm), partnered with another nude intersex character of every body type?

monsterbomb10010 said:
I have to admit that this is for the sake of effective searchability.

Why the heck haven't I thought of a possibility that a user might search for a single identified clothed intersex character (let's say, clothed herm), partnered with another nude intersex character of every body type?

It's no problem, I mess up with things all the time with the BURs I submit, hence why I often need to edit them. :)

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