Topic: [FAILED] Bra Moment (BUR for bra and maybe some panties)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #214 is active.

create implication white_bra (1352) -> bra (70041)
create implication red_bra (1238) -> bra (70041)
create implication orange_bra (147) -> bra (70041)
create implication yellow_bra (264) -> bra (70041)
create implication green_bra (535) -> bra (70041)
create implication blue_bra (1061) -> bra (70041)
create implication purple_bra (864) -> bra (70041)
create implication pink_bra (1745) -> bra (70041)
create implication tan_bra (50) -> bra (70041)
create implication brown_bra (109) -> bra (70041)
create implication grey_bra (279) -> bra (70041)
create implication black_bra (4662) -> bra (70041)
create implication multicolored_bra (177) -> bra (70041)
create implication white_bra (1352) -> white_underwear (18684)
create implication red_bra (1238) -> red_underwear (8876)
create implication orange_bra (147) -> orange_underwear (1171)
create implication yellow_bra (264) -> yellow_underwear (1745)
create implication green_bra (535) -> green_underwear (3322)
create implication blue_bra (1061) -> blue_underwear (7244)
create implication purple_bra (864) -> purple_underwear (3894)
create implication pink_bra (1745) -> pink_underwear (10425)
create implication tan_bra (50) -> tan_underwear (147)
create implication brown_bra (109) -> brown_underwear (402)
create implication grey_bra (279) -> grey_underwear (1429)
create implication black_bra (4662) -> black_underwear (16251)
create implication multicolored_bra (177) -> multicolored_underwear (1512)
create implication two_tone_bra (124) -> multicolored_bra (177)
create implication two_tone_bra (124) -> two_tone_underwear (835)
create implication rainbow_bra (4) -> multicolored_bra (177)
create implication rainbow_bra (4) -> rainbow_underwear (148)
create implication pattern_bra (429) -> bra (70041)
create implication pattern_bra (429) -> pattern_underwear (7615)
create implication striped_bra (218) -> pattern_bra (429)
create implication spotted_bra (24) -> pattern_bra (429)
create implication striped_bra (218) -> striped_underwear (5320)
create implication spotted_bra (24) -> spotted_underwear (138)
create implication translucent_bra (327) -> bra (70041)
create implication translucent_bra (327) -> translucent_underwear (1505)
create implication wet_bra (4) -> bra (70041)
create implication wet_bra (4) -> wet_underwear (4015)
create implication holding_bra (202) -> holding_underwear (1823)
create implication holding_bra (202) -> bra (70041)
create implication holding_panties (740) -> holding_underwear (1823)
create implication holding_panties (740) -> panties (158592)
create implication bra_pull (186) -> underwear_pull (6654)
create implication text_on_bra (205) -> text_on_underwear (1342)
create implication text_on_bra (205) -> bra (70041)
create implication pride_color_bra (16) -> bra (70041)
create implication pride_color_bra (16) -> pride_color_underwear (396)
create implication pride_color_panties (47) -> panties (158592)
create implication pride_color_panties (47) -> pride_color_underwear (396)
create implication bra_aside (136) -> bra (70041)
create implication bra_aside (136) -> underwear_aside (15737)

Reason: Very unnoticed, since lots of art of female characters are often seen wearing swimwear (if you know what I mean) and panties (only)...

Also, even if panties are overrated, I added some tag implications for panties tag, and maybe missed some tags on both bra and panties, so I need some help on these...

EDIT: The bulk update request #214 (forum #294999) has failed: Implication for spotted_panties not found

EDIT: The bulk update request #214 (forum #294999) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

Added 2 'remove implication':

  • spotted_panties -> panties
  • striped_panties -> panties

Added 3 'create implication':

  • spotted_panties -> pattern_panties
  • striped_panties -> pattern_panties
  • pattern_panties -> pattern_underwear

monsterbomb10010 said:
Last bump... if this doesn't get approved, bra-h...

I don't see "bumps" from the page I view A/I/BURs from, using the actual forum to find stuff to approve or not isn't practical.

Removed the 1st script I mentioned above so it can be properly approved...

millcore said:
I don't see "bumps" from the page I view A/I/BURs from, using the actual forum to find stuff to approve or not isn't practical.

Ow... muh hart, muh sowl! T-T

millcore said:
I don't see "bumps" from the page I view A/I/BURs from, using the actual forum to find stuff to approve or not isn't practical.

What does affect the page you view them from? Number of votes? In the past I've bumped stuff that's years old with no replies then the request conveniently gets accepted shortly after.

I think "bumping" an alias/implication has mostly been replaced with the voting system currently used for aliases/implications/BURs, since "bumping" is more informal and less easy to tally.

Nowadays, "bumping" would probably be reserved for a pending alias/implication/BUR that has been buried underneath recent forum topics, but still needs more input from users and/or votes on the topic before it can be approved.

While I'm not sure what determining factors are included in the approval page, I'd think that the votes an alias/implication/BUR has would be the predominate factor considered when it comes to deciding whether or not to approve something.

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