Topic: [APPROVED] BUR for fruit trees

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #170 is active.

create alias apple_trees (0) -> apple_tree (380)
create alias appletree (0) -> apple_tree (380)
create alias palm_trees (0) -> palm_tree (10057)
create implication coconut_tree (137) -> palm_tree (10057)
create implication apple_tree (380) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication apricot_tree (1) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication cherry_tree (682) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication peach_tree (13) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication pear_tree (7) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication plum_tree (2) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication lemon_tree (11) -> citrus_tree (37)
create implication orange_tree (24) -> citrus_tree (37)
create implication lime_tree (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create implication citrus_tree (37) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication fruit_tree (1321) -> tree (138462)


EDIT: The bulk update request #170 (forum #294193) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #171 is active.

remove implication pine_tree (1213) -> tree (138462)
create alias appletrees (0) -> apple_tree (380)
create alias apricottree (0) -> apricot_tree (1)
create alias apricot_trees (0) -> apricot_tree (1)
create alias apricottrees (0) -> apricot_tree (1)
create alias aspentree (0) -> aspen_tree (28)
create alias aspen_trees (0) -> aspen_tree (28)
create alias aspentrees (0) -> aspen_tree (28)
create alias bananatree (0) -> banana_tree (9)
create alias banana_trees (0) -> banana_tree (9)
create alias bananatrees (0) -> banana_tree (9)
create alias baobab (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias baobabtree (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias baobab_trees (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias baobabtrees (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias birchtree (0) -> birch_tree (125)
create alias birch_trees (0) -> birch_tree (125)
create alias birchtrees (0) -> birch_tree (125)
create alias bonsaitree (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonsaitrees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonsai_trees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzai (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzaitree (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzaitrees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzai_tree (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzai_trees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias cherry_blossom_trees (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakura_tree (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakuratree (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakura_trees (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakuratrees (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias cherrytree (0) -> cherry_tree (682)
create alias cherry_trees (0) -> cherry_tree (682)
create alias cherrytrees (0) -> cherry_tree (682)
create alias christmastree (0) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create alias christmas_trees (0) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create alias christmastrees (0) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create alias citrustree (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create alias citrus_trees (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create alias citrustrees (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create alias coconuttree (0) -> coconut_tree (137)
create alias coconut_trees (0) -> coconut_tree (137)
create alias coconuttrees (0) -> coconut_tree (137)
create alias deadtree (0) -> dead_tree (580)
create alias dead_trees (0) -> dead_tree (580)
create alias deadtrees (0) -> dead_tree (580)
create alias evergreen (0) -> evergreen_(disambiguation) (12)
create alias evergreentree (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreen_trees (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreentrees (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreen_(tree) (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreen_(trees) (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias forests (0) -> forest (53465)
create alias fruittree (0) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create alias fruit_trees (0) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create alias fruittrees (0) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create alias glowingtree (0) -> glowing_tree (4)
create alias glowing_trees (0) -> glowing_tree (4)
create alias glowingtrees (0) -> glowing_tree (4)
create alias lemontree (0) -> lemon_tree (11)
create alias lemon_trees (0) -> lemon_tree (11)
create alias lemontrees (0) -> lemon_tree (11)
create alias limetree (0) -> lime_tree (0)
create alias lime_trees (0) -> lime_tree (0)
create alias limetrees (0) -> lime_tree (0)
create alias mangrove (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mangrovetree (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mangrove_trees (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mangrovetrees (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mapletree (0) -> maple_tree (17)
create alias maple_trees (0) -> maple_tree (17)
create alias mapletrees (0) -> maple_tree (17)
create alias oaktree (0) -> oak_tree (19)
create alias oak_trees (0) -> oak_tree (19)
create alias oaktrees (0) -> oak_tree (19)
create alias on_tree (0) -> in_tree (1469)
create alias orangetree (0) -> orange_tree (24)
create alias orange_trees (0) -> orange_tree (24)
create alias orangetrees (0) -> orange_tree (24)
create alias palmtree (0) -> palm_tree (10057)
create alias palmtrees (0) -> palm_tree (10057)
create alias peachtree (0) -> peach_tree (13)
create alias peach_trees (0) -> peach_tree (13)
create alias peachtrees (0) -> peach_tree (13)
create alias peartree (0) -> pear_tree (7)
create alias pear_trees (0) -> pear_tree (7)
create alias peartrees (0) -> pear_tree (7)
create alias pinetree (0) -> pine_tree (1213)
create alias pine_trees (0) -> pine_tree (1213)
create alias pinetrees (0) -> pine_tree (1213)
create alias plumtree (0) -> plum_tree (2)
create alias plum_trees (0) -> plum_tree (2)
create alias plumtrees (0) -> plum_tree (2)
create alias rain_forest (0) -> rainforest (95)
create alias tree_branch (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias treebranch (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias tree_branches (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias treebranches (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias treehouse (0) -> tree_house (277)
create alias tree_houses (0) -> tree_house (277)
create alias treehouses (0) -> tree_house (277)
create alias treeroot (0) -> tree_root (44)
create alias tree_roots (0) -> tree_root (44)
create alias treeroots (0) -> tree_root (44)
create alias treestump (0) -> tree_stump (1682)
create alias tree_stumps (0) -> tree_stump (1682)
create alias treestumps (0) -> tree_stump (1682)
create alias willowtree (0) -> willow_tree (51)
create alias willow_trees (0) -> willow_tree (51)
create alias willowtrees (0) -> willow_tree (51)
create implication aspen_tree (28) -> tree (138462)
create implication bamboo_forest (91) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_forest (91) -> forest (53465)
create implication bamboo_object (24) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_pattern (17) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_stick (103) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_structure (58) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_fence (11) -> bamboo_structure (58)
create implication bamboo_fence (11) -> fence (9064)
create implication bamboo_tree (237) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_tree (237) -> tree (138462)
create implication banana_tree (9) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication baobab_tree (9) -> tree (138462)
create implication cherry_blossom_tree (477) -> cherry_tree (682)
create implication cherry_blossom_tree (477) -> cherry_blossom (2339)
create implication coconut_tree (137) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication behind_tree (49) -> tree (138462)
create implication birch_tree (125) -> tree (138462)
create implication christmas_palm_tree (2) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create implication christmas_palm_tree (2) -> palm_tree (10057)
create implication cum_on_tree (55) -> cum (675136)
create implication cum_on_tree (55) -> tree (138462)
create implication dead_tree (580) -> tree (138462)
create implication evergreen_tree (1313) -> tree (138462)
create implication glowing_tree (4) -> tree (138462)
create implication glowing_tree (4) -> glowing (94936)
create implication in_tree (1469) -> tree (138462)
create implication sitting_in_tree (74) -> in_tree (1469)
create implication sitting_in_tree (74) -> sitting (307701)
create implication mangrove_tree (12) -> tree (138462)
create implication maple_tree (17) -> tree (138462)
create implication oak_tree (19) -> tree (138462)
create implication palm_tree (10057) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create implication pine_tree (1213) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create implication rainforest (95) -> forest (53465)
create implication tree_bondage (282) -> tree (138462)
create implication tree_trunk (221) -> tree (138462)
create implication willow_tree (51) -> tree (138462)

Reason: +1 for these and for some additional tree tags, mostly derived from suggestions I submitted on topic #24700.


Let me know if any of these are evergreen_trees.


EDIT: The bulk update request #171 (forum #294203) has been approved by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

d.d.m. said:
The bulk update request #171 is active.

remove implication pine_tree (1213) -> tree (138462)
create alias appletrees (0) -> apple_tree (380)
create alias apricottree (0) -> apricot_tree (1)
create alias apricot_trees (0) -> apricot_tree (1)
create alias apricottrees (0) -> apricot_tree (1)
create alias aspentree (0) -> aspen_tree (28)
create alias aspen_trees (0) -> aspen_tree (28)
create alias aspentrees (0) -> aspen_tree (28)
create alias bananatree (0) -> banana_tree (9)
create alias banana_trees (0) -> banana_tree (9)
create alias bananatrees (0) -> banana_tree (9)
create alias baobab (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias baobabtree (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias baobab_trees (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias baobabtrees (0) -> baobab_tree (9)
create alias birchtree (0) -> birch_tree (125)
create alias birch_trees (0) -> birch_tree (125)
create alias birchtrees (0) -> birch_tree (125)
create alias bonsaitree (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonsaitrees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonsai_trees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzai (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzaitree (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzaitrees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzai_tree (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias bonzai_trees (0) -> bonsai (142)
create alias cherry_blossom_trees (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakura_tree (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakuratree (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakura_trees (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias sakuratrees (0) -> cherry_blossom_tree (477)
create alias cherrytree (0) -> cherry_tree (682)
create alias cherry_trees (0) -> cherry_tree (682)
create alias cherrytrees (0) -> cherry_tree (682)
create alias christmastree (0) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create alias christmas_trees (0) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create alias christmastrees (0) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create alias citrustree (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create alias citrus_trees (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create alias citrustrees (0) -> citrus_tree (37)
create alias coconuttree (0) -> coconut_tree (137)
create alias coconut_trees (0) -> coconut_tree (137)
create alias coconuttrees (0) -> coconut_tree (137)
create alias deadtree (0) -> dead_tree (580)
create alias dead_trees (0) -> dead_tree (580)
create alias deadtrees (0) -> dead_tree (580)
create alias evergreen (0) -> evergreen_(disambiguation) (12)
create alias evergreentree (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreen_trees (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreentrees (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreen_(tree) (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias evergreen_(trees) (0) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create alias forests (0) -> forest (53465)
create alias fruittree (0) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create alias fruit_trees (0) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create alias fruittrees (0) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create alias glowingtree (0) -> glowing_tree (4)
create alias glowing_trees (0) -> glowing_tree (4)
create alias glowingtrees (0) -> glowing_tree (4)
create alias lemontree (0) -> lemon_tree (11)
create alias lemon_trees (0) -> lemon_tree (11)
create alias lemontrees (0) -> lemon_tree (11)
create alias limetree (0) -> lime_tree (0)
create alias lime_trees (0) -> lime_tree (0)
create alias limetrees (0) -> lime_tree (0)
create alias mangrove (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mangrovetree (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mangrove_trees (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mangrovetrees (0) -> mangrove_tree (12)
create alias mapletree (0) -> maple_tree (17)
create alias maple_trees (0) -> maple_tree (17)
create alias mapletrees (0) -> maple_tree (17)
create alias oaktree (0) -> oak_tree (19)
create alias oak_trees (0) -> oak_tree (19)
create alias oaktrees (0) -> oak_tree (19)
create alias on_tree (0) -> in_tree (1469)
create alias orangetree (0) -> orange_tree (24)
create alias orange_trees (0) -> orange_tree (24)
create alias orangetrees (0) -> orange_tree (24)
create alias palmtree (0) -> palm_tree (10057)
create alias palmtrees (0) -> palm_tree (10057)
create alias peachtree (0) -> peach_tree (13)
create alias peach_trees (0) -> peach_tree (13)
create alias peachtrees (0) -> peach_tree (13)
create alias peartree (0) -> pear_tree (7)
create alias pear_trees (0) -> pear_tree (7)
create alias peartrees (0) -> pear_tree (7)
create alias pinetree (0) -> pine_tree (1213)
create alias pine_trees (0) -> pine_tree (1213)
create alias pinetrees (0) -> pine_tree (1213)
create alias plumtree (0) -> plum_tree (2)
create alias plum_trees (0) -> plum_tree (2)
create alias plumtrees (0) -> plum_tree (2)
create alias rain_forest (0) -> rainforest (95)
create alias tree_branch (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias treebranch (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias tree_branches (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias treebranches (0) -> branch (3478)
create alias treehouse (0) -> tree_house (277)
create alias tree_houses (0) -> tree_house (277)
create alias treehouses (0) -> tree_house (277)
create alias treeroot (0) -> tree_root (44)
create alias tree_roots (0) -> tree_root (44)
create alias treeroots (0) -> tree_root (44)
create alias treestump (0) -> tree_stump (1682)
create alias tree_stumps (0) -> tree_stump (1682)
create alias treestumps (0) -> tree_stump (1682)
create alias willowtree (0) -> willow_tree (51)
create alias willow_trees (0) -> willow_tree (51)
create alias willowtrees (0) -> willow_tree (51)
create implication aspen_tree (28) -> tree (138462)
create implication bamboo_forest (91) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_forest (91) -> forest (53465)
create implication bamboo_object (24) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_pattern (17) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_stick (103) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_structure (58) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_fence (11) -> bamboo_structure (58)
create implication bamboo_fence (11) -> fence (9064)
create implication bamboo_tree (237) -> bamboo (1351)
create implication bamboo_tree (237) -> tree (138462)
create implication banana_tree (9) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication baobab_tree (9) -> tree (138462)
create implication cherry_blossom_tree (477) -> cherry_tree (682)
create implication cherry_blossom_tree (477) -> cherry_blossom (2339)
create implication coconut_tree (137) -> fruit_tree (1321)
create implication behind_tree (49) -> tree (138462)
create implication birch_tree (125) -> tree (138462)
create implication christmas_palm_tree (2) -> christmas_tree (6920)
create implication christmas_palm_tree (2) -> palm_tree (10057)
create implication cum_on_tree (55) -> cum (675136)
create implication cum_on_tree (55) -> tree (138462)
create implication dead_tree (580) -> tree (138462)
create implication evergreen_tree (1313) -> tree (138462)
create implication glowing_tree (4) -> tree (138462)
create implication glowing_tree (4) -> glowing (94936)
create implication in_tree (1469) -> tree (138462)
create implication sitting_in_tree (74) -> in_tree (1469)
create implication sitting_in_tree (74) -> sitting (307701)
create implication mangrove_tree (12) -> tree (138462)
create implication maple_tree (17) -> tree (138462)
create implication oak_tree (19) -> tree (138462)
create implication palm_tree (10057) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create implication pine_tree (1213) -> evergreen_tree (1313)
create implication rainforest (95) -> forest (53465)
create implication tree_bondage (282) -> tree (138462)
create implication tree_trunk (221) -> tree (138462)
create implication willow_tree (51) -> tree (138462)

Reason: +1 for these and for some additional tree tags, mostly derived from suggestions I submitted on topic #24700.

I'm confused by the various evergreen aliases. Why evergreen -> pine? Pine trees are a type of evergreen. Not all evergreens are pines. Evergreens also include many yew, bay, magnolia, and eucalyptus, to name a few. I'm not saying we should get super technical on tree and plant implications and aliases, but... I still don't agree with an alias to pine_tree.

Edit: If there's nothing better to do with the various evergreen tags, why not disambiguate it? And list some common evergreen trees in the wiki for the disambiguation? It's probably not the best solution, but if nothing else is figured out for it.

It is nice to see that some of my recent efforts has been made into a request.


Evergreens are more than just pines. Evergreens includes nearly all conifers, but there are unfortunately a few exceptions that are deciduous instead. See here

Can you please add oak_tree to your request D.D.M.?



coconut_tree is a type of palm tree. It is in the palm family. Furthermore all palm trees are evergreens. They do not shed their leaves in the winter.

After searching for other tree tags, I've come across these:

  • Fir_tree -- Evergreen. Coniferous. In the Pine family.
  • Larch_tree -- Conifer. In the pine family, yet is not evergreen.
  • Spruce -- Conifer. Evergreen. Also in the pine family.
  • Cypress_tree appears on the tree wiki, but has 0 posts. Cypress has been used once. Confier family. Most are evergreen, but not all.
    • Juniper_tree -- Evergreen. Conifer. In the cypress family.
    • Redwood_tree -- Commonly used for some species in the cypress family, but has uses outside of it. The tall popular ones are evergreen.
  • Beech_tree appears on the tree wiki, but has no posts.
    • Beech, on the other hand, has 3 posts, one deleted, and two used on a biplane.
  • Cedar_(tree) should be aliased to cedar_tree. There's several plants with the name "cedar", of unrelated families (aside from the supposed "true cedars" in the genus Cedrus), so I'm not sure what to do with this tag otherwise.
  • Rowan_tree and rowan_(berry) both exist. Unsure of what to do with these. Looking the tree up gives me the result of a group of deciduous trees and shrubs.
  • A "zebra_tree", for some reason. Probably an aspen or white birch of some variety.

All of these lack, at the very minimum, a tree implication.

I want conifer (cone-bearing) and deciduous_tree to be a thing. I just didn't want to mention them. coniferous, coniferous tree, conifer_tree could be aliased to conifer, which I believe is the most proper term to refer to those plants.

Also to avoid confusion the pine family does not mean it is a "pine tree", it just means they are related to pines. All pines are evergreens, but larch is not considered a pine tree.

The Pinaceae, pine family, are trees or shrubs, including many of the well-known conifers of commercial importance such as cedars, firs, hemlocks, larches, pines and spruces.

Pine trees specifically belong to the subfamily Pinoideae (pine-like), in which pine trees are grouped into two genera separating hard and soft pines. You can find all of the pine species here If we wanted to group all of the pinoid relatives under pine, you would need to consider making a true_pine category to refer to Pinoideae, but realistically conifer would include all pine-like trees anyways.

I was considering group related trees together with a future BUR.

Beech tree, is on the tree wiki, because oak, beech, and chestnut trees all belong to the same family and I wanted to group them together once I found or even commissioned examples to be drawn of those trees.

Also I compiled the most relevant examples of deciduous trees on the tree wiki too. I was going to wait until this BUR was out of the way to include them.

- If cedar tree is added to the BUR, it is along with everything in the conifer group except larch an evergreen tree.

Info borrowed from my tree wiki list. It may not be complete. Most trees will fall under evergreen or deciduous, but there are other classifications.


thevileone said:
I want conifer (cone-bearing) and deciduous_tree to be a thing. I just didn't want to mention them. coniferous, coniferous tree, conifer_tree could be aliased to conifer, which I believe is the most proper term to refer to those plants.

Also to avoid confusion the pine family does not mean it is a "pine tree", it just means they are related to pines. All pines are evergreens, but larch is not considered a pine tree.

I've always heard "coniferous tree" more-so over "conifer tree," but that's me personally. That said, I don't think just conifer should be the tag. All other tree tags end in _tree, (or are getting aliased to that format). So if the tag winds up getting used, I'd say either coniferous_tree or conifer_tree (and my personal vote would likely lean towards coniferous_tree).

And yeah, I didn't mean for it to come across like they were pines. I was just trying to briefly mention a couple of things about each tree. Unfortunately, I was pretty tired at the time, so apologies if I just got confusing.

thevileone said:
- If cedar tree is added to the BUR, it is along with everything in the conifer group except larch an evergreen tree.

Like most species, however, things often have several names. There's some deciduous trees that also go by "cedar"; I'm not sure what's really the right answer with that one.


To be honest, my main concerns with the tree tagging is to make sure all like-terms are aliased wherever they need to be (so there isn't 5 different tags for the same tree), to make sure all types of trees imply, at the very least, tree, and to make sure there isn't anything incorrect done (such as the whole evergreen -> pine thing). Specific types of trees seem largely undertagged in general unless it's something obvious like a palm or christmas tree, so I'm not sure if grouping really needs to go much further than conifer/deciduous/evergreen.

And on that topic, there's probably some that need to be disambiguated. Like juniper, for example, which has many characters of the same name. I'm sure there's others that are common character or artist names.

The reason I stated conifer as the most proper term is that conifer as a group of plants is entirely composed of trees. Deciduous and evergreen however contain plants that are not trees. In that case, you can collapse the terms even broader than you can with the other tree tags.

Of course it really doesn't matter if you slap tree to the end of it or not. I think coniferous is a bit of a mouthful to pronounce personally.

As for there being other trees called cedar. You are right, there are various trees called cedars. The true cedars and their relatives are all coniferous. I only did a brief check and some of the unrelated cedars grow berries and not cones. These rare examples may be best placed under a separate tag if anyone decides to draw those trees.

True cedars refer to trees under the genus Cedrus. I don't think there is a major need to disambiguate at this point, but if there is sufficient concern that someone may eventually tag a cedar tree that is not a part of the conifer group, the conifer, evergreen tags can be left out and added manually.


thevileone said:
The reason I stated conifer as the most proper term is that conifer as a group of plants is entirely composed of trees. Deciduous and evergreen however contain plants that are not trees. In that case, you can collapse the terms even broader than you can with the other tree tags.

Of course it really doesn't matter if you slap tree to the end of it or not. I think coniferous is a bit of a mouthful to pronounce personally.

Then it can be conifer_tree. I don't overly care which one, it still gets the point across. I just want _tree at the end of it so it fits the other tree tags. Plus, on the off-chance someone somehow confuses it with Cornifer (a Hollow_Knight character). I don't really see it happening, with how little of a presence the character has on this site anyways, but it doesn't hurt to future-proof it.

thevileone said:
As for there being other trees called cedar. You are right, there are various trees called cedars. The true cedars and their relatives are all coniferous. I only did a brief check and some of the unrelated cedars grow berries and not cones. These rare examples may be best placed under a separate tag if anyone decides to draw those trees.

True cedars refer to trees under the genus Cedrus. I don't think there is a major need to disambiguate at this point, but if there is sufficient concern that someone may eventually tag a cedar tree that is not a part of the conifer group, the conifer, evergreen tags can be left out and added manually.

Then I suppose cedar_tree could apply to Cedrus, and the wiki for it could mention to not confuse it with other cedars? It still needs cedar_(tree) aliased to it though.

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