Topic: Are these characters taurs or something else?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This is Sand King from Dota.
post #1350223
I've got a bunch of stuff I wanna post including him but I'm unsure what to tag him as. Certainly not anthro but taur maybe? Maybe feral? I'm personally leaning towards taur but still a bit uncertain. Here, a shot with some better perspective on his body.
As well as SK, there's another Dota hero called Nyx Aassasin with a sort of similar body, including the sort-of-"torso" with "arms".
Give thoughts.

I'd probably list them as taurs since they appear to fit the basic taur bodyplan: anthro torso upon feral body.


Former Staff

furrin_gok said:
I don't know that we have a tag for a taur that's the same species on both ends

Last I checked, we don't have one. Matching taurs should be searchable with taur -split_form, but split_form is undertagged.

The word “taur” actually means bull in Latin and loanwords. As in minotaur (king’s bull) and taurus (the constellation), and cognates in romance languages.

The word “centaur” is the more accurate term, as it is used such in Greek myth and later sources. Horse-centaur or hippocentaur appears in Greek sources as a distinct term.

It’s not entirely clear why the centaurs were named as such. It’s speculated to mean “bull-slayer” (i.e. cowboy), but we’re not really sure. It might be related to centum (hundred).

Although I don’t expect e621 to try changing the common usage to better reflect actual etymology. That would be stupid.

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