Topic: RE621 [v.1.5.73] Feature-packed toolkit and mass downloader for e621

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Since the last update of my Firefox Developper Edition, the script is now working.

In the changelog they specify that was a problem with script execution on CSP secured pages :

Fix script execution at CSP secured pages
Fix script execution at service worker cached pages
Make GM_cookie/GM_xhr always use the source tab's cookie store ID
Fix GM_info.isIncognito by showing a per tab value
Fix GM_download of blob objectURLs

Thank you for making such a clean and awesome script! The features I'd like to see the most would be custom keyboard shortcuts to add the post you're viewing to a set, as well as an option to make it so that the favorite shortcut can't unfavorite, or splitting favorite and unfavorite into different shortcuts.
Again thanks for the work.


Former Staff

krabitz said:
Thank you for making such a clean and awesome script! The features I'd like to see the most would be custom keyboard shortcuts to add the post you're viewing to a set, as well as an option to make it so that the favorite shortcut can't unfavorite, or splitting favorite and unfavorite into different shortcuts.
Again thanks for the work.

Thank you for using the script!
A hotkey to add an image to a set should be pretty trivial to implement. It'll probably be in the next release.
I'll have to think about the best way to do the favoriting thing, though. I'll probably just add separate shortcuts for adding / removing favorites.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.3

- Added separate hotkeys for adding / removing favorites
- Added hotkeys for adding posts to pools and sets
- Added a character counter to the blacklist textarea

- Resolved a bug that caused subscription update timers to fail
- Fixed a possible issue with clicking the subscription multiple times before it finishes processing

bitwolfy said:
Thank you for using the script!
A hotkey to add an image to a set should be pretty trivial to implement. It'll probably be in the next release.
I'll have to think about the best way to do the favoriting thing, though. I'll probably just add separate shortcuts for adding / removing favorites.

That's really awesome! Thanks


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.4

- Added a "remove from cache" button to subscription updates
- Re-worked module dependencies to increase stability


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.5

- Subscription updates and notifications are now synchronized across browser tabs
- Made subscription update interval and maximum age customizable
- Changed the order of notifications tabs - tags now come first
- Added a way to mass-download all of your favorites
- Added a header shortcut for the DMail inbox
- Added several new hotkeys

- Resolved an issue causing subscription update timer to sometimes be in the past
- Fixed Pool Downloader not working with sets correctly


Former Staff

krabitz said: I was wondering if there was a way to make the subscribed tags affected by your blacklist?

That's strange, I'm fairly certain that the blacklisted images should already be filtered out.
I will investigate.

bitwolfy said:
That's strange, I'm fairly certain that the blacklisted images should already be filtered out.
I will investigate.

Thanks! Also I get a strange bug where sometimes blacklisted tags un-filter themselves upon the page loading, and the filter/un-filter sometimes disappears as well, it happens seemingly randomly.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.6

- Applied the blacklist to the tag subscription updates correctly

krabitz said:
Thanks! Also I get a strange bug where sometimes blacklisted tags un-filter themselves upon the page loading, and the filter/un-filter sometimes disappears as well, it happens seemingly randomly.

I think that I fixed the bug with blacklisted posts making their way into subscriptions. Turns out, if the blacklist filter was turned off, the function I was using treated those posts as non-blacklisted. This is fixed now, although previously added posts would still remain in your notifications. You can remove those by hovering over the image and pressing the red X button.

As for your second problem... No idea. I am not able to replicate this issue at the moment.
But I'll keep it in mind.

bitwolfy said:

Patch 1.3.6

- Applied the blacklist to the tag subscription updates correctly

Great! I know debugging can be such a pain

Using the "favorite" mode to favorite posts will show the "already favorited" error even if the post was not already favorited.


Former Staff

lafcadio said:
Using the "favorite" mode to favorite posts will show the "already favorited" error even if the post was not already favorited.

Huh, interesting. Seems like something's going wrong with the "double-click action" feature, making the site treat a single click as a double one.
I'll fix it in the next patch.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.7

- Added hotkeys to switch between search page modes

- Resolved a potential issue that could cause subscription cache to get wiped when updating
- Disabled double-click thumbnail actions when the search page is not in viewing mode


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.7

- Added autocomplete to the TinyAlias input field
- Tweaked TinyAlias interface

Under circumstances I'm still not 100% sure about just yet, it seems from time to time that posts that ought to be blacklisted won't actually get hidden. It seems to happen if I haven't viewed the posts page in a while, though, and it always resolves itself after a refresh.


Former Staff

lafcadio said:
Under circumstances I'm still not 100% sure about just yet, it seems from time to time that posts that ought to be blacklisted won't actually get hidden. It seems to happen if I haven't viewed the posts page in a while, though, and it always resolves itself after a refresh.

For reasons unknown to me, Earlopain replaced the site's blacklisting functionality with his own. I think that it has something to do with the Infinite Scroll.
I have not touched it at all, so I am unsure on how it works. I'll take a look to see if it's even necessary, and if it is, try to diagnose this particular problem.

Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of a major rewrite in an attempt to improve performance, so non-critical issues are on a bit of a backburner at the moment.
I'll probably get to the blacklisting issue next week.

This is a great extension that has massively improved the usability of the site and corrected oddities and strange design choices from the site redesign, so thank you very much to everyone who continues to work on it.
I do have some feedback from issues I've experienced. They're minor and perhaps specific to my browsing habits, but nonetheless annoying. I am using Firefox browser and each issue is replicatable with no other extensions enabled.

1. The issue where your blacklist doesn't apply on page load happens for me regularly, oftentimes reloading the page a dozen times over will not fix it. I consider this a major bug, even seeing the thumbnails of certain blacklisted things is enough to make me sometimes want to disable the plugin.
2. The text that appears when hovering over an image thumbnail on a search page that lists the tags in the image does not show for me. That text is extremely useful whenever browsing a page with blacklist terms selectively disabled, which I do often.
3. When using the any extension provided download function, such as the mass downloader or the download button, it would be nice to have an option to simply have the files retain their filename as supplied by the e621 CDN.
4. The count of how many hits there are on a given page for any blacklist terms seems massively inaccurate. It may display a seemingly appropriate count at first, but once I interact with the blacklist sidebar those numbers become skewed heavily. Possibly even double counted.

Thank you kindly.



Former Staff

goldenrenamon said:
1. The issue where your blacklist doesn't apply on page load happens for me regularly, oftentimes reloading the page a dozen times over will not fix it. I consider this a major bug, even seeing the thumbnails of certain blacklisted things is enough to make me sometimes want to disable the plugin.

That definitely does not sound good. I totally understand - suddenly seeing things that I have blacklisted would not make me too happy either.
I'll make fixing this issue a priority.

goldenrenamon said:
2. The text that appears when hovering over an image thumbnail on a search page that lists the tags in the image does not show for me. That text is extremely useful whenever browsing a page with blacklist terms selectively disabled, which I do often.

It's been disabled deliberately because it intervened with the zoom-on-hover feature of the script. I can add a checkbox in the settings to re-enable it.

goldenrenamon said:
3. When using the any extension provided download function, such as the mass downloader or the download button, it would be nice to have an option to simply have the files retain their filename as supplied by the e621 CDN.

I'm not sure why you would ever want to use the md5 value as a file name, but sure, why not.

bitwolfy said:
That definitely does not sound good. I totally understand - suddenly seeing things that I have blacklisted would not make me too happy either.
I'll make fixing this issue a priority.

It's been disabled deliberately because it intervened with the zoom-on-hover feature of the script. I can add a checkbox in the settings to re-enable it.

I'm not sure why you would ever want to use the md5 value as a file name, but sure, why not.

Hey, thank you for the response. I'm happy you'll examine those points I raised.
And for the MD5 value, it's mostly because I downloaded some hundred thousand pictures before the extension and filenames are the easiest way to sort through repeats in some cases. I understand it has little practical value beyond that, but it would be a nice option.

I look forward to an update, you are doing great work.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.9

- Added an md5 variable to downloader utilities
- Added an option to preserve thumbnail hover text

- Resolved a problem causing the number of blacklisted filtered posts to be doubled
- Implemented a potential fix to blacklist failing to apply to the page

goldenrenamon said: ...

You are just in time.
I believe that I fixed at least one potential issue causing the blacklist to fail, but working on it is difficult since I cannot really replicate the issue on my side.
Would it be willing to send me your blacklist? It would really help the debugging process if I can at least see what exactly goes wrong.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.10

Hotfix release that addresses issues missed in 1.3.9
- Another potential fix to blacklist failing to apply to the page
- Fixed "disable all filters" button sometimes not appearing


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.11

Another hotfix release
- Resolved several issues that caused the subscription notifications to update needlessly

Thanks to JAK-Zero for reporting this issue.

The blacklist problem seems to be fixed on my end, thanks!
Another convenient feature would be making the subscriptions and or options sync across devices, if at all possible.
Do you guys have some kind of patreon or similar donation system?


Former Staff

krabitz said:
The blacklist problem seems to be fixed on my end, thanks!
Another convenient feature would be making the subscriptions and or options sync across devices, if at all possible.
Do you guys have some kind of patreon or similar donation system?

That's good to hear.
Synchronizing data is theoretically possible, but it would require an external server to store it. Might be an interesting project for me to work on when I can find some spare time, but no promises.
There are currently no plans to take donations.

Thumbnail expansion/rescaling/zoom forces a pre-defined ratio, so images get cropped one way or another. I previously remedied this by using the ReScaler script from with a customized larger size for my screen situation, however now running the ReScaler causes an error in this script on every page load.

I question reporting the script error since it only happens with a second script in place as well, so I'd like to see the RE621 script not crop the thumbnails to a forced ratio. Maintain original aspect ratio inside the limit box.
Alternately, not harf when the rescaler is used too would be spiffy.


Former Staff

kithdragon said:
Thumbnail expansion/rescaling/zoom forces a pre-defined ratio, so images get cropped one way or another. I previously remedied this by using the ReScaler script from with a customized larger size for my screen situation, however now running the ReScaler causes an error in this script on every page load.

I question reporting the script error since it only happens with a second script in place as well, so I'd like to see the RE621 script not crop the thumbnails to a forced ratio. Maintain original aspect ratio inside the limit box.
Alternately, not harf when the rescaler is used too would be spiffy.

I welcome all feedback, including both feature requests and error reports. If re621 is incompatible with some other script, I would very much like to know about that. Within reason, of course.
I don't get an error when using the rescaler script, though. Could you post the entire error message that you get? It would really help.

Having thumbnails cropped to a specific ratio was not a decision made in a vacuum. Images with variable height were causing issues with other features. In particular, the zoom-on-hover is incredibly unreliable, and the voting buttons would sometimes glitch out of existence. Images that are either very wide or very tall are especially problematic.

All in all, the entire thumbnail enhancer module needs a major rework. For now, I have added a checkbox to the settings (General -> Thumbnails -> Advanced -> Preserve ratio) that will force the thumbnails to retain their original ratio. I still had to limit the maximum height of thumbnails to 50% of the browser window height because some posts (ex order:portrait) are quite ridiculous.



Former Staff
Patch 1.3.12

- Added an option to presere the thumbnail image ratio instead of cropping
- Made the tag list (slightly) bigger

- Fixed HeaderCustomizer tab hotkeys rebinding
- Fixed TinyAlias needlessly adding a wiki link after a tag has already been inserted
- Fixed potential page reflows when lazy-unloading thumbnails
- Fixed an issue with xmlHttpRequest implementation sometimes not sending the request body

Can you add this option: when downloading a pool or a set, use it's name for the archive instead of the default re621-download-xxxxxx-xxxx


Former Staff

zenti said:
Can you add this option: when downloading a pool or a set, use it's name for the archive instead of the default re621-download-xxxxxx-xxxx

Oh, certainly.
re621-download was actually a placeholder name that I used when making the first mass-downloader module (for downloading select posts from the search page) that I never got around to changing. I'll add proper archive names in the next release.

bitwolfy said:

Patch 1.3.12

- Added an option to presere the thumbnail image ratio instead of cropping

Oh, very spiff! Thank you!
Possibly consider applying the size limitation to both width and height, so super-tall images don't cause chaos. It'll letterbox tall things, but that should be fine.


Former Staff

kithdragon said:
Oh, very spiff! Thank you!
Possibly consider applying the size limitation to both width and height, so super-tall images don't cause chaos. It'll letterbox tall things, but that should be fine.

No problem.

I've set it to limit thumbnail height to 50% of your viewport (i.e. browser window height). I don't think that limiting the width is necessary, since it's set to a specific pixel value in the settings and thus does not change image to image. However, I'll probably have to set a minimum thumbnail height to prevent this issue on very wide images: order:landscape.

Edit: also, whoops, it still crops images loaded through infinite scroll. I'll fix it in tomorrow's release.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.13

- Replaced placeholder archive names for mass downloader modules

- Fixed voting buttons on thumbnails for very wide images
- Resolved several issues with "preserve ratio" option for thumbnails

By the way, a bug I'm getting is that "rating:_" tags are ignored by my blacklist, it's as if I never blacklisted it as long as re621 is enabled. I found a way around it so it's not that bad, but it's strange.


Former Staff

krabitz said:
By the way, a bug I'm getting is that "rating:_" tags are ignored by my blacklist, it's as if I never blacklisted it as long as re621 is enabled. I found a way around it so it's not that bad, but it's strange.

Thanks for catching that one. Pretty silly mistake on my part.
It'll be fixed properly in the next release, but for the time being, you can use the shortened rating syntax (rating:e instead of rating:explicit) - that still works.

I have a bug/suggestion.
It's a little bit hard to explain for me.
If I open e621 and click on the notification bell and then on tags it shows "loading batch 1/2/3/4" and so on, as intended. Now, if I reload the page, before it is done loading, It stops loading...obviously. But it saves that it updated the subscribed tags. And even if I reload it manually, it doesn't load new pictures. I have to admit, I don't know much about coding. But shouldn't it be possible to let the script check if it is done loading all batches, before it saves that it checked for tag updates?


Former Staff

dubsthefox said:
I have a bug/suggestion.
It's a little bit hard to explain for me.
If I open e621 and click on the notification bell and then on tags it shows "loading batch 1/2/3/4" and so on, as intended. Now, if I reload the page, before it is done loading, It stops loading...obviously. But it saves that it updated the subscribed tags. And even if I reload it manually, it doesn't load new pictures. I have to admit, I don't know much about coding. But shouldn't it be possible to let the script check if it is done loading all batches, before it saves that it checked for tag updates?

Yeah, it should do that already. The script takes note of when an update had started, and if it's not finished within 5 minutes, it tries again. I'm going to double-check whether this bit of code is working correctly, though.
By the way, do you actually have four batches, or is that just an example? Because that would mean that you are subscribed to over 120 tags, which is a little insane. Not judging, just curious.

bitwolfy said:
By the way, do you actually have four batches, or is that just an example? Because that would mean that you are subscribed to over 120 tags, which is a little insane. Not judging, just curious.

well..uhm... actually...its 707 tags ^^' mostly artists


Former Staff

dubsthefox said:
well..uhm... actually...its 707 tags ^^' mostly artists

That's actually nuts. I never tested anything even remotely approaching that number of subscriptions.
It probably takes a little while to queue up and process those batches, doesn't it? A solid 20 seconds with a good connection. And even after that, since 707 tags makes up 18 batches, it's loading the data for 5760 posts. In the current release, the script iterates over all of them to check if they need to be added into the cache... which will also take time.

I strongly suggest you cut down that number of subscriptions to less than a hundred.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.14

The theme of this week's patch is performance. Multiple improvements have been made to make using RE621 a smoother experience.

- Upgraded the form creation engine to a new version. Performance should improve
- Tweaked dialog windows to render content when first opened instead of on page load
- Redesigned the settings menu to be less cluttered and more responsive
- Added persistent tags - a single string of tags that is added to every search

- Redesigned the interface from the ground up
- Added an option to favorite posts from the search page
- You must reset the settings cache from the settings menu to use the option above

Custom Flags
- Rewritten the module from scratch
- Better looks, functionality, and speed
- Custom flags now work on the "popular" and "favorites" pages

- Improved subscription update performance
- List of subscriptions is now sorted alphabetically and kept updated across tabs
- Rewritten the recovery process used when an update gets interrupted
- Increases the maximum subscription size to 320
- Accounted for potential throttling

- Removed a redundant API call in TinyAlias
- Added a hotkey to add the post to the latest used set
- General code cleanup and peformance improvements

- Fixed a glitched out header that could occur with a slow connection
- Fixed occasional lag caused by HeaderCustomizer reflowing
- Fixed WikiEnhancer not working on non-existing wiki pages
- Fixed the toolbar on the post page causing page content overflow
- Fixed the blacklist not recognizing rating values
- Fixed set navbar not using navigational hotkeys


bitwolfy said:
It probably takes a little while to queue up and process those batches, doesn't it?

It actually isn't that bad.

bitwolfy said:
I strongly suggest you cut down that number of subscriptions to less than a hundred.

But...but I need it. Or do you think it could be problematic for the e621 servers?


Former Staff

dubsthefox said: But...but I need it. Or do you think it could be problematic for the e621 servers?

Hard to say. The API documentation says not to make more than one request per second over a sustained period.
Now, what qualifies as "sustained period" is anyone's guess, and I don't know if 18 requests in a row qualifies. But just to stay on the safe side, I've tweaked the script to throttle the connection to 1 request per second after 10 API calls in a row. Getting the script banned for abusing the API isn't something either of us wants to experience.

I'm also thinking about adding an upper limit of 1200 subscriptions, just to prevent things from getting too ridiculous. Kira might just tear my head clean off if people start sending 30-second bursts of API calls thanks to re621.

The latest patch should also resolve the issue you described a few posts back. If an update gets interrupted – by closing the tab, for example – it should retry in a couple of minutes. Let me know if you experience any other issues.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.15

Hotfix release that addresses several issues introduced in 1.3.14

- Moved cache settings into its own section under the Utilities tab
- Added limits to the maximum number of subscriptions - 1200 for tags, 500 for everything else
- Your favorites can now be used in blacklists and custom flags (ex. fav:bitWolfy)

- Fixed the About page changelog not updating when the script gets updated
- Properly remove posts from subscription cache if they have been deleted from the site
- Fixed the blacklist not recognizing status:* entries
- Fixed custom flags sometimes failing to expand on hover
- Corrected several typos


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.16

Another hotfix patch

- "Add to Favorites" thumbnail button can now be visible even if the voting buttons are hidden

- Fixed the forum notification dot in the header
- Fixed the changelog sometimes failing to load
- Improved DNP list fetching speed

Bug report:

As of three or four days ago re621 isn't working on my end. The tampermonkey extension is saying that it should be and that we're at the 1.3.16 version. I haven't messed with the extension or re6's settings for a couple months now so it's not user error to my knowlege.

I'm running the Brave webbrowser, Version 1.11.104 Chromium: 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit).

I figured it was just an update on your end which it appears to have been so. Starting my troubleshooting, turning the tampermonkey extension off and back on again from the extensions page appeared to have fixed the issue.

Haven't had this issue with previous updates, figured I should let you know.


Former Staff

mdf said: ...

Thanks for letting me know. Pretty strange problem.
If this happens again, could you check the developer console for me (F12) and see if there were any error messages in there?


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.17

- Add an option to turn off favorites caching
- Tweaked the style of the voting buttons

- Fixed poorly colored upload form switches
- Fixed an issue causing the favorites cache to be loaded needlessly
- Fixed voting buttons sometimes being unclickable
- Added better error handling for the E621 API wrapper
- Fixed the "add to last used set" hotkey sometimes not working in Firefox


Former Staff

Patch 1.3.18
- Fixed a critical bug causing pool subscriptions to freeze when a thumbnail could not be found

Hi :D
Could you implement the possibility, to add a post to the blacklist, to the double-click Actions? This would be neat ^^

All the new changes are really great! I'd also be really interested in being able to have hotkeys for any specific sets if that's possible


Former Staff

dubsthefox said: Could you implement the possibility, to add a post to the blacklist, to the double-click Actions? This would be neat ^^

Sure, I can do that.

krabitz said: All the new changes are really great! I'd also be really interested in being able to have hotkeys for any specific sets if that's possible

Thanks, I'm glad that you like it.
From the technical standpoint, hotkeys for specific sets are trivial. I already have the code that handles adding the post to a specific set. I'll just have to think of the best way to implement the configuration page for it, though.

Getting consistent, near-daily integrity failures for the favorites cache during normal use.


Former Staff

lafcadio said:
Getting consistent, near-daily integrity failures for the favorites cache during normal use.

Are you using e621 on several devices, by any chance? That would be the most common cause of integrity failures.
RE621 does not (and cannot) synchronize its cache across different devices or browsers, that's just how it works. I am considering a potential stopgap solution, but it's not going to fix this problem entirely either.

At the end of the day, until e621 starts providing posts' favorite status via a data-attribute, I am forced to rely on weird, janky solutions like this.

If you do not care about seeing favorited posts marked on the search pages, you can safely turn caching off in Settings -> Utility -> Disable Favorite Caching.

bitwolfy said:
Are you using e621 on several devices, by any chance? That would be the most common cause of integrity failures.

Nope! Just the one.


Former Staff

lafcadio said: Nope! Just the one.

Well, that's pretty odd then. How are you adding / removing favorites? The button on the individual post page, re621's thumbnail button, through the search page's fav/unfav mode?

bitwolfy said:
Well, that's pretty odd then. How are you adding / removing favorites? The button on the individual post page, re621's thumbnail button, through the search page's fav/unfav mode?

Hotkey on the page for each post.


Former Staff

lafcadio said: Hotkey on the page for each post.

Hmm. I'll have to investigate it more in-depth, but think I know what the problem is in this case.
I'll see if I can fix it in the next release.

I'm enjoying many of these features, but there's one thing which is really bugging me. I'm accustomed to using cmd-click to open a image in a new tab and that isn't working with the script active. Is there a setting I could change to restore that functionality?


Former Staff

tittybitty said:
I'm enjoying many of these features, but there's one thing which is really bugging me. I'm accustomed to using cmd-click to open a image in a new tab and that isn't working with the script active. Is there a setting I could change to restore that functionality?

Seems like a bug to me, that's not the intended behavior. I'll investigate.
Edit: fixed it. It'll be in the next release this Friday.


Any chance we could get an option to not use animated previews for animated posts when using the hi-res thumbnails functionality?


Oh! Also, a hotkey for fullscreen would be really convenient. Hotkeys really make everything so much faster.


Former Staff

lafcadio said: Any chance we could get an option to not use animated previews for animated posts when using the hi-res thumbnails functionality?

krabitz said: Oh! Also, a hotkey for fullscreen would be really convenient. Hotkeys really make everything so much faster.

Both of those things are pretty to do. They'll be in the next version tomorrow (hopefully), alongside previous requests.


Former Staff
Patch 1.3.19

- Rewritten TinyAlias to be much more useful and helpful
- Added on-the-fly tag validation
- Implemented wildcard aliases
- Added a built-in check for image duplicates to the upload form
- Added links to several reverse image search engines

- Added double-click actions: add to blacklist, add to current set, toggle current set
- Added an option to only load GIFs on hover when thumbnail upscaling is set to "Always"

- Added separate bindings for adding and removing the post from the current set
- Added hotkeys that add the current post to a user-specified set
- Added a hotkey to open the current image in fullscreen mode

- Added a recovery routine that should fix some favorites cache invalidation issues

- Added an option to redirect the site's title page
- Added an option to right-align header tabs

- Fixed meta-key presses not working on thumbnails
- Fixed "open edit tab" hotkey pasting its value into the textarea
- Fixed an error with the settings import form

Thank you for working on this. After the update cmd-click is opening two tabs of the image.


Former Staff

tittybitty said:
Thank you for working on this. After the update cmd-click is opening two tabs of the image.

If it's not one thing, it's another.

I cannot replicate this particular issue, neither on PC, nor on Mac.
Nevertheless, I created two separate potential fixes in version 1.3.20. If the problem persists - whether it's two tabs opening or none at all - go to Settings -> General -> Thumbnails -> Double-Click Action and set it to Disabled.



Former Staff
Patch 1.3.21

- Added the missing userscript icon in Violentmonkey
- Disabled the typo fixer in SmartAlias. Might make a comeback later.

tittybitty said:
One way or another it's working perfectly, thanks!

That's good to hear. Let me know if you run into any other issues.


Former Staff

krabitz said: Is there a limit to how many tags you can subscribe to?

The limit is 1200 for tags, 500 for everything else. Introduced in patch 1.3.15, I believe.

There is no technical reason why the script can't support more tags. The limitation is the site's API, and an attempt to avoid putting unnecessary stress on its systems.
At most, the API can handle 40 tags per request. For 1200 tags, that is 30 requests. Besides the fact that due to throttling, it will take 30 seconds to load at the very least, that is also a massive barrage of API requests. I would rather not risk having the script banned because people keep using it to spam the API.

All in all, I recommend that you try to keep the number of subscribed tags to under 200.