Topic: RE621 [v.1.5.84] Feature-packed toolkit and mass downloader for e621

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications


               version 1.5.84

𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖑   latest version

        all versions require a script manager
          [ Older versions | Greasyfork ]

𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙    ko-fi


re621 is a comprehensive set of tools and utilities, designed to enhance the website's functionality for both casual and power users.
It overhauls the UI, simplifies uploading and tagging, and allows you to download entire pools, favorites, or simply arbitrary collections of posts.
The project consists of several different modules that improve the entire site, top to bottom - literally.

Keeping the script - and the website - fully functional is our highest priority.
If you are experiencing bugs or issues, do not hesitate to create a support ticket on github, or leave us a message in this thread.

Feel free to send a DM to @bitwolfy or on Discord for real-time support, feature discussions,
or just to chat.
Feature requests, comments, and overall feedback are also appreciated.

Thank you for downloading and using this script. We hope that you enjoy the experience.

If you would like to support the project monetarily, feel free to buy me a coffee.


Visit the project website for a full feature overview.


Note that re-installing the script by clicking the link in the Releases section will wipe out your current settings.
Instead, manually update the script by clicking the tampermonkey icon in the toolbar, selecting Dashboard, and then left-clicking on the last update column for the script.
A new version will then be installed automatically.
It is also recommended that you set the update interval to daily in the settings, so that you can receive all the latest changes and fixes as soon as they come out.


Version 1.5.84

Full Changelog.


Looks pretty good so far. Will definitely be using it.

One thing that people keep requesting is to put the blacklist filters in the sidebar in an expandable section like in the old theme.
Also, minor gripe - if a post has more than one child post, the container gets a scroll bar at the bottom. Might look better if the child posts were in a column, but that's up to you.

Edit: another minor thing - you should probably only show DText formatting buttons when the textbox is visible, and hide them when the preview mode is active.

Edit: one last thing: I greatly appreciate re-adding the uploader's name to the post information, but could you possibly do it like this: Uploader: <a href="/users/211960">bitWolfy</a> instead of <a href="/users/211960">Uploader: bitWolfy</a>? That would match the style of the rest of the information block.


That scrollbar is pretty ugly, I will try to remove that. Those other two are also valid points.
I don't actually remeber how the blacklist looked in the theme, gotta look it up.
I'll get back to it tomorrow, for now I'm of to bed.

Btw, thanks for your redesign (:

earlopain said: That scrollbar is pretty ugly, I will try to remove that.

I did this, and it seemed to have done the job:

div#has-children-relationship-preview {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
div#has-children-relationship-preview {
    margin: 0 auto;

... on an unrelated note, can we get a button that inserts a code block into the textbox?

earlopain said: I don't actually remeber how the blacklist looked in the theme, gotta look it up.

I don't remember either, actually. Wayback Machine is not helpful - blacklist requires login, and logging in does not work.
The script I wrote for myself isn't the most elegant thing in the world, but it does the job.

earlopain said: Btw, thanks for your redesign (:

I'm glad that you like it.

I just released a new version which should adress all your points.

I also added two keyboard shortcuts to up/downvote posts because someone requested it.
Simply press r to upvote and t to downvote when you are on a post.

Maybe I'll add some kind of settings page where you can select what you want to use because options are always good.

earlopain said:
I just released a new version which should adress all your points.

I also added two keyboard shortcuts to up/downvote posts because someone requested it.
Simply press r to upvote and t to downvote when you are on a post.

That's amazing, thank you.

It's awesome to see a replacement for eSix Extend already in the works. So thank you.

I'm certainly going to miss the customizable shortcut bar along the top of the page.

Also, the ability to quick-add tags on a post to you blacklist (or e6E's temporary blacklist, at least) was nice.

Do you think you would be able to add the overhead bar that used to be on the top right? With the subscriptions ans such added as well?

nmd90 said:
It's awesome to see a replacement for eSix Extend already in the works. So thank you.

I'm certainly going to miss the customizable shortcut bar along the top of the page.

Also, the ability to quick-add tags on a post to you blacklist (or e6E's temporary blacklist, at least) was nice.

I just released new version with quick blacklisting. I'll do the shortcut bar next.

darryus said:
if you ever get around to adding TinyAlias-like features I'll be forever grateful.

Done (: I'm sure it's not exactly how it was in the original but because I didn't use it myself I just went with what I though makes sense.
If you want someting changed I'm open for suggestions.

binagon said:
Do you think you would be able to add the overhead bar that used to be on the top right? With the subscriptions ans such added as well?

First I'll add the quick access links and then I'll probably get to forum subscriptions and then pools and maybe tags, if that is what you meant.
I didn't use everything esix had to offer and the top right bar was one of those.
If I understand correctly you click on subscribe on one of those things (this forum for example) and the bar then tells you how many you have subbed to and also notifies on updates.

It's great to see that someone is recreating this script. I eagerly await the return of pool subscriptions, that's the one feature I miss the most. :)

earlopain said:
First I'll add the quick access links and then I'll probably get to forum subscriptions and then pools and maybe tags, if that is what you meant.
I didn't use everything esix had to offer and the top right bar was one of those.
If I understand correctly you click on subscribe on one of those things (this forum for example) and the bar then tells you how many you have subbed to and also notifies on updates.

It was pretty much just a bar you could edit to add links to certain parts of the website. For example, you could add a link to go directly to the upload page, or the DNP page, or your own post history, etc.

nmd90 said:

I'm certainly going to miss the customizable shortcut bar along the top of the page.

I just updated the script, give it a try!

binagon said:
It was pretty much just a bar you could edit to add links to certain parts of the website. For example, you could add a link to go directly to the upload page, or the DNP page, or your own post history, etc.

Yeah, that's what I thought. I already started working on it yesterday and now it's finished. Hopefully you'll like it.

randomguy85 said:
It's great to see that someone is recreating this script. I eagerly await the return of pool subscriptions, that's the one feature I miss the most. :)

That's going to be the next thing I'll implement. It could take a while thought. Don't have much time tomorrow and during the week is difficult with work and stuff.
I'll try to get it done before the end of next week, so stay tuned.

I didn't get a chance to test the new features too much - but I do like the idea of having a button that adds a tag to the blacklist instead of having to go through settings to get there.
Not gonna lie though, the settings page... it's kinda ugly. Perfectly usable, but visually grating. I threw together a couple of styles to make it a bit more palatable.

bitwolfy said:
I didn't get a chance to test the new features too much - but I do like the idea of having a button that adds a tag to the blacklist instead of having to go through settings to get there.
Not gonna lie though, the settings page... it's kinda ugly. Perfectly usable, but visually grating. I threw together a couple of styles to make it a bit more palatable.

I see you have already noticed my affinity for graphics design. CSS and layouting etc. is not realy my strong suite.
I really like your changes. Can I integrate them within the next version? I'll put you somewhere in a credits section.
Also I'm glad that you like the blacklist feature (:

earlopain said:
I see you have already noticed my affinity for graphics design. CSS and layouting etc. is not realy my strong suite.
I really like your changes. Can I integrate them within the next version? I'll put you somewhere in a credits section.
Also I'm glad that you like the blacklist feature (:

Don't worry about credit, dude, it's nothing. I'm glad to help.
I do hope that you'll keep working on this script, it's looking pretty great so far.

I can set custom QuickAccess titles longer than one character? Me likey.

Nitpicky complaints: You've misspelled "Separator" and although there's nothing wrong with linking to the help page version of the avoid posting list, I prefer going to the wiki page version so I can see the page's history whenever Nimmy updates it, so I've changed the link for my personal settings.

A more substantial issue is that there's no submenus for some of the more complex text formatting options, like there were in the old extension:

  • "Color" should have a quick color picker and/or a way to add custom color hexes.
  • "Code" adds the inline code formatting, but there should also be a way to add code blocks instead.
This is a code block.
  • "Heading" adds h2. headings, but there should also be options for h1. headings and h3. through h6. headings.
  • "Section" should provide a way to enter a title before the formatting gets added. There should also be a checkbox option if someone wants to have a section expanded by default.

booruhitomi said:

Nitpicky complaints: You've misspelled "Separator" and although there's nothing wrong with linking to the help page version of the avoid posting list, I prefer going to the wiki page version so I can see the page's history whenever Nimmy updates it, so I've changed the link for my personal settings.

I didn't know the wiki page was still around. I just used the one linked on the upload page itself. The wiki version also has much nicer formatting.

I'll change the link in the next version, and the spelling mistake too.

booruhitomi said:

A more substantial issue is that there's no submenus for some of the more complex text formatting options, like there were in the old extension:

Can you explain how those submenus worked in the original? I could simply pop up an alert box where you can type something in but I'm not really liking that solution.
As for the Header and Code options: I'll probably add a settings page where you can put custom formating, like I did with the userbar settings page.


booruhitomi said:
I can set custom QuickAccess titles longer than one character? Me likey.

Nitpicky complaints: You've misspelled "Separator" and although there's nothing wrong with linking to the help page version of the avoid posting list, I prefer going to the wiki page version so I can see the page's history whenever Nimmy updates it, so I've changed the link for my personal settings.

A more substantial issue is that there's no submenus for some of the more complex text formatting options, like there were in the old extension:

  • "Color" should have a quick color picker and/or a way to add custom color hexes.
  • "Code" adds the inline code formatting, but there should also be a way to add code blocks instead.
  • "Heading" adds h2. headings, but there should also be options for h1. headings and h3. through h6. headings.
  • "Section" should provide a way to enter a title before the formatting gets added. There should also be a checkbox option if someone wants to have a section expanded by default.

I just released a new version which should help you a bit. You now can put custom dtext formatting buttons if you want.
A button where you input a color would look like this: [color=$prompt]$selection[/color], or a button for expanded sections: [section,expanded=$prompt]$selection[/section]
You can of course also add simple buttons like h1 - h6, or a button for all: h$prompt.$selection

Quick explanation: $selection will be replaced with (you guessed it) you current selection. $promp will open a menu where you can input some text.
You can also use multiple of those special values. I hope this helps you!

Could we get a setting to change the upvote and downvote hotkey? It's easy enough to change it myself but it's annoying having to do it every time there's an update.

earlopain said:
Can you explain how those submenus worked in the original? I could simply pop up an alert box where you can type something in but I'm not really liking that solution.

How they worked was that if you selected an formatting option that allowed for or required additional input, a little pop-up box element would appear above that button when you clicked on it so you can decide what you want to add to the syntax.

  • "Color" had a few common color options to choose from so you could just click on the color you want and its hex code would be added within the markup syntax. So if I wanted to add red text, I clicked "Color", and a small pop-up element appears with a color palette including red (which appeared as squares filled with those colors). I clicked on the red square, and [color=#f00][/color] appeared around my selection (or wherever my text cursor was if I didn't select anything, of course). That said, the old eSix Extend used three-digit hexadecimal codes to represent the colors instead of the standard six-digit hex codes or, better yet for more common colors, X11 color names, and I don't believe it had a text box to allow for entering custom colors either, so if I wanted something else, I would have to pick a color first before changing it.
  • "Heading" simply listed the six levels of headers from h1. to h6. in the pop-up element, which showed exactly how they rendered when parsed.
  • And as you might expect, the pop-up element for "Section" had a text box to enter a title and a checkbox if you wanted the ,expanded syntax added.

earlopain said:
I just released a new version which should help you a bit. You now can put custom dtext formatting buttons if you want.
A button where you input a color would look like this: [color=$prompt]$selection[/color], or a button for expanded sections: [section,expanded=$prompt]$selection[/section]
You can of course also add simple buttons like h1 - h6, or a button for all: h$prompt.$selection

Quick explanation: $selection will be replaced with (you guessed it) you current selection. $promp will open a menu where you can input some text.
You can also use multiple of those special values. I hope this helps you!

Ah, this does help, thanks. I like how I can add my own formatting options if I want. This will be especially useful for me when it comes to making tables; the syntax changed for tables to a more complex BBCode-based syntax, so they take more time to make now (unless I use [ltable][/ltable] for lazy tables). I do wish I can set custom prompt description text for each option instead of just dealing with the standard "Your input please", though, but I don't think that's really necessary right now.

I need to point out though that you've misspelled $promp as $prompt in the formatting settings description. I realized that if I entered $prompt as the description says, then it will add a t after whatever I entered for the input. Users need to be informed that it needs to be spelled as $promp without the t to add the input prompts.

bananapancake said:
Could we get a setting to change the upvote and downvote hotkey? It's easy enough to change it myself but it's annoying having to do it every time there's an update.

Sure thing. I'll put it into the next feature update, when I'm done with pools

booruhitomi said:
How they worked was that if you selected an formatting option that allowed for or required additional input, a little pop-up box element would appear above that button when you clicked on it so you can decide what you want to add to the syntax.

  • "Color" had a few common color options to choose from so you could just click on the color you want and its hex code would be added within the markup syntax. So if I wanted to add red text, I clicked "Color", and a small pop-up element appears with a color palette including red (which appeared as squares filled with those colors). I clicked on the red square, and [color=#f00][/color] appeared around my selection (or wherever my text cursor was if I didn't select anything, of course). That said, the old eSix Extend used three-digit hexadecimal codes to represent the colors instead of the standard six-digit hex codes or, better yet for more common colors, X11 color names, and I don't believe it had a text box to allow for entering custom colors either, so if I wanted something else, I would have to pick a color first before changing it.
  • "Heading" simply listed the six levels of headers from h1. to h6. in the pop-up element, which showed exactly how they rendered when parsed.
  • And as you might expect, the pop-up element for "Section" had a text box to enter a title and a checkbox if you wanted the ,expanded syntax added.

Ah, this does help, thanks. I like how I can add my own formatting options if I want. This will be especially useful for me when it comes to making tables; the syntax changed for tables to a more complex BBCode-based syntax, so they take more time to make now (unless I use [ltable][/ltable] for lazy tables). I do wish I can set custom prompt description text for each option instead of just dealing with the standard "Your input please", though, but I don't think that's really necessary right now.

I need to point out though that you've misspelled $promp as $prompt in the formatting settings description. I realized that if I entered $prompt as the description says, then it will add a t after whatever I entered for the input. Users need to be informed that it needs to be spelled as $promp without the t to add the input prompts.

It should actually read $prompt so I made the mistake in other places but still. I pushed an update where I changed it to prompt. If you get the new version you'll have to change from $promp to $prompt.

In the long run I'll probably do it with those popups you mentioned so that you don't have to use the prompt for that anymore but I'm working on pool subscriptions right now.
I already have an idea on how I'm going to implement it, I don't think that this will be that difficult.

earlopain said:
Yeah, that's what I thought. I already started working on it yesterday and now it's finished. Hopefully you'll like it.

Looks good, thanks dude! Is there a way to customize the bar as well?

binagon said:
Looks good, thanks dude! Is there a way to customize the bar as well?

Of course! If you look at the top bar there should be an extra entry, between help and more, called E6NG. Just click on it and you will find some settings you can tweak.
If you click on the tab QuickAccess you can add custom links, reorder them and remove stuff you don't want/need. To reorder just drag the elements around.
Glad you like it (:

earlopain said:
Of course! If you look at the top bar there should be an extra entry, between help and more, called E6NG. Just click on it and you will find some settings you can tweak.
If you click on the tab QuickAccess you can add custom links, reorder them and remove stuff you don't want/need. To reorder just drag the elements around.
Glad you like it (:

Oh, my bad, I didn't notice that :S

Yeah, it works properly, thanks for the work!

It looks like the original version is getting updated after all.
I thought it was pretty much dead since there was no activity for a year and all the posts talking about the new site got no response.
In retrospect I should have asked Xch3l himself what he plans to do.

Should I continue to work on this one? Our versions do have a significant feature overlap and I don't think that there needs to be two or the same.

If some people are interested I'll continue.

earlopain said:
Should I continue to work on this one? Our versions do have a significant feature overlap and I don't think that there needs to be two or the same.

If some people are interested I'll continue.

I am very interested. I just discovered your script. You have done a great job so far. And i like yours more than the original (wich i have never used).

And I have a suggestion. A button to add a single post (id:1234567) to the blacklist. Like the button for the tags.

earlopain said:
It looks like the original version is getting updated after all.
I thought it was pretty much dead since there was no activity for a year and all the posts talking about the new site got no response.
In retrospect I should have asked Xch3l himself what he plans to do.

Should I continue to work on this one? Our versions do have a significant feature overlap and I don't think that there needs to be two or the same.

If some people are interested I'll continue.

Looks like he might end up doing an entire rework of eSixExtend, perhaps you can get in contact with him and maybe you two can collaborate together?

dubsthefox said:
I am very interested. I just discovered your script. You have done a great job so far. And i like yours more than the original (wich i have never used).

And I have a suggestion. A button to add a single post (id:1234567) to the blacklist. Like the button for the tags.

Thanks for the kind words. I think regardless of what the original ends up doing I will still take requests. I'll put the blacklist stuff into the next version.
I'm still working on some other stuff right now thought, so it might take a while.

binagon said:
Looks like he might end up doing an entire rework of eSixExtend, perhaps you can get in contact with him and maybe you two can collaborate together?

I just asked him what he thinks about that. I'll post again when something comes of it.

earlopain said:

I just asked him what he thinks about that. I'll post again when something comes of it.

He replied and said that might get it working with the new site but thats it. He doesn't want to continue with the rewrite.

If I want I can 'steal' his ideas so i will continue to develop this version and put in stuff that the origial had, and of course suggestions from others.

In the end, after a bit of testing, I ended up having somewhat mixed feelings about this project, for the same reasons that I had very mixed feelings about the original eSix Extend.
There are some excellent ideas here, it's just that the execution is quite meh. The quick access links probably exemplify it the most - there is a whole navbar to work with, but those tiny links in the corner is all we get.
Not trying to imply that it's your fault. That's how it was implemented in the original script too. It's just that I want something... more.

I considered forking the repo and contributing... but the way the project is set up really frustrates me.
So, I started a project of my own. Got a couple features in, but unfortunately, I seem to be breaking compatibility with your script in a couple of places.

If you have time, would you mind poking me on discord? There are a couple of things that I'd like your input on.

bitwolfy said:
The quick access links probably exemplify it the most - there is a whole navbar to work with, but those tiny links in the corner is all we get.
Not trying to imply that it's your fault. That's how it was implemented in the original script too. It's just that I want something... more.

The quick links in the upper right? You can make those into words if you want. You can dragon-drop things (yes yes yes a hundred times yes this feature! <3) even add onto it if you know what you're doing by the looks of some of those links.

For the record, I got tapermonkey updating all my scripts once a day (check tapermonkeies settings or see the OP) so I'm always not far behind the live version.

I am curious though as to what you're working on bitWolfy, the immediately obvious thread I looked to first was the e621 Redesign Fixes v.2.0.8 thread, am I on the right track?

As for my original intent of praising the creator for precisely the above quick links feature along with other recent updates, E6 is starting to feel a bit more normal again after the NG update of which I'm happy for.

One quick suggestion.
Previously, the old version of this extension featured a live count of users favorites. It's not important but it is something I'd like to see return at some point.

Also, just something I want to note in the OP. Users of the old extension might get confused by the term settings 'page'. I looked all through the settings page and in the 'advanced' section in particular but didn't find anything I would call a 'page'. I think a more apt term would be 'dropdown'.

mdf said:
The quick links in the upper right? You can make those into words if you want. You can dragon-drop things (yes yes yes a hundred times yes this feature! <3) even add onto it if you know what you're doing by the looks of some of those links.

First of all, dragon-drop. Dragon. Drop.
I don't know if this was intentional, or the result of an overzealous autocorrect, but I love this term. I'll call drag-and-drop that from now on.

As for the shortcut links - yeah, I know that you can change and rearrange them. Still felt a bit restrictive, so in my implementation, I made the whole top navbar editable.

mdf said:
I am curious though as to what you're working on bitWolfy, the immediately obvious thread I looked to first was the e621 Redesign Fixes v.2.0.8 thread, am I on the right track?

No. That was a fix-up stylesheet meant to fix the most glaring bugs in the new design. It's currently under a bit of a code-freeze, as it is being incorporated into the site proper - check e926 to see how that's progressing.

Me and Earlopain have been working on a project together. It's not quite ready for release just yet, but if you have any feature requests, feel free to throw them into the pile

Hi, how are you? Your script seems to be very useful but I tried to install it using Firefox (latest update) and Greasemonkey and nothing happened, there're no changes at all, what am I doing wrong?

Edit No. 1 :Forget about it, I installed Tampermonkey instead and works fine.

Edit No. 2: Can you add a shortcut for "Post Comment"?


harleycs said: Edit No. 2: Can you add a shortcut for "Post Comment"?

Do you mean a hotkey to submit a message you've just typed, or something else? Because if it's the former, I just implemented it into the project me and Earlopain have been working on for the past week.
It's still not ready for release, mind you, but if you have any more feature requests, let us know, either in this thread or on Github

bitwolfy said:
Do you mean a hotkey to submit a message you've just typed, or something else? Because if it's the former, I just implemented it into the project me and Earlopain have been working on for the past week.
It's still not ready for release, mind you, but if you have any more feature requests, let us know, either in this thread or on Github

Nono, I mean a hotkey that open the comment textbox instead of clicking the button.

harleycs said: Nono, I mean a hotkey that open the comment textbox instead of clicking the button.

Ah. Yeah, that could be done pretty easily. I've added it to the TODO list.

For us legacy users of the "original" script, will there be any ability to make use of an existing backup or will we need to start from scratch with settings and watched pools (once that feature is implemented)? I don't mind much either way but it would save me having to hunt down a few dozen pools to re-watch.

logitech said:
For us legacy users of the "original" script, will there be any ability to make use of an existing backup or will we need to start from scratch with settings and watched pools (once that feature is implemented)? I don't mind much either way but it would save me having to hunt down a few dozen pools to re-watch.

The subscriptions have not been implemented yet, but they are going to happen. Importing the settings from eSix Extended shouldn't be too difficult either.
Having some sample data for testing purposes would be really useful, though. If you don't mind, could you export your settings to file and send them to me? I would really appreciate it.

bitwolfy said:
The subscriptions have not been implemented yet, but they are going to happen. Importing the settings from eSix Extended shouldn't be too difficult either.
Having some sample data for testing purposes would be really useful, though. If you don't mind, could you export your settings to file and send them to me? I would really appreciate it.

Sure thing. It should be fairly easy to transfer over as it looks like since moving over to a json output the pool ID and 'read' pages are listed in the file as plaintext rather than a hashed mess of characters...

Let me know if you need any screenshots of settings and whatnot to confirm, I can send those over as well.

Would you like this in a PM or something else?

logitech said:
Sure thing. It should be fairly easy to transfer over as it looks like since moving over to a json output the pool ID and 'read' pages are listed in the file as plaintext rather than a hashed mess of characters...

Let me know if you need any screenshots of settings and whatnot to confirm, I can send those over as well.

Would you like this in a PM or something else?

The data is in json format that's compressed to base64 to save space. JAKXXX3 has sent me a copy of his settings, so I had a chance to look those over.
You can drop the file on github, send it through a PM here, or send a DM on discord. Does not really matter.

I actually got the pool subscriptions working already, although they are not in a state that I'm quite happy with yet. I'll probably get around to implementing the settings importing this weekend.

The subscriptions have not been implemented yet, but they are going to happen. Importing the settings from eSix Extended shouldn't be too difficult either.
Having some sample data for testing purposes would be really useful, though. If you don't mind, could you export your settings to file and send them to me? I would really appreciate it.

Is there a possibility to implement importing eSix Extended data from Local Storage? I didn't manage to make a proper backup before the redesign, as the settings page was disabled, but all the settings are still in my browser data.

Is there a possibility to implement importing eSix Extended data from Local Storage? I didn't manage to make a proper backup before the redesign, as the settings page was disabled, but all the settings are still in my browser data.

That certainly is possible. I already found the place in the original where the data gets saved so it won't be to difficult to read it back out into our version.

It's going to be a bit difficult to test though because we personally don't have the localStorage data, so we'll see how it goes.

Is it just me or the upvote shortcut doesn't work anymore? I mean, it shows the message but it does nothing, the upvote count doesn't change.

Is it just me or the upvote shortcut doesn't work anymore? I mean, it shows the message but it does nothing, the upvote count doesn't change.

The latest update slightly broke that functionality.
The script does not account for there being two sets of voting buttons on the page, so it selects and clicks both of them. Effectively, it adds and immediately removes a vote.
This bug has been fixed in the E6NG successor re621, which should be ready for release some time in the next couple of days.

bitwolfy said:
The latest update slightly broke that functionality.
The script does not account for there being two sets of voting buttons on the page, so it selects and clicks both of them. Effectively, it adds and immediately removes a vote.
This bug has been fixed in the E6NG successor re621, which should be ready for release some time in the next couple of days.

Holy shit, that looks incredible, browsing E6 would be a whole new experience.

re621 date parsing for thumbnails is broken on Firefox.

Maybe replacing this line with

input = input.split(": ")[1].replace(" ","T").replace(" ","");

should get the date close enough to ISO8601 for Firefox to parse the date?

supratime said: re621 date parsing for thumbnails is broken on Firefox.

Thanks, I'll take a look.

Edit: Oddly enough, it was just the timezone that it was having trouble with. The rest was fine, but having a space between time and the timezone offended the fox.
The fix is going to be in tomorrow's release.


bitWolfy and I worked on a new version for the last ~2.5 weeks. It's pretty much a complete rewrite.

For a list of all the features take a look at the forum post above or head over to the projects website
We added small little demos on what each feature does, so be sure to take a look!

Overall the project looks much prettier now, that you can thank bitWolfy for. I'm not really good with css but he made up for it.

Let us now what you think. Feature requests are always welcome and we'll do our best to fix any issues that might come up.

I have a certain problem with re621. I've been using it when it was still being tested, and now I have this weird bug where I'm subscribed to every single topic on the forum and I keep getting notifications for threads I don't care about. Is there a way to reset those subscriptions?

randomguy85 said:
I have a certain problem with re621. I've been using it when it was still being tested, and now I have this weird bug where I'm subscribed to every single topic on the forum and I keep getting notifications for threads I don't care about. Is there a way to reset those subscriptions?

All at once? You could export the settings to file, find re621.forumSubscriptions, and set data to "data": {}. Then, import the file.
But there should probably be an easier way of doing that. I'll bug Earlopain about it.

While you are at it, could you send us the exported settings? That might help fix whatever bug caused this problem.


randomguy85 said:
I have a certain problem with re621. I've been using it when it was still being tested, and now I have this weird bug where I'm subscribed to every single topic on the forum and I keep getting notifications for threads I don't care about. Is there a way to reset those subscriptions?

Sure, I can add an option to reset subscriptions. But I also want to know what's the cause of the problem.
Could you send me your settings? Here's a tutorial how to get the data
You can either send me them over dm or discord, my tag is in the original post.

bitwolfy said:
All at once? You could export the settings to file, find re621.forumSubscriptions, and set data to "data": {}.
But there should probably be an easier way of doing that. I'll bug Earlopain about it.

It turns out that there was more trash data than I anticipated. I've had a whole bunch of pool subscriptions I didn't add. I believe this happened after I imported the e6 Extended data from Local Storage. So I just decided to reinstall the script and resubscribe the stuff I want.

Oh yeah, one thing that would be a great addition to the subscription box is comment subscriptions, or just comment reply notifications in general, like in e6 Extended.

earlopain said:
Sure, I can add an option to reset subscriptions. But I also want to know what's the cause of the problem.
Could you send me your settings? Here's a tutorial how to get the data
You can either send me them over dm or discord, my tag is in the original post.

Sorry, I didn't saw your message before I reinstalled the script. I do have the export json, and as I said, it might have something to do with the e6 Extended Local Storage import.

randomguy85 said:
Sorry, I didn't saw your message before I reinstalled the script. I do have the export json, and as I said, it might have something to do with the e6 Extended Local Storage import.

Yeah, no problem. I added your suggestion to our issue tracker
If you think that the problem had to do with your old data then it's all good. I also changed the save format for subscriptions a while ago, maybe that had something to do with it.
Now that we did the official release the format will of course stay compatible. So if that was the cause it won't happen again.

When I log in to my account the top menu bar disappears so the site is unusable. What's that about? Seems to work fine if I log out.

ansen said: When I log in to my account the top menu bar disappears so the site is unusable. What's that about? Seems to work fine if I log out.

That's obviously not supposed to happen.
What's your browser / operating system / extension? A screenshot of what the page looks like would also be helpful.

ok i have a little problem with this script, i like to use "scaled to fit" on my settings to see a image
and with this script scaled to fit doesn't work, is there any way to fix this problem?

mrkfoxy said:
ok i have a little problem with this script, i like to use "scaled to fit" on my settings to see a image
and with this script scaled to fit doesn't work, is there any way to fix this problem?

Could you elaborate on how exactly does it not work?

The value in the settings is irrelevant with this script. There are two ways to set the scaling:
1. The drop-down menu in the toolbar under the image. The option "Fit Horizontally" is equivalent to the old "Scale to Fit" option. This setting is saved and applied on all posts afterwards.
2. Left-click on the image itself to cycle through the scaling modes. This only applies to the current image, any images opened afterwards default to the value set by the dropdown.

I'd like to report a bug. If I hover over a thumbnail, the script tries to enlarge it but it doesn't work and behaves strangely.
I am bad in explaining, so here is a link to a video:
I am using the opera gx browser. And I have a style sheet installed. But the problem also occurs without it.

dubsthefox said:
I'd like to report a bug. If I hover over a thumbnail, the script tries to enlarge it but it doesn't work and behaves strangely.
I am bad in explaining, so here is a link to a video:
I am using the opera gx browser. And I have a style sheet installed. But the problem also occurs without it.

Don't know what to tell you, looks fine to me.

Could you do these three things for me:
1. Make sure that you are running the latest version of the script. You can check your version by clicking the wrench icon in the top right, then going to the About tab. Should look something like this: re621 v.1.0.0 (build 200405:1925)
2. Double-check that the various stylesheets / extensions you have installed are not interfering with the script
3. Open the developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I, then select "console") to see if there are any errors popping up.



I've turned off my styles, installed the newest version and there are no errors on the posting page. But if I am on the forum page there are thousands.
It probably won't help with my problem but it still could be interesting for you.
I think I have to change back to chrome for e621

ok. I have found my problem. I have stylish installed and had a css style there, which I had disabled. But I forgot about the css style in the e621 settings. I deleted it as well and now its working. sorry ^^'

dubsthefox said:
I've turned off my styles, installed the newest version and there are no errors on the posting page. But if I am on the forum page there are thousands.
It probably won't help with my problem but it still could be interesting for you.
I think I have to change back to chrome for e621

Well, if I can't replicate the problem, I can't really fix it.

The error messages are very strange. The messages themselves complain about the fact that something is trying to load an external font stack, which the website explicitly forbids. Since re621 is not loading any fonts at all, I personally do not see how it could have caused this. Another fascinating thing is that you don't seem to have the debug messages from the SubscriptionManager heartbeat that Earlopain someone left in production code. While not an issue on its own, it is quite odd.

Something is obviously quite different between your setup and mine. For reference, this is what the search page looks like for me. Note the differences in how the navbar looks at the top. The spacing on the images is also very different.
Which stylesheet are you using? If it's something custom, can you send it to me, so that i can make sure that it's not the cause of these issues?

Edit: should have refreshed the page before posting. Oh well. I'm glad your issue has been resolved.

Could you have it remember the setting you choose, or have an option to pick the image size for sample/fill screen/fit horizontally/original? A bit tedious having everything show up as sample and having to change it every time.

An option to move the post navbar under the search box like you did with the 'show parent/children post(s)' box would be nice too. Speaking of the post navbar, what are the checkboxes put there for?

bitwolfy said:
That's obviously not supposed to happen.
What's your browser / operating system / extension? A screenshot of what the page looks like would also be helpful.

Firefox / Win 10 / Tampermonkey

The top menu is visible for about a second after reloading the page but then disappears, only the far left e621 remains. The menu bar under it is still visible.

mel_otsagae said:
Could you have it remember the setting you choose, or have an option to pick the image size for sample/fill screen/fit horizontally/original? A bit tedious having everything show up as sample and having to change it every time.

An option to move the post navbar under the search box like you did with the 'show parent/children post(s)' box would be nice too. Speaking of the post navbar, what are the checkboxes put there for?

I though it already saved the image size, but I just tried it and it doesn't, so that will have to be added.

Moving the post navbar into the sidebar sounds like a good idea to me.
The checkboxes are only really useful when you are using keyboard shortcuts. It's possible to move to the previous/next post using a and d.
When there are more than one, for example if the post is in two pools at once you can press x to select which one you want to use.
The active one will have their checkbox selected.

ansen said:
Firefox / Win 10 / Tampermonkey

The top menu is visible for about a second after reloading the page but then disappears, only the far left e621 remains. The menu bar under it is still visible.

Can you try removing the extension and installing it again? We added the option to remove individual entries from the header and it sounds like all yours are somehow gone.
After removing it the settings should be reset. The next version will have an option to reset individual settings, but the current one doesn't have it yet, so this will have to do for now.

Alternatively you can also go into your tampermonkeys localstorage page (heres a tutorial, look for re621.HeaderCustomizer and remove all its entries.

mel_otsagae said:
Could you have it remember the setting you choose, or have an option to pick the image size for sample/fill screen/fit horizontally/original? A bit tedious having everything show up as sample and having to change it every time.

I've added that bug to the issue tracker, and will get working on it ASAP.
It seems like while the dropdown does not save its settings as it should, cycling the scaling options with the hotkey (V by default) does.

re621 v.1.0.1

- Added an option to reset module settings

- Stopped the Forum Subscriptions from notifying users about their own messages
- Fixed notifications not being cleared while an update is in progress
- Fixed the Image Scaler dropdown menu not saving its value
- Resolved duplicated IDs in the Formatting Helper


Note that re-installing the script by clicking the link the Releases section will wipe out your current settings.
Instead, manually update the script by clicking the tampermonkey icon in the toolbar, selecting Dashboard, and then left-clicking on the last update column for the script.
A new version will then be installed automatically.
I also recommend that you set the update interval to daily in the settings, so that you can receive all the latest changes and fixes as soon as they come out.

earlopain said:
Alternatively you can also go into your tampermonkeys localstorage page (heres a tutorial, look for re621.HeaderCustomizer and remove all its entries.

I did this and it doesn't work. It seems whatever the script defaults to is the problem. However, I set the "enabled" setting to false and that fixed it.

Edit: But now Infinite Scroll doesn't work on the Posts page, and only the Themes button in the upper right is shown the other two are gone.


ansen said: I did this and it doesn't work. It seems whatever the script defaults to is the problem. However, I set the "enabled" setting to false and that fixed it.

I suppose, disabling the module would "fix" it. But I would prefer if the problem itself was addressed.
I've tested on Windows 10 / Firefox, and it works fine for me. Do you have any stylesheets running that might be interfering with the script?

Still, if you are okay with just not having a customizable header, I guess that's fine.

ansen said: Edit: But now Infinite Scroll doesn't work on the Posts page, and only the Themes button in the upper right is shown the other two are gone.

Could you open the dev console for me (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) and see if there are any errors?

Well, I made a brand new account and that fixed everything. Don't know what that's about! I'll just use the new account in the future.

Edit: here's the dev console
The resource at “” was blocked because content blocking is enabled. ERROR: Execution of script 're621 - e621 Reimagined' failed! JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data re621 - e621 Reimagined.user.js:1:561 @moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:25560 getInstance@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:26826 isLoggedIn@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:25791 modifyDOM@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:133225 create@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:132145 register@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:651 tms_670524ba_183c_45bb_9b02_92739aa2349a/<[21]</<@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:52057 tms_670524ba_183c_45bb_9b02_92739aa2349a/<[21]<@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:52004 o@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:254 r@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:415 tms_670524ba_183c_45bb_9b02_92739aa2349a@moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:77:431 r</<@eval:2:491 @moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:1:101 @moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:1:773 @moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:78:6 @moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a:80:3 r</<@eval:2:491 c@eval:2:54 E_u@eval:3:150 ja@eval line 1 > Function:59:374 create@eval line 1 > Function:70:416 d@eval line 1 > Function:13:89 re621 - e621 Reimagined.user.js:1:652 Source map error: Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. Resource URL: moz-extension://a2cbfb7c-672b-401b-91d3-5bcad139ec6e/userscripts/re621%20-%20e621%20Reimagined.user.js?id=670524ba-183c-45bb-9b02-92739aa2349a Source Map URL: /sm/

ansen said:
Well, I made a brand new account and that fixed everything. Don't know what that's about! I'll just use the new account in the future.

Huh. It seems like the script couldn't parse your blacklist, of all things. Well, I wish that I knew that sooner.

I would like to know what broke it, though. Do you think that you could you send me your blacklist? Feel free to send me a DM or poke me on Discord if you are not comfortable posting that kind of thing in the forum.

Edit: I just released a hotfix version 1.0.2 that should address one possible cause of the crash. See if that helps.
