So many people including myself have been tagging Deathclaws wrong. Not completely wrong mind you, but when it comes to "What really is a Deathclaw" we just put some random stuff and we can't seem to make up our minds.
I have seen Equid, Mammal, Reptile, Scalie, so on so fore.
The question kept nagging me when I myself was tagging Deathcaws. So I did a quick Wiki search and other sources on Goolge just in case.
Turns out Deathclaws are not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM a mammal or anything related to a mammal.
Appropriate Species Tags are: Deathclaw, Scalie, and Reptile!
All Deathclaws with Breasts/Female Deathclaws should have: femclaw, non-mammal breasts
Even if they have a naval pease no that it doesn't MEAN they are a mammal. They get hatched from eggs, this isn't another Platypus scenario. They were mutated from a "Jackson's Chameleons"
Basic Source here:
Please don't make these mistakes anymore. Even I as we speak must fix my own damage...
Updated by user 22273