Aliasing violet_skin → purple_skin
Link to alias
Same reason with violet_eyes, violet_fur, and violet_hair.
Updated by Tokaido
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing violet_skin → purple_skin
Link to alias
Same reason with violet_eyes, violet_fur, and violet_hair.
Updated by Tokaido
Gah, color names man. I mean, what the hell is Bicycle Yellow anyway? And does this really look like petrol to anyone?Who named these things!?
Er, yeah, good alias :P
Updated by anonymous
Petrol blue is named such because petroleum actually commonly comes in the shade.
As for violet being renamed... Why? They aren't purple, they're violet. It's like saying pink is just red. :/ Violet is an actual spectral colour, no less.
Updated by anonymous
123easy said:
Petrol blue is named such because petroleum actually commonly comes in the shade.As for violet being renamed... Why? They aren't purple, they're violet. It's like saying pink is just red. :/ Violet is an actual spectral colour, no less.
My point is that not everybody agrees on which color "violet" is, or which one is "purple."
Just look at what google comes up with when you search for "the difference between violet and purple. You'll note that only one or two of those images uses the same color for violet, but everything else is wildly off. That was my same point with petrol, it's a color that no one can agree on. There ARE official color names like red, green, purple, orange, cyan, etc. and if you ask a computer to give you one of those specific colors you'll almost assuredly get the same result at least across programming languages. But the problem here lies with humans, almost no one can agree objectively on what "Salmon" is exactly. Yes, it's an orangish pink, but which orangish pink? What are the luma, hue, and saturation values? What's the hexadecimal color value? Almost no one can answer that off the top of their heads, and I'm willing to bet that everyone would pick a different swatch of salmon if given a multiple choice question about it.
Updated by anonymous