This topic is to assist the approval/deletion of tag aliases/implications. It's getting really hard to find the forum and communicate the tag being approved/deleted so I made this topic to help
Please create the tag first so I'm not searching for it when it's not there and to save me a step having to make it myself
If you made an alias/implication, post it here in this format (I've broken the dtext so it can be seen easier):
Implicating: {{Orange} -> {{fruit}
Reason: an orange is a fruit
Discussion: "link to forum discussion":http:/
Status: Pending
Put down status as "pending" and I will update your post with either "approved" or "deleted" with a reason underneath. The tag doesn't have to be pending on the page; this is just so I can keep track of what tags have been take care of and what haven't in this forum.
This is not at all required but it is suggested if you want to know what has become of your alias/implication and if you want to ensure I see the forum discussion on it. Most times the alias has been approved but the job task is stuck and it will still appear as pending even though it is approved in the system so admins don't keep hitting approve if it says approved here
You can create tag aliases here and implications here by clicking "add" at the bottom
Updated by TonyCoon