Topic: Tag Projects

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Should black_fur really implicate black_body? I thought it meant all or mostly solid black fur/scales/skin, etc, but since black_fur implicates it, posts like get it too. Since panther was removed, I've been trying to find the best tag combination to find them. black_fur is useless because tiger stripes, leopard spots, etc, all count for it, but the definition of black_body makes me think it shouldn't be implicated.

kevsnowcat said:
Should black_fur really implicate black_body? I thought it meant all or mostly solid black fur/scales/skin, etc, but since black_fur implicates it, posts like get it too. Since panther was removed, I've been trying to find the best tag combination to find them. black_fur is useless because tiger stripes, leopard spots, etc, all count for it, but the definition of black_body makes me think it shouldn't be implicated.

It's ok. I asked two admins by now. They both said something like this (freely quoted):"If color x is on the body, no matter how much, you can tag it. But at some point it is ridiculous"

To be honest, stuff like that should probably be tagged as black_markings instead of black_fur. But exactly which things should be tagged as [color]_body vs tagged by a different tag like [color]_markings or [color]_countershading is probably a larger discussion that needs to happen. Throwing everything onto the [color]_body tags has, over time, diluted them so much that it's nearly useless for a search because it pulls up everything with even a speck of that color located anywhere on them. It's become almost impossible to search by just the main body color at all. So I'm not convinced that the overuse of the [color]_body tags for all of the above is really a useful practice. But this has been a expanding issue for quite a long time now, so any method of addressing it now is sure to get somewhat messy.

yeah, I feel like a color should cover at least most of an entire body part (arms, face, chest, back, tail, etc.) before it's tagged <color>_body/fur/feathers/whatever, markings like stripes or spots should be tagged with <color>_markings instead

siral_exan said:
There's an increasing amount of mlp intersex -crossgender -fan_character posts, missing the crossgender tag. There's also pretty much every other copyright needing to be groomed to include crossgender, but I don't have those searches at hand right now.

On a related note:

short version: some people are confusing crossgender content with trans lore content.

LONGER version:
I noticed post #2942504
was tagged with trans_(lore) , trans_woman_(lore) and female/female,
but image showed character with penis entering a female character. (edit: ie. character with penis is not a tag_what_you_see female)
(was also tagged with gynomorph/female , so I assumed consensus from past-taggers was the top-character was ruled gynomorph in this image)

After thinking about it some more, I noticed the angle means we can't see if the top character has breasts or not,
and gynomorph wiki says "a feminine body type, penis / balls, breasts, but no pussy."

QUESTION #1: since we can't see if top-character has breasts ... re-tag top character as male???


post's tag history:

partial-summary of gender-related edits:
1) uploaded with tags: +balls ... +female ...+izzy_moonbow_(mlp) ... +lgbt_pride +male +male/female +male_penetrating .... +sunny_starscout_(mlp) .... ... +trans_(lore) +trans_woman_(lore) ...

(OH NO! tag confusion: both characters are canonically female (edit: and as far as i know have been canonically female since birth), so neither Sunny nor Izzy should be tagged as trans_woman_(lore) "She is a female Earth pony" "Izzy Moonbow is a female unicorn pony")]


2) TabbySeraph adds lesbian_pride_colors tag (where is ok since there is lesbian flag in art. NOTE: no other lesbian content in image)

3) edit by secretyiff : +crossgender ... +ftm_crossgender ... ( +penis_in_pussy ) ....

3) edit by MarilolHylesAnnei : +female/female +gynomorph +gynomorph/female ...
-crossgender -ftm_crossgender -male -male/female -male_penetrating
issue #1: tagger seems confused on if top-character is female or gynomorph.
issue #2: even IF top-character is TagWhatYouSee gynomorph in image, image still crossgender because both characters CANONically female. "She is a female Earth pony" "Izzy Moonbow is a female unicorn pony")

4) and then i
added: ... +crossgender ...
and removed : -female/female -trans_(lore) -trans_woman_(lore)

5) with my 2nd edit I added: +ftg_crossgender +fti_crossgender (which in retrospect was probably mistake, because as written above ... we can't see if top-character has breasts ...)
EDIT: QUESTION #2: re-tag top-character (in post 2942504) as male and ftm_crossgender (female-to-male crossgender) ???

EDIT: Thanks for the reply, Watsit.


i mean.. if the artist intended them as trans, they should be tagged as trans_(lore), whether or not they are in canon.

listerthesquirrel said:
I noticed post #2942504
was tagged with trans_(lore) , trans_woman_(lore) and female/female,
but image showed character with penis entering a female character. (edit: ie. character with penis is not a tag_what_you_see female)

trans_(lore) and trans_woman_(lore) would apply if the artist intends one of the characters to be a trans woman. However, if it's just some third-party assuming they're trans, e.g. because of them being crossgender, the tags wouldn't apply. female/female is incorrect regardless, since one of the characters is visibly male (maybe they originally tagged lesbian because of the lesbian pride colors, or because the tagger was confused with one character being crossgender, or because that characters is a trans woman, I have no idea).

listerthesquirrel said:
After thinking about it some more, I noticed the angle means we can't see if the top character has breasts or not,
and gynomorph wiki says "a feminine body type, penis / balls, breasts, but no pussy."

QUESTION #1: since we can't see if top-character has breasts ... re-tag top character as male???

When it comes to ferals, intersex tags (other than herm) are very difficult to apply. Since most ferals naturally lack breasts and don't have readily apparent sexually dimorphic features (aside from a pussy or penis/balls), it's nearly impossible to distinguish between female and andromorph, or between male and gynomorph. Generally they should just be tagged male or female unless there's clear visible evidence they're some form of intersex.

listerthesquirrel said:
EDIT: QUESTION #2: re-tag top-character (in post 2942504) as male and ftm_crossgender (female-to-male crossgender) ???

IMO, yes.

can we fix the ammount indications tags like 2girls, 3boys, 2male, are just turned into female and male. there should be an option to specify how many characters you want to see.

could we establish tag to desribe when a character is
ferocious, wild and feral, feral as in wild and savage like the word is intended for. not the natural form
some examples to picture it to you
• sonic - werehog
•spiked hair
•messy hair
• were, werewolf, etc
•full red eyes
• monstrous creature with claws and sharp teeth
•long fluffy wild fur and lots of tufts. (chest tuft, wrist tuft, hair tuft, ankle tuft, full body tuft)
• a sense of danger coming from the creature that has a predatory intent

im not very good with words and will have to look through some synonyms but the word feral describes it best tho it's taken.

Also the "were" tag. it describes a half human half animal hybrid which is useless because almost every furry is a humanoid hybrid and every werewolf is a humanoid furry

trap2222 said:
Also the "were" tag. it describes a half human half animal hybrid which is useless because almost every furry is a humanoid hybrid and every werewolf is a humanoid furry

The were tag is supposed to be for characters that transform between human and a creature, not simply a humanoid or anthro creature.

Is there any way we can start a project for posts tagged with vore without pred or prey descriptors?

Vore -*prey
Vore -*pred

Two questions. If you can't quite tell if a character is a certain species, is it "best guess" or leave it out? i.e. wolf or husky?

Second, do you put human (or humanoid if they have, say, green skin) in partial-TF pics like ?

Addendum: third question what do you tag if you can find out from lore what the species is supposed to be but the art makes it impossible to tell? Octii is apparently a salamander, but I would have guessed Asriel-style goat at a glance, at least. On the non-Animal Crossing style images with him he looks more like a Slowpoke than anything else. I'm still unclear when to use unknown_species vs ambiguous_species


kevsnowcat said:
Two questions. If you can't quite tell if a character is a certain species, is it "best guess" or leave it out? i.e. wolf or husky?

Best guess, or lowest common denominator. Even if you're not sure whether it's specifically a wolf or husky, they're clearly canine either way, so tagging canine would be better than leaving out the species altogether (it's already tagged that because of the mastiff, but in the hypothetical scenario where it wasn't, that's what I'd do).

kevsnowcat said:
Second, do you put human (or humanoid if they have, say, green skin) in partial-TF pics like ?

For in-progress transformations, it's typical to tag the original form and new form, if you can reasonably infer what they are in the image (e.g. human and feral for that example, as the right forepaw suggests less anthro and more of a feral form, while the skin and human-looking appendages also suggest human).

kevsnowcat said:
Addendum: third question what do you tag if you can find out from lore what the species is supposed to be but the art makes it impossible to tell? Octii is apparently a salamander, but I would have guessed Asriel-style goat at a glance, at least. On the non-Animal Crossing style images with him he looks more like a Slowpoke than anything else. I'm still unclear when to use unknown_species vs ambiguous_species

This might be debatable, but generally I think you should tag what they're supposed to be, unless the depiction doesn't look like it can be. E.g. if someone says a character is a horse, but they unequivocally look like a feline, tag it feline. While if someone says a character is a lion, and it kinda maybe looks like it could perhaps be a stylized lion, I'd probably tag it lion.

Curious if melanistic should include, say, black lions with white manes or 'toon style coloring' (even on more realistic images) where the chest/belly area are a lighter shade Also black tigers with lighter/white stripes.

Also: is there any way to increase the timeout on 'recently used tags' when tagging things? I'll get pulled away by reality for an hour or so and then come back and it's already gone.

tag project:
When you (or any of us) have time: check 3d_(artwork) animated -3d_animation and add 3d_animation tag to a post if relevant
(some could be animated in one part, with 3d artwork in another part)

Admitedly not a urgent priority since someone can just search for 3d_(artwork) AND animated,
but will come in handy when someone has too many tag(s) in their search string.


Had a look at posts tagged with 2tags 3d_(artwork) animated and decided to check which of those were not tagged with 3d_animation.

3d_(artwork) animated -3d_animation = ({99pages x 75} + 5))= 7430 posts

vulpes_artifex said:
Should breast_implants be a lore tag? Furries are drawn with large, perky, presumably natural breasts all the time, so there's really no way to visually determine if a character has implants.

No, there are images that show implants more explicitly, by showing installation, scars, x-rays, or other more creative ideas.
example: post #2801424 post #2380528 post #2522653 post #1963257
The way the tag is being used right now is a problem. I think we should create a new tag that describes the stiff appearance of breast implants to put all of the mistags into, and keep the breast implants tag for images where the implants or evidence of the implants can be seen.

not your common tag project, but:
Verifying that images tagged under creative_commons are actually licensed under CC by a/the reliable source. When in doubt, remove the tag, as stating that it is licensed when it's not can cause issues later on. I'm more specifically talking about images created in the modern era, as art that is non-digital has its own issues.

also add license info where applicable

cutefox123 said:
not your common tag project, but:
Verifying that images tagged under creative_commons are actually licensed under CC by a/the reliable source. When in doubt, remove the tag, as stating that it is licensed when it's not can cause issues later on. I'm more specifically talking about images created in the modern era, as art that is non-digital has its own issues.

also add license info where applicable

So... CC is applicable if the artist said somewhere that the work in question is CC?
And if it is applicable, I must create an archive page for the source where the artist/char owner said that, and add it on the description with license_info ?

m3g4p0n1 said:
So... CC is applicable if the artist said somewhere that the work in question is CC?
And if it is applicable, I must create an archive page for the source where the artist/char owner said that, and add it on the description with license_info ?

I believe that a link to a site like wikimedia commons that contains licensing info is enough, like post #3764465, but the license info wiki isn't exactly clear, does it require that the link be specifically in the description, or is just a link to information about the license used and the actual license proof in the sources sufficient.

There are also weird edge cases, like images who arent on wikimedia, but instead show info through other sites, like deviant art or newgrownds or apparently even on the image itself.

cutefox123 said:
I believe that a link to a site like wikimedia commons that contains licensing info is enough, like post #3764465, but the license info wiki isn't exactly clear, does it require that the link be specifically in the description, or is just a link to information about the license used and the actual license proof in the sources sufficient.

There are also weird edge cases, like images who arent on wikimedia, but instead show info through other sites, like deviant art or newgrownds or apparently even on the image itself.

Hm... well, the license page does say that This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.
Additionally, it says The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

So, I assume that:
A) The fact that deviantart only allows the artist to attribute the CC mark, is enough proof that they agree with it. As long as it's archived in a trusty web-archive that can't be adultered.
B) The link to the web-archived page is to be linked in the license-info.
C) Even if the artist chooses to disable the CC mark on their deviantart, it's an uncontestable fact that they allowed it under CC at some point, and with evidence of it on an archive, properly sourced artwork archived here will remain that way, ideally..

BUT all of this is assuming that deviantart's CC mark is valid. Is there another process that one must undergo to register something under CC? Deviantart's CC mark could very well be just a formalitty feature, necessary for uploaded third-party artwork that is already released under CC prior to the upload. And thus, holding no legal/official value in regards to CC whatsoever.

When browsing, I noticed a lot of artists don’t add things in the Meta category.
Related, can someone tell me why the digital_drawing_(artwork) tag is so underused? Currently it’s “only” over 81k, which isn’t small but you would think that would count for at least half the pics on the site, since that’s the most common. (Digital_art_(media) has more than ten times that amount, but as said, the tag only gets added about half the time.)

Maybe it’s because of new users who don’t know or maybe some just simply forgot, (admittedly, even I forget to add the date and media tags a few times, since I’m not reminded like the others), but still.

This might be out of this specific thread’s control, but maybe there should be a new section of the upload page involving Meta tags (date, types of media, portrait, etc.). The others have one, so why not this too?

Granted, the Meta tags are probably the least important thing to add to a picture, I just thought it was worth mentioning so it doesn’t keep happening. After all, just like how every picture should have the artist tag since someone had to have made the work, everything on this site was made at some point in time and it has to be some form of media. (Even if I uploaded a blank square with nothing on it whatsoever, it will still undeniably count as digital media.)


Just noticed undertagging of talking_feral, which I split into 3 searches:

That's the ones that can be easily found via positive feral tag. Considering the size of the -feral -human -humanoid -taur -anthro -zero_pictured tag project (>187k posts), there are certainly more.

Pika: The division between painting and drawing is far less clear in digital. Tags that are difficult to clearly justify don't get applied. IMO that's most of the reason. How does the digital_painting tag compare to digital_media (by comparison to the digital_drawing:digital_media ratio)?

FWIW I wonder if it would be worth listing commonly applicable tags on artist pages? Take smitty_g : digital_media_(artwork) is standard, talking_feral is common.

(EDIT: Updated project to include voice_acted as well as dialogue, thanks TheGreatWolfgang)


Is this the thread about tagging weirdness?
Various weapons and their use should have aliases.
For example, "Bow_(weapon)" and "arrow" should implicate "archery", and "bow_and_arrow" should implicate "bow_(weapon) and "arrow" (also arrow should be something like "arrow_(weapon) to differentiate from drawn arrows and other stuff like that that aren't bow munitions)



a_dope_bird said:
For example, "Bow_(weapon)" and "arrow" should implicate "archery"

An image having a bow and/or arrow doesn't necessarily mean a character is engaged in archery.

agiacake said:
I don't know if this would be the right place to make requests but I'm not sure where else we would reach out to mods for stuff like this.

I was thinking in cases like where there seems to be no need for an (artist) parenthesis (nothing else is named KamperKiller) that I could request a mass retag of kamperkiller_(artist) to just kamperkiller

What you want is an alias request i think

tag project: check husky posts to see if someone just got confused between
A) husky the breed
B) the word "husky" "Burly, stout." ... (ie. slightly_chubby or close to it)

Current implications are:
husky -> nordic_sled_dog -> spitz -> domestic_dog -> canis -> canine -> canid -> mammal
(so 8 species tags)

so two searches (that come to mind) to check for husky/chubby confusion would be:
1) husky slightly_chubby : (more than 750 posts)
2) husky solo spectags:>=9 : (more than 2,625 posts)

example: re-tagged post #2809493 from husky TO shiba_inu (tagged at FA by character-owner as "shiba_inu")

Been doing a little more work with sound on WEBM files, looks like I'm not alone too, been watching files vanish as I've been active.
Although it'll likely need regular fixing, there's now no posted WEBM files without a sound or no_sound tag - link.

Additionally, the ~sound ~sound_warning no_sound search has been cleared out - no posts have both as of now - link.

Done some work historically on the bdsm rating:s project, so gonna continue with that, I think.

Looks like a few of these tagging projects are completed, but the original post isn't being updated. I also think it may help having an approximate post count that could be updated regularly with post count, status, etc. Not sure the best way to implement that though.



imagoober said:
Out of boredom I decided to do some strolling, and I noticed a lot of solo images tagged humanoid (and the various species variants) and anthro.

I've been doing a bit of cleaning, but there's a lot of them, and could use some help cleaning up humanoid + anthro + solo.

Humanoid in general is a huge problem, as a lot of people use it meaning anthro. Plenty of posts are tagged as humanoid and not anthro for anthro characters too (like post #3981886, which I just fixed), and even posts tagged as humanoid + feral( + solo) for anthro characters.

Tagging wrong artist still an issue (thankfully a small percentage of posts).

Quoting earlier post as reminder,
then new bit with another variation of problem under the quote.

listerthesquirrel said:
(sorry if this is too obvious)

Sometimes I wander across posts where wrong artist has been tagged.
(In some cases it seems that someone saw a link to a commissioner, and misinterpreted it to mean they did the art or did some of the art)

So if you have time, check the source(s) for artist credit(s).

(Some might be tagged with 2 or more artist tags: arttags:>1)


edit: an example (was tagged with one artist tag, but the wrong tag):
post #2410354 was tagged with artist tag sherrimayim, but source says amilystone did art.
amilystone was character tag, but amilystone did the art (and only one e621 upload tagged with amilystone and no one in that artwork has named starting with Amily)... so switched amilystone to being an artist tag.
sherrimayim tag added by Amaster, maybe they added tag because sherrimayim wrote the related story.
(forum post about writer credits in general )

amilystone tag was changed from general TO character by Pklixian
( )

(by the way, there more art by amilystone at their FA and twitter)

So when adding artist tag, make sure the tag is for the artist and not for the username who is reblogging the art.
{and if you have time, check the accuracy of artist tag(s) of (an) existing post(s).}

example: post #2243146 was tagged with magic-luz_(artist),
but source
is a reblog of (posted "Mar 16th, 2018")

Did image search and found artist's twitter with username @corinnedraws. (twitter name "calonarang", their twitter bio says "I draw...", and twitter-bio says their website is )
artwork of King (of Owl House) at (tweet says "#TheOwlHouse was so cute! I'm ready for more " and is dated Jan 15, 2020)


artist_name, unknown_artist, anonymous_artist are the given examples in the upload page, so its entirely possible those who do not know how artist tags work put those when the tags shouldnt actually apply.

also, signature anonymous_artist should be virtually empty, since if the artist wishes to be anon, but they signed it... that's weird.
also also, anon_artist posts shouldn't be sourced if "they can be used to identity the artist".

Certainly not the best way at searching through this, but here we go anyway.

-anthro -feral -taur (there's probably more that could be added.)

Lotta posts that are just missing these kinds of tags. I don't know how to refine this kinda search more, but if you're looking for a massive tagging project. Have fun.

~older_* ~younger_* solo should almost* never show results. younger_male, older_intersex, etc. implies an age_difference between two characters, so the image either has at least two characters and solo should be removed, or it's a single character and younger/older_x should be removed (also make sure to remove age_difference if it's a solo image).

Also, on these same posts, the tagger may have also added young even if all characters are adult, which is the opposite of what young indicates and also has no direct relationship to age_difference.

*: this could also be confusion regarding disembodied_penis (or any other disembodied part) and only needs solo to be removed, since disembodied parts may count as characters in an image and an age_difference could be implied from that disembodied part alone.

aaronfranke said:
teacher_and_student size_difference -smaller_student -larger_student
teacher_and_student size_difference -smaller_teacher -larger_teacher

If there is a teacher and student, and there is a size difference, then one of them should be tagged as larger and one should be tagged as smaller.

I thought we largely agreed we were only going to have the <adjective>_<character_type> tags for gender and form... wasn't there some statement from staff on this or was that that just for the x/p/y stuff?

feces and scat are two different things, so scat should only be used on posts which the actual shit is fetishized, therefore the scat posts needs to be cleaned up MASSIVLY

I believe all posts with loporrit are tagged with Final Fantasy XIV even though they originate from FF IV. While most of the posts do indeed reference FFXIV in some way it’s not universal. Before I start cleaning it up I would like to get some input from you guys. Should all of the posts include a FFIV tag and is it ok to remove the FFXIV tag from posts that have no reference to it?

sorrowless said:
I believe all posts with loporrit are tagged with Final Fantasy XIV even though they originate from FF IV. While most of the posts do indeed reference FFXIV in some way it’s not universal. Before I start cleaning it up I would like to get some input from you guys. Should all of the posts include a FFIV tag and is it ok to remove the FFXIV tag from posts that have no reference to it?

FFIV has Hummingways, not Loporrits, so the Loporrit association with FFXIV is correct.

Noticed that a lot of snow_leopard posts are also tagged leopard.

search: snow_leopards spectags:5

Some of them could be hybrids, such as (which may be considered a snow_leopard/melanistic_leopard hybrid) so it would need the melanistic and hybrid tags, though I'm still unclear whether "cartoon shading" of black panthers with a lighter abdomen should be considered melanistic or not (on a separate note, is there any way to double-alias a tag so someone trying to use melanistic_leopard gets corrected to both leopard and melanistic separately?)

Others are blatantly wrong:

I'm guessing there's no quick way to fix this since batch removing leopard from the search would also hit all the untagged hybrids.

lafcadio said:
FFIV has Hummingways, not Loporrits, so the Loporrit association with FFXIV is correct.

That’s odd. I thought it was the individual. I remembered after I posted here that Hummingway had an appearance in FFIII but it’s name there was Namingway. It changed its name to what it does in FFIV. Maybe at the time the name of the specie was Hummingway?

sorrowless said:
That’s odd. I thought it was the individual. I remembered after I posted here that Hummingway had an appearance in FFIII but it’s name there was Namingway. It changed its name to what it does in FFIV. Maybe at the time the name of the specie was Hummingway?

They looked less like rabbits in the SNES days. Honestly I thought they were some kind of humanoid insect back then, bee or moth, from appearance and inability to do more than buzz, but I guess if you look at the sprite details you can kind of make out cheek tufts. The remakes, both 3d and sprites, gave them full bunny ears instead of generic long ears. The species is Hummingway, Namingway is one specific individual on the Moon who can speak human language and rename your characters.

kevsnowcat said:
They looked less like rabbits in the SNES days. Honestly I thought they were some kind of humanoid insect back then, bee or moth, from appearance and inability to do more than buzz, but I guess if you look at the sprite details you can kind of make out cheek tufts. The remakes, both 3d and sprites, gave them full bunny ears instead of generic long ears. The species is Hummingway, Namingway is one specific individual on the Moon who can speak human language and rename your characters.

So what’s the difference between them? And maybe more importantly how can you tell the difference here on e621?

trap2222 said:
could we establish tag to desribe when a character is
ferocious, wild and feral, feral as in wild and savage like the word is intended for.

I was thinking of simplifying this to "animalistic." When a charactor is acting on their animalistic/primal desires while being devoid of any anthropomorphic expressions like smiling, blushing, or aheago. Instead, showing teeth, growling, and panting should be the majority of the seen expressions.
A more accurate word for this tag would be ferine. But I dont think many would understand that without a wiki.

Being able to sort through savage werebeasts/monsters and large sentiant anthros would be nice.
I consider animalistic/ferine on my tag wishlist.
Id start adding the tag myself but I dont know if I'll get in trouble adding that many tags.

cutefox123 said:
feces and scat are two different things, so scat should only be used on posts which the actual shit is fetishized, therefore the scat posts needs to be cleaned up MASSIVLY

i see what you did there

This one's a minor issue and also difficult to handle properly due to the scope of it, but could we get a single consolidated tag going for "big transparent cylinder with a character inside of it"? Over the past few months I've noticed a whopping five different tags for this in addition to some orphaned posts with just the general tags of scientific_instrument, laboratory_equipment, laboratory_glassware, etc.:
glass tank (4 images)
water_tank (77 images)
test_tube (583 images with overlap of pics featuring the real-life lab equipment of the same name)
stasis_chamber (487 images)
pod (194 images with LOTS of overlap, including seedbeds, plantlife, sci-fi bed surrogates, and so forth)

Many of these could be grouped into a single tag such as "laboratory_tank" or something similar no-problem. If there are any more for this term I missed here feel free to call 'em out too.

I've been cleaning solo solo_focus -duo -group and I've managed to reduce the number of posts (as of writing this) down to just 91. I invite anyone with a better understanding of character count tag application to handle the rest. Been working on cleaning other focus tags in the meantime.

Not sure if this quite what this thread's intended for, but can we work on getting chaps tagged? Searched them for the first time last night only to realize that there were only 2k results, so I'm reasonably certain that they frequently go untagged.

I've started tagging internal view stuff where the prostate is clearly THERE but not tagged- ahhhh so many pages.

Not sure if this is the right thread for artist tags but I've noticed somebody who's got two: daisuke_amaya and oxizn. In reality both are the exact same person, except the posts tagged daisuke_amaya are of his art from 1 to 2 decades ago. posts tagged oxizn are from 2021 or 2022 onwards. so we should replace oxizn with daisuke_amaya, right?

letrollisgato said:
Not sure if this is the right thread for artist tags but I've noticed somebody who's got two: daisuke_amaya and oxizn. In reality both are the exact same person, except the posts tagged daisuke_amaya are of his art from 1 to 2 decades ago. posts tagged oxizn are from 2021 or 2022 onwards. so we should replace oxizn with daisuke_amaya, right?

What you're looking for is an alias request

dimoretpinel said:
I realise it’s mostly about weeding out posts where the head is visible in the first place. Is there a tag for posts where the head is obscured, blocked off by furniture, or off-screen?

Yeah, faceless_character applies to that situation, the problem is it's very underused, and not helpful mostly.


When one or more characters' face isn't shown (due to obstructing objects, hair, position, etc.) or out of the picture.



definitelynotafurry4 said:
Yeah, faceless_character applies to that situation, the problem is it's very underused, and not helpful mostly.

That might not fit exactly what they're hoping for. It's possible for the face (eyes, nose, mouth) to be obscured, but the forehead, forehead gem, and/or ears to still be visible.

watsit said:
That might not fit exactly what they're hoping for. It's possible for the face (eyes, nose, mouth) to be obscured, but the forehead, forehead gem, and/or ears to still be visible.

It's the closest you'd get to a character's head being obscured since we don't have any tag that I know of for obscured head. Weeding through all the posts they're talking about would take a very long time without some narrowing down that would lead to missing posts. But like I said, the tag is underused, so it's most likely not helpful anyways