Topic: Replacing Updated Art (New User)

Posted under Art Talk

I just uploaded my first stuff and realized I'd left something unfinished. I want to replace it with an updated version, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. Should I post the newer version and flag the old one for deletion?
Also sorry if this was a topic already; I'm still trying to figure out the forums.


Phantom_Janitor said:
I just uploaded my first stuff and realized I'd left something unfinished. I want to replace it with an updated version, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. Should I post the newer version and flag the old one for deletion?
Also sorry if this was a topic already; I'm still trying to figure out the forums.

Yep, exactly what you said! Post the new one, and flag the old, unfinished one. Don't forget to type the finished version's id (located at the left side, under Statistics) on the flagged post "Parent Post ID" box in the "Edit" link

Also, welcome! :)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Yep, exactly what you said! Post the new one, and flag the old, unfinished one. Don't forget to type the finished version's id (located at the left side, under Statistics) on the flagged post "Parent Post ID" box in the "Edit" link

Also, welcome! :)

Thank you so much! :)

Updated by anonymous

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