Topic: Anyone interested in a novel?

Posted under General

Hey guys, until now I've only lurked here. Trawling through this place inspired a story a few years back. The idea was to cram as many non-gore fetishes as I could into it. I don't know if that would drive off more people than it would draw in (sample chapter I posted years ago here

At any rate, I picked it back up a couple weeks ago and did a ton of work on it. Its on pace to be something like 80k to 100k words, so actual novel length of which I've now written a quarter. My question is whether or not it would be something people would actually pay for. I guess let the sample chapter give you an idea?

There's 3 quarters of the story still to write, but working on it again made me realize that the bones of it are actually something I COULD finish a story from. Just curious what anyone thought of the viability of a specifically kink-filled, furry, novel length story.

Updated by TwistedLogik

I don't know of any books that have been written that feature furry-type characters for a purely adult audience. So it could be interesting. I think it largely depends on what the actual narrative is. I'd say the biggest concern would be finding a publisher willing to promote your book. Most of them are very particular about what they'll accept. They might often come back to you saying there isn't much of an audience for this kind of content, seeing as the furry community is largely based online.

Updated by anonymous

TwistedLogik said:
I'd say the biggest concern would be finding a publisher willing to promote your book... seeing as the furry community is largely based online.

Oh for sure, and that's totally reasonable for them. I was thinking more for setting up some sort of crowd funding? Seems better suited to short stories though, not a serially released novel I might have to go back and edit. Amazon publishes ebooks I know, though I've never looked at their catalog of furry related stuff, if it exists.

What I'd like most is a comic, as I actually have been writing scripts for years now, but its justifiably a hard sell to an artist to get paid on the back end of that much work, especially when the folks drawing this sort of stuff are typically hip-deep in a backlog of commissions as it is.

Anyway, do you have suggestions on how I might begin interesting people in the prospect of paying for this? Sample chapters, but I obviously can't go too crazy on that. Maybe commissioned art for each chapter or something...

Updated by anonymous

Totemic said:
Anyway, do you have suggestions on how I might begin interesting people in the prospect of paying for this? Sample chapters, but I obviously can't go too crazy on that. Maybe commissioned art for each chapter or something...

Perhaps presenting a universe around your existing ideas might help to get peoples attention, which would create some anticipation for a novel / comic. For example, if you're able to create images of your characters and locations. Most people prefer to view a nicely detailed image, rather than dive into a book straight away. Especially these days.

If something like that existed, then it might be easier to guarantee some sales for the completed product, as they will already be somewhat familiar and know that they will get something out of what they are paying for. I can think of times this has worked before. For example, YouTube legend Filthy Frank managed to sell some copies of his book, but only because his channel which his characters and lore was so appreciated already. I know that's not furry related, but it's a somewhat similar situation.

You wouldn't necessarily need a publisher then either, as you could just sell online through your own avenues. I imagine some kind of Patreon type thing could work. Upload your work for free, but people have the option to donate and maybe get access to the next chapter early, as well as potential ideas and concepts.

Updated by anonymous