I've been single my whole life and I wouldn't have it any other way as I've always been a loner, prefering solitude over companionship. Relationships just never appealed to me nor are they something that I've ever desired or felt like I needed, I've heard countless times that relationships are the key to true happiness but I'm more than capable of being happy by myself.
I get happiness from activities such as gaming, listening to music, browsing furry art, making OCs, and outdoor activities like going for walks and bike rides.
But the thing that gives me the most happiness is just having the freedom to live on my own terms and go my own way and to me, nothing compares to that and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Unfortunately, our society tends to put relationships on a pedistal and make them out to be the most important thing ever while acting like being single is the worst thing that can happen to someone.
I made this post because this is something that's been on my mind lately and I'd like to know where you guys stand on this, do you think getting in a relationship should be everyone's life goal or should people be free to live on their own terms like how I've chosen to?
Updated by Millcore