Topic: site improvement idea - scrolling maquee

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Think that's how you spell it.
Anyway instead of the single newest news message displayed set up a box that rotates between the newest message and several primary ones.
such as:

  • rule reminder with links
    • tagging guidelines with links for twys, gender identification, and the name rule.

FFD reminders such as "Remember, things such as not furry, pedo, ect are not valid flag reasons!"

  • ect, ect

Make sure it is a bright color, and disable the ability to close the box.

A lot of people don't even know e621 is in the state of arazona and that arazona has no drawn pedophila laws, thus its legal, so they join just to flag, others flag even after being on the site for years using not furry, or nazism, or peri...all because the rules arnt staring them in the face.
Not saying you must do it, but look at it as an experimient? Put it up for awhile if it doesn't work remove it, marquee shouldn't be that hard yo add, made one myself 7 years ago as a highschool comp course on web design.
As they say ignorance of the rules is no excuse, but some people wound heed them unless their staring them in the face or have been slapped on the hands. Might just save the mods some work later if it discourages them from making a mess in their ignorance.

Updated by Varka

>bright color
>disable ability to close box

I'm struggling to tell if this suggestion is serious or not.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Absolutely not.

how about being a bit more helpful than "absolutely not"? just because we dont like each other doesnt mean you need to know :/

Rusteee said:
Where is arazona?

i cant spell and english isnt my primary, so bite me.

Seven_Twenty said:
>bright color
>disable ability to close box

I'm struggling to tell if this suggestion is serious or not.

there are people who seriously wount get the idea unless you make it as clear as possible, doesnt have to be neon orange or anything, but red text on black background works. as for marquee, would you rather a 5 page long "new news" infoblog every time they release something? lastly, the ability to close it. most people, including me a few times, simply go "oh news, click" and never even read the thing.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know, the one here is pleasant, and stops when you hover over it.

Edit: Don't know if this type could be done with dtext though.

Updated by anonymous

So, because of a small minority who is incapable of comprehending/ following the rules you wish to put a nail in the head of every single user of this site?

I'm all for overkill but this is kinda over the top.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
I don't know, the one here is pleasant, and stops when you hover over it.

Edit: Don't know if this type could be done with dtext though.

It's converted to HTML later.

As for the idea, I'd prefer something like this:

News - May 23, 2013 (3 days ago)

Hey guys, regardless of what you may have seen proposed in the News recently, our Tag What You See rule is still unchanged from this here. Remember, the only recent change was to allow using external information for tagging character NAMES only, NOT gender or virtually anything else. PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RULE! Thanks! :)

but hovering over it instead of having to click to expand it.

Updated by anonymous

I'd like a drop down menu that follows down the post page, you know the one that says edit, view, apply tag script ect. That would be more useful, IMO.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
how about being a bit more helpful than "absolutely not"? just because we dont like each other doesnt mean you need to know :/

Marquees, overly obnoxious colors are universally accepted as horrible web design... just like music on my space pages and tons of animated gifs and flashing backgrounds..

and removing the X? Having the removable news was SUCH a good Idea FA decided to steal it :p

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
i cant spell and english isnt my primary, so bite me.

Ok (nom)

In all seriousness, I kinda like the idea except for the bright color and the removal of the X

Updated by anonymous

ok, well remove the bright color (that was ment to grab your attention) and the close button can stay since that was mainly ment to keep them from simply ignoring it. just figured it might be a good way to display everything needed to keep the ignorance as low as possible.
but if its not to be then im ok with that as it was just an idea

Updated by anonymous

Esme Belles -

Thank you for your feedback; I do agree there is room for improvement in how 'news' items are handled, and we will take your suggestions into consideration as we improve the site :)



Updated by anonymous

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