Topic: What fetish/kink did E621 give you?

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This site is 50% a fetish hub for me. lol

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DeltaFlame said:
Atryl? Adam Wan? Etheross?
I know we all have our reasons for blacklisting things and I'm not judging, but I'm really curious about these...

i will never understand the cult of personality around Adam's uninspired borderline-zoophiliac pornography. it's like the great big grey goo that boring furry art comes from, the "Furry Porn Alpha", if you will, that can be replaced with any other equally-skilled artist with no great loss. i have not found any personality in the construction of his work, and i believe a lot of people who blacklisted his work would feel somewhat similar.

the same could be said for the other two artists, which may be perfectly serviceable jacking-off material (as reflected by the upvote count on their work), but their work is just plain boring to look at, pushing no boundaries, doing nothing special in the realm of art, and existing to earn Patreon money from those who would rather spend their money on this trite instead of actually creative independent artists.

rhyolite said:
I blacklisted all the MLP stuff, it was getting too much. :-|

see one dubiously-aged pretty pastel pony get their fanny stuffed with horse cock, see them all.

Updated by anonymous

Oh boy here we go!!!

°hyper genitalia
°cum inflation
°cock impale
°multiple eqiune penises in one hole
°a mild atraction to boobs

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
It made me into a kink master supreme but it has also solidified my distaste for anything related to diaper and scat fetishes.


just try to look at the "innocent" babyfur and diaperfur stuff, without the scat, it's not all that bad when the weird stuff isn't there

Updated by anonymous

frans7 said:
This site is 50% a fetish hub for me. lol

Same TBH i get most of my porn here, Tumblr or one of the other sites like deviant art, rule 34, furryboru or fur affinity, something good always springs up (Giggidy)

Updated by anonymous

in all honesty this site (and a few others similar to it) have strongly fortified my desire for Canines, Canines in diapers and anything to do with Paw Patrol, heck i used to only like boyxboy stuff but with canines i'll look at girl stuff too

oh yeah i'm into bondage now too, thanks E621 LOL

Updated by anonymous

ilovezuma said:
Same TBH i get most of my porn here, Tumblr or one of the other sites like deviant art, rule 34, furryboru or fur affinity, something good always springs up (Giggidy)

Yeah, 'normal' stuff is unappealing, its so fake and the acting is painfully obvious.

Updated by anonymous

ilovezuma said:
in all honesty this site (and a few others similar to it) have strongly fortified my desire for Canines, Canines in diapers and anything to do with Paw Patrol, heck i used to only like boyxboy stuff but with canines i'll look at girl stuff too

oh yeah i'm into bondage now too, thanks E621 LOL

it's customary to combine two posts into one in order to avoid the dreaded double post.

without being a bully, your fixation for a particular children's show borders less on the fetishistic and more on the pathological. is it not enough to enjoy something without basing so much of your life around it? i wonder what career prospects their are in writing “Paw Patrol” erotic fanfiction, though if you somehow make a living wage out of it i won't know whether to be incredibly impressed or incredibly incredulous.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I used to hate [n|N]azis
but after seeing porn of them on e621
I now am one myself
and I'm voting AfD in the upcoming election

props on changing your political affiliation because of porn

Updated by anonymous

GreatKingToro said:
Then why don't you just leave? Seriously if you hate the website so much why don't you just go and never come back? Why subject yourself to it?

well I kind of get what he's saying. I don't label myself a furry even though I like anthropomorphic creatures, and part of the reason why is because I feel like a noticeable portion of the fandom are people labeling themselves something strange for attention, and I think what he's referencing specifically is porn that he finds personally disgusting/immoral turns him off from people in the fandom. Obviously these things like that will happen in any fandom , but it always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. So I see why he might grow a dislike, seeing the worst of the fandom for years and years. However we clearly agree that the porn outweighs the negatives, and I would say most furries are just normal people with at least one weird thing about them (like everyone else).

Updated by anonymous

ceb said:
I don't label myself a furry even though I like anthropomorphic creatures, and part of the reason why is because I feel like a noticeable portion of the fandom are people labeling themselves something strange for attention,

Yeah, special snowflake syndrome is pretty common here.

ceb said:
However we clearly agree that the porn outweighs the negatives,

Except when the porn is the negative. One issue is we're seen as too porn-centric and the more extreme branches of it don't help.

Updated by anonymous

All the good stuff here makes all regular Pronz taste bland.

I’m now into pretty much all furry stuff and before I came here cat girls were the furthest I would go

Now I absolutely LOVE furry x human stuff. So hot!

Updated by anonymous

Peter_The_Fox said:
I had been straight for years, but last week, E621 finally did me in and turned me bisexual.

The Eternal Gay rubs his hands gleefully... "It'th working!"

Updated by anonymous

Peter_The_Fox said:
Ha, I'm fighting it though, and I'm cutting back on it. I'm not saying being gay or bi is a disease... It's just not my preferred cup of tea. Yet I'm still attracted to guys

I saw that :³

Updated by anonymous

E621 really show'ed me how much I love muscles, cuntboys, scalies, monsters, impreg and ovi just to name a few plus more fetishes that I didn't think I'd be into. Hurrah for expanding interests~

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Carvano said:
E621 really show'ed me how much I love muscles, cuntboys, scalies, monsters, impreg and ovi just to name a few plus more fetishes that I didn't think I'd be into. Hurrah for expanding interests~

Same here. I didn't knew about this until I discovered this site. Thanks E621!

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
E6 has only desensitized me towards content that might otherwise be extremely shocking to the people of the outside world.

Show a room full of non-e6 users the cheese grater pic and they will go "EW WTF IS THAT SHIT" and I'll be the only one that goes "Meh. I've seen worse."

It is disturbingly funny how everyone knows about that pic.

Updated by anonymous

Rubber. I didn't think it was the case, but it is.

Also, facesitting and collar usage (see avatar). Muscled men and women are hotter than I used to find them.

Most importantly, there are still the "small" ones that come with tags like open_shirt and rear_view.

Updated by anonymous

Telhem said:
It is disturbingly funny how everyone knows about that pic.

It's the ghost ID of the parent id box, so a lot of people would type it in to figure out why.

Updated by anonymous

Peter_The_Fox said:
Ha, I'm fighting it though, and I'm cutting back on it. I'm not saying being gay or bi is a disease... It's just not my preferred cup of tea. Yet I'm still attracted to guys

I saw that exact same statement, word for word, said by someone in a video documentary about homosexuality, back when it was illegal. He owned a Pray Away the Gay camp. But yeah, the exact same wording. Was it a reference?

Updated by anonymous

Time to Faux to talk about his "interests"...

It sounds awfully weird, but underwear. Not like dirty underwear, and definitely not socks (I only make an exception for characters having sex while wearing socks, but nothing where the socks are directly involved in the sex). I mean, think about it. It's one of the few things that protects all (or most) of us from a public indecency charge. It's the thing that holds the goods. The last layer before good times.

In my eyes, if you can integrate them into the foreplay, then you're an artist.

Updated by anonymous

female_domination is a big one for me. The dislikes list is too big to list off. And I have the same problem as peter: realized/became bisexual

Updated by anonymous

Underwear (specifically tight boxer briefs with a bulge hoho) and voyeurism.

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-A lot of Kamasutra positions

Basically this site made me more gay than I was (I'm bisexual now) and I'm glad for it, I can finally enjoy at the max my sexuallity and I thank e6 for giving me that

And I'm sorry if my grammar is broken, I can't speak english very well

Updated by anonymous

I actually have a pretty good imagination that discovered most of my fetishes before I found e6. There are a few that I have discovered here though, one being a very limited number of herms and another being butt fingered males.
I am however (still) straight although the number of penis types that actually turn me off seems to be decreasing...

Updated by anonymous

Interesting how for a number of people, E621 ''merely'' honed aversions and/or affections towards various fetishes, though i think that, as the guy above me said, most people discover their fetishes before being exposed to the wider community relevant to them.

Updated by anonymous

I saw one picture of a femboy being dominant and thought, "I like that, but there isn't much on femboys being dominant. There should be more.

Also, mature furs without being chunky and musclebound.

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E621 got me into Necrophilia, Vore and Hyper. I also found the secret to Ozymandias’ Treasure And now I’m drinking Champagne on a Yacht. Thanks E6.

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All of the ones I have, along with killing all my prior, normal sexual interests.

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It made me realize I'm bisexual, I especially like femboys. It also gave me a bit of a foot fetish (thanks zp92) and a desire to have a polygamous relationship.

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It introduced me to certain kinks I wouldn't have otherwise noticed or tried to seek out.
main ones I can think of are blushing, dress/skirt lifting (presenting), and the one I like the most; partially clothed.
I don't know why, but it just seems better when characters are still wearing some clothes as opposed to just being stark naked. I don't exactly think it's a voyeur thing, but that could be part of it. A pose i'm particularly fond of is characters presenting themselves from behind, bending over with their pants half way down. Again, it's not the clothes themselves that turn me on, its just something about the character still wearing them while doing their thing.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
If anything, being on here and affiliated with furries in general have made me dislike them more over time and exposure.

I hate to say it, but mostly this. :/ After six or seven years on E6 (lost the password to my first login), my blacklist is twenty miles long, and I finally just turned off the comments altogether.

Thankfully, I do still find some really GOOD artwork here. Just takes a lot of digging sometimes.

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CCoyote said:
my blacklist is twenty miles long

What is the conversion rate between characters and miles?

I know it's an expression. Don't flip out.[/spoiler][/sub]

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One thing I don't understand here is all the people who seem tired or upset or complain about being here. Like, no one is forcing you to be here. I get that there's a lot of very specific fetish art here, and that it can be unappealing, but I feel like you have to have a pretty thin skin for it to get to you. I, for one, am here because I do have a fetish, a furry fetish, that's why i'm on a mostly pornographic furry site. I like e6 because it has a sort of no bullshit attitude. Its art focused, so there isn't too much personal drama, there's a black list so that if you truly find something abhorrent you don't have to see it, everything is organized and easy to find and keep track of because tagging here is such a big deal, and if you don't want to read the comments then just don't scroll down. It's that easy.

I'm not trying to be a mightyer than tho prick, its just disheartening to hear people be like 'uh, i'm so over this'.
I'm here because I WANT to be here. Can furry culture be cringy? Yes, it's almost a fact. But it's my culture, and I'll be a part of it for as long as its a part of me.

Updated by anonymous


You do know you could've just edited your previous post instead of hiding it and creating a new one, right? Forum post editing doesn't have a five minute time limit like comments do.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
E6 gave me the Poof fetish. I can never go back now...

Of course it did. Poofs are like the borg, and you're part of it. It's only a matter of time before it claims another victim.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Of course it did. Poofs are like the borg, and you're part of it. It's only a matter of time before it claims another victim.

They're more like tribbles.

Updated by anonymous

Vore, muscles, dragons and most other scalies, I guess.

Updated by anonymous

Digestion in vore. I'm usually super against killing/torturing characters (and that isn't the reason I'm attracted to it), and yet some artwork is done so well that...

I don't know. I have a slight submissive streak, and love to see certain types of characters pleasured while gurgling their prey.


Updated by anonymous

Sasha721 said:
Digestion in vore. I'm usually super against killing/torturing characters (and that isn't the reason I'm attracted to it), and yet some artwork is done so well that...

I don't know. I have a slight submissive streak, and love to see certain types of characters pleasured while gurgling their prey.


I'd say being eaten and digested by a synx, However, a dragon or other large reptile will do (for some reason I'm not into existing creatures only mythingcal and fantasy ones) probably unpleasant in real life but seeing as they don't exist it is totally safe. Only my fursona was harmed in the making of this fantasy. ;-)

Updated by anonymous

anthropomorphic aircraft

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null0010 said:
anthropomorphic aircraft


Oh, wait, shit, uhm... to be ontopic... e621 Made me realize how much I like size differences.

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I honestly didn't think I'd be into cuntboys but here I am jerking off to them.

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I think cum inflation is what comes to mind related to fetishes...

It turns me on...

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IllinoisBoi1 said:
I guess crossgenders.

5 months after I originally made this post.

And 1 month after the last person commented.

You have reminded me that I even made this post. I actually came in here wondering if I commented cause I remember a post like this, turns out I made it. Interesting.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
5 months after I originally made this post.

And 1 month after the last person commented.

You have reminded me that I even made this post. I actually came in here wondering if I commented cause I remember a post like this, turns out I made it. Interesting.

That’s cool

Updated by anonymous

I think the site gave me a boy of a fire kink and a big pet play kink. As well as making me fall in love with watersports 0/////0

very late to the party, but i guess a slight kink is just randomly finding posts through people's avatars.

found some very good ones through that strategy.

its also pretty fun looking at blocked accounts and seeing why they were banned.

Personally, as someone who is into bara, e621 perhaps didn't add anything except for amplifying my liking for bara, whether orcs or furries.

Also, I guess browsing this booru, but not as intense as browsing TV Tropes.

Everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I rather meet a lot of kinks in e6.
Now this site made me become the Poison-Type, thanks! So I'm Not surprised by what I see anymore.😏

It is fantastic to see (and explore) freedom world.