Anzuneth said:
really just being dominated in any way
but thats so hot thou
Updated by anonymous
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Anzuneth said:
really just being dominated in any way
but thats so hot thou
Updated by anonymous
Sharp_Coyote said:
Lazy shits who do not clear the snow from the walkway in front of their houses, ensuring entire neighbourhoods become deadly ice rinks.
Only if a lot of people walk over it, or it's a thin layer of snow to start with. A thick layer of untread snow will freeze over only on the top, and that layer crunches away to the powder underneath.
Updated by anonymous
Attractive couples.
My ugly ass, and my significant other's ugly ass don't need y'all rubbing your beautiful asses in our faces.
Updated by anonymous
A ton of things.
The main thing are humans.
Talking about humans, I could come up with thousands of reasons.
Discrimination, Bigotry, Sheeple, Religion, Animal abusers, Terrorists, Hurting others, War for no reason, Destroying nature, and way, way more.
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
hoo boy
Updated by anonymous
Fenrick said:
hoo boy
I guess I should've kept it at sheeple / war for no reason because it results in that.
Updated by anonymous
People who blame all the world's woes on a group of people or a way of thinking and act like if we just get rid of whatever they're offended by the world will become an awesome paradise of love and happiness.
Updated by anonymous
InannaEloah said:
People who blame all the world's woes on a group of people or a way of thinking and act like if we just get rid of whatever they're offended by the world will become an awesome paradise of love and happiness.
Clearly, we must get rid of these people.
Updated by anonymous
Munkelzahn said:
Clearly, we must get rid of these people.
Things would be amazing and perfect if we did.
Updated by anonymous
Clawdragons said:
Things would be amazing and perfect if we did.
Yus, absolutely. And we'll all be singing Kumbaya by the campfire when all is said and done...
And then the guy with the guitar will realize just how dumb he looks and hit whomever suggested that song over the head with his guitar, and everybody around the campfire will get into a good old-fashioned brawl.
Updated by anonymous
InannaEloah said:
People who blame all the world's woes on a group of people or a way of thinking and act like if we just get rid of whatever they're offended by the world will become an awesome paradise of love and happiness.
Updated by anonymous
People who redefine words to fit their personal, political, or religious agenda and then get all irate at anyone who points them in the direction of the dictionary definition.
Updated by anonymous
1. People who endlessly complain about problems they deliberately created for themselves instead of doing anything to resolve those problems.
2. Not having a word for them.
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
A ton of things.
The main thing are humans.Talking about humans, I could come up with thousands of reasons.
Discrimination, Bigotry, Sheeple, Religion, Animal abusers, Terrorists, Hurting others, War for no reason, Destroying nature, and way, way more.
huh, seems we might share a similar opinion of all things human. that's a little surprising to hear someone share such an opinion.
BlueDingo said:
2. Not having a word for them.
polite word you mean?
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
huh, seems we might share a similar opinion of all things human. that's a little surprising to hear someone share such an opinion.
to be honest most of the things i hate all stem from humans
except for asteroids. and other disastrous space-related phenomena. fuck that
Updated by anonymous
Ryuzaki_Tritium said:
to be honest most of the things i hate all stem from humansexcept for asteroids. and other disastrous space-related phenomena. fuck that
Yeah, fuck those uppity chunks of ice and rock, strutting around like they own the place and expect you to get out of their way.
Updated by anonymous
People complaining about what another person commissions from an artist. (People think I'm the next Togepi1125 by what I've commissioned)
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
I guess I should've kept it at sheeple / war for no reason because it results in that.
It's not a fun road to go down I'll just leave it at that
Updated by anonymous
When people remember me my worst negative aspects like manipulation when I feel a transgretion, even if there was no apparent valid transgression, it's awful.
Or when they make me to manioulate the situation to make everyone falls in agreement and I get away of potencial rejection, dilem, getting ignored or conflict.
I think my list could go on, but I'm unsure what also makes me angry at the moment I was writing this.
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
I guess I should've kept it at sheeple / war for no reason because it results in that.
So, what you hate about religion is how people abuse it, and how others allow themselves to be abused by it?
Updated by anonymous
Politics and when people try to assume that their side and only their side about politics is 100% right and your opinion is dead wrong.
Updated by anonymous
misandrists... ಠ_ಠ in particular, those who would scream that all men are misogynists while doing all they can to deny the very existence of misandry while in doing so, proving it is real and does in fact exist through their own hateful actions.
pot calling the kettle black much?
Updated by anonymous
Furrin_Gok said:
So, what you hate about religion is how people abuse it, and how others allow themselves to be abused by it?
Kind of.
I also think it's extremely unnecessary.
Humans could spend their time doing else than talking to air.
It's also bothering how it tells them to live, which just hinders them in their own life.
But also other's.
I'm looked down upon by these people because I'm not religious? What?
They also make war because the other one believes in something else, which is extremely childish.
Also, you can't have a sexuality against their religion either.
There's a reason a certain part of me will never be accepted because of that.
Religion only destroys and hinders in my opinion.
If you want somebody to talk to, there's enough humans who are trained for such things.
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
Kind of.
I also think it's extremely unnecessary.
Humans could spend their time doing else than talking to air.
It's also bothering how it tells them to live, which just hinders them in their own life.
But also other's.
I'm looked down upon by these people because I'm not religious? What?
They also make war because the other one believes in something else, which is extremely childish.
Also, you can't have a sexuality against their religion either.
There's a reason a certain part of me will never be accepted because of that.
Religion only destroys and hinders in my opinion.
If you want somebody to talk to, there's enough humans who are trained for such things.
this is...strange. that's twice now that you've covered my exact thoughts pretty much but in more detail than i usually do. :/
Updated by anonymous
Treos and WarCanine sitting in a tree...
Updated by anonymous
BlueDingo said:
Treos and WarCanine sitting in a tree...
Yeouch, no.
I think I'll stay with the whole 'loving dogs a lot' part.
Updated by anonymous
People that make bold claims, yet they refuse to cite source of said claim to back up their argument(s).
Updated by anonymous
ElctrcBoogalord said:
People that make bold claims, yet they refuse to cite source of said claim to back up their argument(s).
Trump is gonna start WW3
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
Kind of.
I also think it's extremely unnecessary.
Humans could spend their time doing else than talking to air.
It's also bothering how it tells them to live, which just hinders them in their own life.
But also other's.
I'm looked down upon by these people because I'm not religious? What?
They also make war because the other one believes in something else, which is extremely childish.
Also, you can't have a sexuality against their religion either.
There's a reason a certain part of me will never be accepted because of that.
Religion only destroys and hinders in my opinion.
If you want somebody to talk to, there's enough humans who are trained for such things.
As long as they're not hurting anybody, who cares? Sure, they might be weirding some people out, but if their voice tells them to run around naked in a crowded mall with a minigun strapped to their waist and scream "Cry some moar!" and they don't do it, there's really nothing to worry about.
Now if you see a nude man walk into a mall hugging a minigun and saying "kiss me," that's when you should probably think about running.
Updated by anonymous
On a Discord server, someone brought up a delicate topic.
When I commented on the same topic in immediate reply, they responded with "Um wow this topic makes some people uncomfortable so maybe you should drop it".
I don't mind that they were blatantly trying to silence me because I disagreed with them - I mind that they were too much of a disrespectful coward to admit it.
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
Kind of.
I also think it's extremely unnecessary.
Humans could spend their time doing else than talking to air.
We could also spend our time doing things other than making music, drawing, and making friends, but these things give a purpose to many people who believe they are real virtues, and important ones.
It's also bothering how it tells them to live, which just hinders them in their own life.
But also other's.
Most mainstream religion's general principles are along the lines of "be nice to people and maybe try to teach them our ways" which is ultimately pretty innocuous. Sure you can find some dirt if you dig deep enough, but the people who use those to justify things like hating gays probably did so based on preconceived notions more than anything else, at least in my experience.
I'm looked down upon by these people because I'm not religious? What?
That strikes me as more of a character flaw on their part.
They also make war because the other one believes in something else, which is extremely childish.
There have been conflicts in which common religious beliefs helped draw the lines, but for the most part, there have always been other motivating factors. The wars involving modern, mainstream religions almost always had other issues as their primary cause. Usually, the religious aspects were an excuse if anything. Even the Crusades had more layers to them, with Christians and Muslims fighting on both sides of them. The biggest exception to this that I can think of involving today's religions is the 30 Years' War, but that was something of an anomaly.
Even today, it's easy to say that conflicts are being fought in the name of religion, but especially in places like central Africa, racial components are more important. I always held the view that in these struggles, religion is like a gun. It can well be used to keep the peace and that was hopefully the intention, but if someone with poor character takes control of it, it's easy for these intentions to be subverted.
Also, you can't have a sexuality against their religion either.
There's a reason a certain part of me will never be accepted because of that.
Often true, but (at least, last time I checked) in America, over half of LGBT folks are still religious and many traditionally opposing doctrines are becoming more accepting, which I feel is underappreciated. Sure, they ideally should have acted sooner, but these institutions have millennia of baggage, so they can't be expected to make a leap as soon as these opinions become popular. The hatred of LGBT folks has been largely secular in some regions, so no particular institution holds all the blame for it. The supposedly sympathetic party in the US didn't lift a finger to support the plight of LGBT people until well after it was obvious that the tides were turning in that direction, so this strikes me as more of a societal issue. My impression is that societal beliefs affect peoples' interpretations of religion more than religious beliefs affect societal practices. Thus, you get quotes like "God will sort the dead."
Religion only destroys and hinders in my opinion.
If you want somebody to talk to, there's enough humans who are trained for such things.
They can still offer a unique kind of guidance. Even secular guidance, if that is the preference. Hence the military still maintaining chaplains, which are, in my experience, considered to be beneficial (or at least harmless) by people of all faiths or lack thereof.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Finally thought of something: illegible artist signatures.
Because I've spent way too much time trying to figure those out. (Incidentally, can someone read this signature?)
Updated by anonymous
BlueDingo said:
I am not really confident, but I think it's "Noma".
That was my first guess, but no matching artists found.
The third letter doesn't much look like m if zoomed in; and the lines might be there just for flourish, but they kind of resemble stylized カ (ka).
As I said, I've spent too much time on these bloody things. Have tried and failed to identify most of unknown_artist_signature at some point.
Updated by anonymous
When people use Autism as an insult.
Updated by anonymous
Furrin_Gok said:
Looks like "Noilla."
either way, you might try including the X at the end.
Sideburns-McGee said:
When people use Autism as an insult.
can it get more offensive than the following?
tumblr: but...but autism is a gender!
i shit you not.
Autigender- A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.
o_O better to just go by what's between the legs assuming the person in question isn't "trans" (in which case, hope you guess correctly). gender to me means...whatever you happen to be feeling like at any given time after what tumblr has done to the word.
Updated by anonymous
When food commercials use naturalness as a selling point.
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
can it get more offensive than the following?tumblr: but...but autism is a gender!
i shit you not.
Autigender- A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.
o_O better to just go by what's between the legs assuming the person in question isn't "trans" (in which case, hope you guess correctly). gender to me means...whatever you happen to be feeling like at any given time after what tumblr has done to the word.
Updated by anonymous
Sideburns-McGee said:
Feel like we should add that to the list of rules of the internet: "If it exists, Tumblr's probably trying to turn it into a fucking gender!"
Updated by anonymous
Sideburns-McGee said:
Feel like we should add that to the list of rules of the internet: "If it exists, Tumblr's probably trying to turn it into a fucking gender!"
I'll add it in right under "If it comes on Tumblr, disregard it.".
Updated by anonymous
People who think they can fight, or are good at fighting. Most people can't even throw a proper punch. Let alone combine footwork, defense, offense and all that other bullshit that professional fighters do.
Like wise, people who think they can sword fight, yet never having picked up a real sword. Or think they can accurately shoot a bow, yet the only experience they have is shooting a light poundage kids bow during summer camp in middle school. And yes, this applies to guns too (albeit to a lesser extent).
Yes, anyone can flail their arms around, anyone can swing a sharp metal stick, anyone can pick up a gun point it and pull the trigger.
But to do any of these things successfully, accurately, or effectively, requires training and practice And then some more practice. In some cases, we are talking long hours of practice most everyday for years.
So Sorry bro, you aren't as badass as you think you are. But you can go ahead and keep bragging about how awesome of a fighter you are, or how you can outshoot an Olympic level marksman or joke about how youre basically on par with a delta force operator or navy seal.
Updated by anonymous
To expound on that first bit of that rant, most people have never been in a real fight.
"B-But that dude at the house party said I can't pick up chicks so we took our shirts off and went outside! It's totally a real fight!"
Really that whole rant can apply to fucking anything, so sick of internet tough guys and keyboard experts.
Updated by anonymous
InannaEloah said:
As long as they're not hurting anybody, who cares? Sure, they might be weirding some people out, but if their voice tells them to run around naked in a crowded mall with a minigun strapped to their waist and scream "Cry some moar!" and they don't do it, there's really nothing to worry about.
Now if you see a nude man walk into a mall hugging a minigun and saying "kiss me," that's when you should probably think about running.
Well, I'd call the 5 snipers/spies on my team so they can be useful for once.
treos said:
science can't achieve the whole irl anthro thing fast enough, can it?
Get a human, dress up like an animal, whoop there's your anthro.
No thanks, I'd rather have a real dog as a partner.
Wait, I already have one!
Fenrick said:
We could also spend our time doing things other than making music, drawing, and making friends, but these things give a purpose to many people who believe they are real virtues, and important ones.
Except talking to air won't get you anywhere.
I'd rather have all these people do the other normal stuff you mentioned.
Fenrick said:
Sure you can find some dirt if you dig deep enough, but the people who use those to justify things like hating gays probably did so based on preconceived notions more than anything else, at least in my experience.
When I look at religion, I mostly see nothing but dirt.
And that's a problem.
Most of these people are sheeple, they just listen to whatever gets said in their ears.
They have no real reason to hate certain people and still do for some reason.
Fenrick said:
That strikes me as more of a character flaw on their part.
Yeah, but out of all groups and people I've met it's always the religious people who do this the most.
Fenrick said:
There have been conflicts in which common religious beliefs helped draw the lines, but for the most part, there have always been other motivating factors. The wars involving modern, mainstream religions almost always had other issues as their primary cause. Usually, the religious aspects were an excuse if anything. Even the Crusades had more layers to them, with Christians and Muslims fighting on both sides of them. The biggest exception to this that I can think of involving today's religions is the 30 Years' War, but that was something of an anomaly.
Even today, it's easy to say that conflicts are being fought in the name of religion, but especially in places like central Africa, racial components are more important. I always held the view that in these struggles, religion is like a gun. It can well be used to keep the peace and that was hopefully the intention, but if someone with poor character takes control of it, it's easy for these intentions to be subverted.
I see that as an excuse.
Religion is still involved in these wars.
By looking at the characters of most strict religious people, it's obvious that they're forcing opinions down people's throats and that's also making wars, or at the very least small wars or quarrels between a group of people.
Fenrick said:
Often true, but (at least, last time I checked) in America, over half of LGBT folks are still religious and many traditionally opposing doctrines are becoming more accepting
Yeah, good for these LGBT folks, but I'm not one of them.
Also, these religious people may accept other sexualities more and more, but that's been taking a while and has damaged others in the past because of that.
Fenrick said:
Sure, they ideally should have acted sooner, but these institutions have millennia of baggage, so they can't be expected to make a leap as soon as these opinions become popular. The hatred of LGBT folks has been largely secular in some regions, so no particular institution holds all the blame for it. The supposedly sympathetic party in the US didn't lift a finger to support the plight of LGBT people until well after it was obvious that the tides were turning in that direction, so this strikes me as more of a societal issue. My impression is that societal beliefs affect peoples' interpretations of religion more than religious beliefs affect societal practices. Thus, you get quotes like "God will sort the dead."
Of course they should have acted sooner.
Okay, good for these LGBT folks, I don't care much about them as they should be happy with the respect they have compared to my sexual orientation.
Oh no no no, don't blame it on the religious people for not thinking right.
They're humans too and could think straight, but apparently they're busy with their own religions and such.
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
Okay, good for these LGBT folks, I don't care much about them as they should be happy with the respect they have compared to my sexual orientation.
I was going to ask necro?/pedo?/zoo?
but your User Info pretty much answers the question
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
Well, I'd call the 5 snipers/spies on my team so they can be useful for once.
Naw, too many bystanders would get sniped.
Except talking to air won't get you anywhere.
I'd rather have all these people do the other normal stuff you mentioned.
The main problem with religious fanatics is that they try to force other people to be just like them. It is this expectation that everybody else be what they consider "normal" that makes them dangerous, not that they talk to an invisible man in the sky.
As another poster pointed out, they use religion as a justification for their behavior. So it's not religion itself that is the problem, but rather it's the abuse of religion in order to justify being a total douchebag to everyone else. If you take the religion away, those assholes will just find some other way of justifying their BS.
In short, the obsession with making everyone else "normal" is the real problem. Religion as a belief is not a harmful thing in itself. Don't blame religion or weird beliefs for the bad shit that humans do to each other in the name of it.
Updated by anonymous
Munkelzahn said:
I was going to ask necro?/pedo?/zoo?
but your User Info pretty much answers the question
Except necros and pedos deserve the hate hate they get.
Unless they don't act on their urges.
But that's still not my problem, I've got my own thing to defend first.
Updated by anonymous
InannaEloah said:
Naw, too many bystanders would get sniped.The main problem with religious fanatics is that they try to force other people to be just like them. It is this expectation that everybody else be what they consider "normal" that makes them dangerous, not that they talk to an invisible man in the sky.
As another poster pointed out, they use religion as a justification for their behavior. So it's not religion itself that is the problem, but rather it's the abuse of religion in order to justify being a total douchebag to everyone else. If you take the religion away, those assholes will just find some other way of justifying their BS.
In short, the obsession with making everyone else "normal" is the real problem. Religion as a belief is not a harmful thing in itself. Don't blame religion or weird beliefs for the bad shit that humans do to each other in the name of it.
As I said, the core of my hate is aimed humans, so religion is basically a part of it.
All my hate is mostly aimed towards humans, I'm not trying to blame religion entirely.
Updated by anonymous
I really hate when a good rant you make gets drowned out in a sea of idiots arguing about religion or whatever the fuck else pointless shit their arguing about.
Updated by anonymous
People who complain about how ignorant everybody is but then get all uppity and angry when confronted with an opportunity to reduce that ignorance. Nothing says "I'm a self-important prick and I don't know jack shit" quite as effectively as the statement, "If you don't already know the answer there's no use trying to explain it to you."
Updated by anonymous
RusterFuck said:
I really hate when a good rant you make gets drowned out in a sea of idiots arguing about religion or whatever the fuck else pointless shit their arguing about.
If it makes you feel any better yours is the only read on this page.
Adding to that I hate when somebody thinks they're good enough at fighting to teach others but they're incredibly inept.
Updated by anonymous
RusterFuck said:
I really hate when a good rant you make gets drowned out in a sea of idiots arguing about religion or whatever the fuck else pointless shit their arguing about.
People who don't validate my arguments :v
Updated by anonymous
What makes me angry is when I get downvotebombed for making a comment that reflects positively on an image.
But then again that's probably the reaction people want from me. See post #1045522 for a genuine injustice that the mods are completely cool with. When actual creepy comments like people announcing they can't time with one hand/other such comments directly refering to "i get boner tuch dick cummmmm" go several days without any downvotes, if not even having some "I agree with this comment" upvotes. I always found the creepy comment rule to be one of the most subjective and also unnecessary rules to have on a furry website almost 100% dedicated to porn, but /shrug
Also maybe some people don't know yet that they can blacklist comments.
Updated by anonymous
Dominass_Triton said:
I always found the creepy comment rule to be one of the most subjective and also unnecessary rules to have on a furry website almost 100% dedicated to porn, but /shrug
70% is not almost 100%.
Updated by anonymous
Dominass_Triton said:
What makes me angry is when I get downvotebombed for making a comment that reflects positively on an image.But then again that's probably the reaction people want from me. See post #1045522 for a genuine injustice that the mods are completely cool with. When actual creepy comments like people announcing they can't time with one hand/other such comments directly refering to "i get boner tuch dick cummmmm" go several days without any downvotes, if not even having some "I agree with this comment" upvotes. I always found the creepy comment rule to be one of the most subjective and also unnecessary rules to have on a furry website almost 100% dedicated to porn, but /shrug
Also maybe some people don't know yet that they can blacklist comments.
Because we totally have control over comment votes. News to me. Nothing interesting happened in those comments, but clearly you're not here to have your mind changed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Updated by anonymous
Kim Jong Un. Why he is still able to troll around is a wonder.
Updated by anonymous
HypnoBitch said:
Kim Jong Un. Why he is still able to troll around is a wonder.
He's keeping the region relatively stable, so the outside world doesn't have any interest in seeing what will happen if he gets offed. South Korea hates him, but they hate the idea of an all-out war and many million refugees even more
Updated by anonymous
WarCanine said:
Get a human, dress up like an animal, whoop there's your anthro.
ಠ_ಠ a human in a costume is still a human.
WarCanine said:
When I look at religion, I mostly see nothing but dirt.
an argument or fight waiting to happen or, depending on the religion in question, a timer counting down till the next member of that religion commits an act of murder or rape or any number of crimes. ಠ_ಠ and then potentially gets away with it unpunished.
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
ಠ_ಠ a human in a costume is still a human.
So is a human who thinks they're a tiger but try telling them that.
Updated by anonymous
BlueDingo said:
So is a human who thinks they're a tiger but try telling them that.
correction: genetic engineering can't progress fast enough.
InannaEloah said:
Religion as a belief is not a harmful thing in itself. Don't blame religion or weird beliefs for the bad shit that humans do to each other in the name of it.
um...go tell that to germany and the rest of europe. it's sure to go over great. >.>
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
um...go tell that to germany and the rest of europe. it's sure to go over great. >.>
At the risk of starting a fight... almost none of Europe's major wars were motivated primarily by religion, and the few that were also had personal power and security of ruling factions that as an additional motivating factor. And even so, you can also find plenty of people who identify as complete pacifists, citing those same religions that people have gone to war for. There is clearly more to it than "religion did it."
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
um...go tell that to germany and the rest of europe. it's sure to go over great. >.>
Doesn't matter if it goes over well or not. What matters is reality, and the reality is that human beings wanting to dominate other human beings is the problem. Blaming religion is like blaming a gun for a school shooting. It wasn't the gun's fault that the shooting occurred, it was the idiot using it that was to blame. It's not a popular thing to say in this politically correct day and age, but it's still reality.
Updated by anonymous
InannaEloah said:
Doesn't matter if it goes over well or not. What matters is reality, and the reality is that human beings wanting to dominate other human beings is the problem. Blaming religion is like blaming a gun for a school shooting. It wasn't the gun's fault that the shooting occurred, it was the idiot using it that was to blame. It's not a popular thing to say in this politically correct day and age, but it's still reality.
Would muslims have any reason to invade Germany if religion was not a factor?
You can't compare religion to a gun. A gun doesn't tell its wielder what to do or how to think.
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
ಠ_ಠ a human in a costume is still a human.
Well I don't know what you furries exactly want but okay.
I guess it'll take a long time, but hey, everybody waits for something that's not gonna happen.
Oh, I just made myself sad.
treos said:
an argument or fight waiting to happen or, depending on the religion in question, a timer counting down till the next member of that religion commits an act of murder or rape or any number of crimes. ಠ_ಠ and then potentially gets away with it unpunished.
You act like you've been witnessing it for weeks now.
It's not something ya should be waiting for.
Updated by anonymous
BlueDingo said:
Would muslims have any reason to invade Germany if religion was not a factor?You can't compare religion to a gun. A gun doesn't tell its wielder what to do or how to think.
You're severely underestimating the power of good old-fashioned greed. Religion just makes a convenient excuse for the people in power to give to their people in order to make them feel justified in invading others. The invasion would still happen either way - we're very good at justifying things to ourselves and we'd find a way if for whatever reason we were forced to go to war. Religion just gets a bum rap because it's a very potent method of justifying things.
Ultimately the blame rests with the people at the top of the pyramid who want to amass more personal power and are willing to throw away human lives on both sides to keep it.
Updated by anonymous
LumenSageAlexander said:
Religion just gets a bum rap because it's a very potent method of justifying things.
You got that right. It justifies subjugation, murder and a whole host of other horrible acts committed by its followers. Muslims don't throw gays off roof tops because they want to, they do it because their holy book tells them to.
Updated by anonymous
On a personal level I get pretty upset when I see examples of Boob Plate and Chainmail Bikinis in otherwise good medieval and renaissance fantasy settings because I feel saddened that pornhogs don't appreciate the artistry of a genuine suit of armor.
I actually feel the same way towards modern body armor, too; I actually feel a little sad (and even a bit of pity tbh) when someone insists on portraying a character like, tbh, Quiet instead of a woman in practical tactical gear because I honestly think tac webbing is incredibly sexy and doesn't need to resort to boob windows and exposed tummies to induce salivation.
Updated by anonymous
BlueDingo said:
Would muslims have any reason to invade Germany if religion was not a factor?You can't compare religion to a gun. A gun doesn't tell its wielder what to do or how to think.
Yes I can make that comparison, because a religion doesn't tell its wielder how or what to think either; human beings within religions are what tell people how and what to think. So the comparison is totally valid, whether you acknowledge that fact or not.
Updated by anonymous
InannaEloah said:
Yes I can make that comparison, because a religion doesn't tell its wielder how or what to think either; human beings within religions are what tell people how and what to think. So the comparison is totally valid, whether you acknowledge that fact or not.
Then you might wanna do some reading.
I never compare tools to ideologies. One is concrete, the other is abstract. One is controlled, the other controls.
Updated by anonymous
treos said:
when you do something like i just did (woke up and went to rub my eyes only to wind up poking my left eye with the eyelashes. OW!) only for someone else to start saying THEY'RE, wth? why are you saying your sorry when you haven't done anything wrong? theres no reason for you to be saying your sorry and you have no reason to apologize for something I did by accident. that's just plain stupid.
I'm that guy. It's a force of habit.
On the same subject, people who use scapegoating as a way to funnel everything into someone who can't fight back. Because of those people, my only reactions to things like "you did nothing wrong" are to assume either they're lying to me, or I lied to them.
Updated by anonymous
kamimatsu said:
On the same subject, people who use scapegoating as a way to funnel everything into someone who can't fight back.
Story of my life. Copping the blame for everything while daddy's little princess gets everything handed to her on a silver platter. You can only take the beatings while being screamed down at by someone 4 times your size for so long before you just start shutting everyone out.
Updated by anonymous