Topic: In your opinion, who are the best artists?

Posted under Art Talk

I have quite the track record of searching for pictures, ranging from Hentai, to Anime, to Furry, to Portraits and recently (as in about 4 years ago) the "Furry" category became one of my primary searches for art of many different ratings (Adult, PG, etc.)

There is, however, one question that remains bothersome to me and it's the simple question of this: Which artist is the best?

By best, some people may assume "popularity", so I'll be a little more accurate..

Best in: Texture, proportion, Reaction to surface (e.g., Hair/fur and/or flesh/ears, etc. being affected by fingers, or other body parts, or objects).

Updated by Silvercrown nyaaa

Kacey's got a good style and Hardiman is good at anatomy.

Updated by anonymous

Thank you for the recommendations, Tony and Skeeter.

I've done a quick search on all of them and I was pleasantly surprised and even impressed!

Superboll (the name threw me off) was surprisingly impressive, I've bookmarked their FurAffinity page.

Meesh and Strype were also impressive, these three in particular are very close to what I'm searching for.

Kacey's work was great, although Hardiman left me a little on the fence. While I did like the artwork, it wasn't necessarily what I was searching for, but it certainly wasn't a waste of time, by no means.

Jeff Melton, Phillip M. Jackson and Petit were all great as well, in fact I've bookmarked all of them.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte is my favorite,
Fallowed by Eevachu, then Arrowtibbs, then Duo.

though I an biased against who's my friend irl ._.

Updated by anonymous

NecromancyPrincess said:
Superboll (the name threw me off) was surprisingly impressive, I've bookmarked their FurAffinity page.

I think she prefers to use her Deviant Art account over her Fur Affinity account.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Kacey's got a good style and Hardiman is good at anatomy.

true bro.Hardiman is making his skunkettes beyond fuckable.

Updated by anonymous

I might get mauled but I'm a big fan of Dr. Comet.
Arctic-sekai is one of my more recent favs.
Ajna (almost all of theirs fav'd)

too many more. But those are just some of my favorite furry artists.

Updated by anonymous

I am of course.
My designs are absolute art.

Updated by anonymous

Chromamancer does absolutely amazing dragons
Kacey Miyagami

Updated by anonymous

Great suggestions everyone! I've loved the work that I've seen so far (yes, I actually went through all of the artists that were posted o_o )

Though, so far, my favorites seem to be: Superboll (thanks a ton to Skeeter for the DA page), Ratte, Gonçalo Pereira, Todd Lockwood, Arctic-Sekai, Ajna, Dark Natasha, Chromamancer, Kacey Miyagami, and ABlueDeer.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah alectorfencer does amazing works of art.

Updated by anonymous

wolfy-nail, hyhlion, syynx and redrusker are my personal faves.

Edit: Old wolfy-nail art... The newer stuff is mostly crap. Also, don't check out hyhlion if you don't wanna see WOW stuffs.

Updated by anonymous

Dellovan said:
wolfy-nail, hyhlion, syynx and redrusker are my personal faves.

Edit: Old wolfy-nail art... The newer stuff is mostly crap. Also, don't check out hyhlion if you don't wanna see WOW stuffs.

Pft. New Wolfy-Nail is more his own style and looks pretty good- better than the older stuff, which is still incredibly good.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Pft. New Wolfy-Nail is more his own style and looks pretty good- better than the older stuff, which is still incredibly good.

Well, the cocks are getting too thick and short imo... But I really do adore Wolfy-Nail.

Updated by anonymous

And the beautiful art just keeps coming. :D

Some of the artwork that these artists can create is nothing short of mind-blowing.

Updated by anonymous

NecromancyPrincess said:
And the beautiful art just keeps coming. :D

Some of the artwork that these artists can create is nothing short of mind-blowing.

Chronomancer definitely deserves a thumbs up in that regard. beautiful work.

Updated by anonymous

JennaMyWife said:

And you necro a year old thread, why?
but since its here.
Miu, Scappo, Naylor, Crystal Forever, SqueedgeeMonster, Atryl...

Updated by anonymous

AnatoleSpiderhead said:
No one cause peoples damn standards on this website are too damn high only wanting Photoshop pictures and crap. It pointless I'm self taught and I really could give a damn about other artists if people can't even respect my's sad, what this art world is coming to...

Are...are you saying that having standards is a bad thing for the world of art?

Updated by anonymous

FADACMIO4000 said:
the best artist for me is Dr Comet,
If there are good then Comet,
Please Replay me,
Thanks all and good luck

3 year necro reply and mutisija insults me for necroing a 5 months thread

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
3 year necro reply and mutisija insults me for necroing a 5 months thread

It's all the same, but different severity.

Normally IMO, 2 months is my necro-limit.

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
3 year necro reply and mutisija insults me for necroing a 5 months thread

well im sorry that i didnt get here in 5 minutes or less to say "cool necro you nerd". even if it might seem unlikely, i have life outside e6 and im not always patrolling every single thread on forum so i cannot always react immediately on people necroing ancient threads.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly I don't think anything under six months is that big of a deal, unless it was a really stupid thread. There really shouldn't be an arbitrary time, it should be more about the value of the thread.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
well im sorry that i didnt get here in 5 minutes or less to say "cool necro you nerd". even if it might seem unlikely, i have life outside e6 and im not always patrolling every single thread on forum so i cannot always react immediately on people necroing ancient threads.

No need to be sorry cheerleader, I'm currently online on IRC and e621 on my phone and I'm watching TV alongside it, cheerleader.

Updated by anonymous

See now I think you guys are wrong. In this case, I don't think a necro was necessarily bad. It is a topic which might still be relevant to discussion, and at this point we have a new set of users who might be interested in answering the question, and the necro was actually contributing towards answering that question, rather than replying to someone who's not here anymore or making some random joke or what have you. And, finally, it was a single thread necro, rather than a mass-necro.

So yeah. I think you guys are being harsh here.

And, might as well answer the question: The best artist, in the sense of, the artist who makes stuff that I enjoy the most, is Kajinchu.

As far as technically-best goes, that's a hard question to answer. Some people have more complicated styles, which shows off their technical prowess better, but someone with a simpler style is not necessarily a worse artist. I don't think this question can be accurately answered because of such stylistic differences.

Updated by anonymous

I kn♂w wh♂ the best artist in the w♂rld is!

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I kn♂w wh♂ the best artist in the w♂rld is!

Revolver ♂zelot

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Ratte and Tokaido

Hello, Burger shepherd.

May I ask how you are doing on such a fine day?

Updated by anonymous

Blazikendude said:
Hello, Burger shepherd.

May I ask how you are doing on such a fine day?

Doing good. Watching the burgers graze the land peacefully. Making sure those damn packs of salad don't attack them :V

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Doing good. Watching the burgers graze the land peacefully. Making sure those damn packs of salad don't attack them :V

Good to hear. I heard that you had to put one of your burgers on a time out because they were a little out of hand.

Updated by anonymous

Blazikendude said:
Good to hear. I heard that you had to put one of your burgers on a time out because they were a little out of hand.

Oh yes. Ol' Patty hit one of Sirloin's pickles and I had to separate the two

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Oh yes. Ol' Patty hit one of Sirloin's pickles and I had to separate the two

That's disappointing. I'm sure he'll learn to be a good little Burger someday...

Updated by anonymous

Blazikendude said:
That's disappointing. I'm sure he'll learn to be a good little Burger someday...

They grow up so fast. One day, he was just a little slider. Now, he's a quarter-pounder with cheese. My burgers ;v;

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Doing good. Watching the burgers graze the land peacefully. Making sure those damn packs of salad don't attack them :V

They're moving in herds. They do move in herds.

*cue music*

Updated by anonymous

Syynx, Shugowah, and CobaltHusky are all consistently really impressive

(and is anyone surprised a thread OP'd by the NecromancyPrincess would have been necroed twice....regardless it still seems like a great way to find new stuff)

Updated by anonymous

if you count animations, h0rs3 and zonkpunch. as well as braeburned, shiuk, oob (cute art style), dark nek0gami, dreiker, nare, and i think that's all i can think ioff right offhand.

Updated by anonymous

Trancy Mick/Mick 39.

How many artists can you say have added a new species category on Furaffinity?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The ones that pop to my mind are Ailah and rhyu.

As for porn artists? I tend to prefer content over quality for porn, which makes it hard to be objective. I'd say Skadjer, but maybe that's just because I like scalies.

Updated by anonymous

But isn't Skadjer like the definition of quality over content?

Updated by anonymous

Number one from now and forever will be Wolfy-Nail for me. He was already excellent when he started posting on FA, but now he's absolutely stunning for me, no matter if it's SFW/NSFW. Also, other artists I consider best of the best, basing on actual art style, coloring, light and shading, composition, anatomy (well, this is often big problem for the greatest of them) etc., are these:



Nuzzo (bit different level compared to other, but his works are too hot not to mention)

Rukis (his Red Lanter comic books... amazing)




...and few more. I watch nearly 300 furry artists (those who don't draw porn too, like astonishing Woari), but those are really touching the heaven. I mean, really, if you don't know one of them, check him right now. I'm sure you'll be surprised. But there are dozens, it's only on everyone's preference. But I'd like to hear some argument of that user that wrote most of Wolfy-Nail's newer stuff is crap. Not because I'm angry or can't get over if someone says so, I just want to hear argument.

Updated by anonymous

Rudragon is my favorite SFW artist, zonkpunch would be both my favorite animated artist and my favorite "audio artist", devoid-kiss would be my favorite "general porn" artist, 'cause I love mices and squirrels and other rodents, but snowaro would be my hands-down favorite, you can tell because of my profile icon. It sucks that they stopped using their account.

So, if anyone has suggestions for artists whom draw primarily rodents, please show me w/ a link to their profile.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I collected the names of artists both on and not on e621 that caught my interest.
This isn't a list of only my favorite artists, but also just artists that have made rather neat art in the past in my opinion. My most favorite ones will be marked with *

Behold, probably my phone's oldest memo:

ABlueDeer *
Accelo *
Adam_Wan *
Aimi *
Darkgem *
Darkmirage *
Gloebis *
Hioshiru *
Ifus *
Iskra *
Jay_Naylor *
Lockworkorange *
Meesh *
Monamoo *
Redrusker *
Scappo *
Sinfuldreams15 *
Tamfox *
Teckworks *
Truegrave9 *
Ungulatr *
Wyntersun *
Zaush *
Zen *
Zeiro *
Zeta-Haru *

Updated by anonymous

Skipsy (the absolute best ideal feminine body sculptor in the world, even for males. As such I wish Skipsy would have made my body.)

Braddo (braddo's art is cute while at the same time being sexy. I especially like it because of it's flatter style.)

Braeburned (the interactions of brae's characters rivals that of the game developer Naughty dog. Yes, It's that good. I guess that's why he's such a naughty stallion. I'd defiantly let him have his way with me.

ralekarts (gotta love ralek's kinky stuff, especially the stuff that features "too-big" or "no-lube" or "boundage" themes.

mistydash (to me, the cuteness of the art somewhat overrides the sexual content, making it even better when the sexual content is more prominent. T like how the art is 3-d esque rather than flat or 2-d)

Aiko Stable (aiko's art is always so full of passion, even when it is just solo/mastubation stuff. There is no particualrly kinky stuff, or pain or sorrow or embarrassment or shame. Only pure love and passion and comfort.

It's art like this that makes me feel loved and comforted, even when I am alone or afraid or sad. The added sexual content is what makes me feel I can identify with it even more, and I truly feel that if the content was instead safe or questionable, I would not appreciate the passion as much. Passion in safe content is easy to do, but the same passion in sexual content, not so much. That's where akio's art excels the most where some others may fail.)

MarsMiner (although Mar's art seems very simplistic and at times not well-done to the untrained eye, it's themes of rape and pain and depression go very well with the style. It's almost as if the situation is shown in a subjective manner, from a point of view of a person that wishes only to forget the pain and sorrow of these events in their past, but are forced to remember them in anyway. To me the low saturation, earthy and dirty colors, vague backgrounds and the outlines that look more like a sketch book drawing, really offer these themes in a way more immersive fashion.)

Updated by anonymous

Dog-bone makes some awesome stuff, but my two highest are probably Demicoeur and, for MLP, Braeburned. Zeta-Haru's art is really sweet and innocent.

Otherwise, I love James Christensen's art a ton.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly, I think different dimensions of quality are more important than the technical stuff. the_weaver and bernielover's stuff are quite good with.. humanness, storylines..
Like, as an artist, I would rank them above say ecmajor, even though there is no doubt at all that ecmajor is more technically accomplished. Technical accomplishment takes hard work, but making your work have heart means letting it get personal (which is harder and I respect more).

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Equestria-Prevails is one really epic artist, I gotta say. I don't normally like using "Epic" as an adjective, but this guy deserves it.

I should mention if it ain't clear from the name: Equestria Prevails does MLP art. I'm a big fan because of the steampunk/war stuff. Their Spike images are just to die for though!

Another artist, who I'm a bigger fan of (Despite not considering her to be epic? My mind is weird, apparently) is Queencold. MLP characters, but a huuuuge focus on dragons, be they canon, fanon, or legit original creations.

Third, there's drachenmagier. Dude told me he would love extra publicity from booru uploads, so I started uploading stuff, then he ran a search for his stuff and found it here and was like "Whoa my stuff got onto a porn site. Guess people enjoy it that way." After that humorous comment I've been following his other comments around stuff, and he's got plenty of huge fans who praise him as though he ought to be added to the list of most famous artists.

Updated by anonymous