Topic: Tag Implication: green_yoshi -> yoshi

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating green_yoshi → yoshi
Link to implication


Since I feel I've tagged most of these by hand... I figure now I'd suggest this implication. Green yoshi are a species of yoshi.

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EDIT: The tag implication green_yoshi -> yoshi (forum #239358) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator


Former Staff

I wish you had checked first, before starting such a large project.
We have a policy of not tagging species by a color, and if these are allowed, it'd likely quickly spread to other species. And then we'd have the <color>_dragon tag problem again...

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
We don't usually tag species by color.. I hope this doesn't lead to resurgence of tagging dragons by color.

They're considered relatively distinctive in regards to the mario series and seem to be relatively well used. They're considered distinctive enough in the mario lore and fanbase anyways

Also some species Do have their colors within the name but seem fine because of their high use/popularity (ie Red fox, among others)

If many disagree with this sentiment then what i'd suggest is perhaps aliasing all of these to just yoshi, if that would work better. However seeing their general use and how fans see them as seperate entities (wikias for example, tho i suppose wikia arent the best evidence out there) I feel seperate tags for yoshi species wouldnt hurt.


Genjar said:
I wish you had checked first, before starting such a large project.
We have a policy of not tagging species by a color, and if these are allowed, it'd likely quickly spread to other species. And then we'd have the <color>_dragon tag problem again...

My apologies, I'd seen their wide use in the cases of yoshi, and perhaps that was a mistake on my part. I'll take the repurcussions for it with open arms if I made a mistake, my apologies.

But with yoshi's it seems the general public sees them as seperate (wikis do for example) or at least differing varieties of yoshi, hence my reasoning. Not all color species aren't tagged (like the red fox example I made) so I am still unsure on this issue

Though again: if this was seen as a big blunder I'll take all repercussion for it no problem, it was totally my fault.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

facelessmess said:
Also some species Do have their colors within the name but seem fine because of their high use/popularity (ie Red fox, among others)

That's an actual species, instead of just 'a red fox'. And from what I recall, some admins wanted to eradicate that anyway, because it's getting misused.

Canon doesn't matter much when it comes to TWYS, but yoshis are all same species. For instance, the one that hatches in Thousand-Year Door has a random color (based on how long it takes for the egg to hatch).

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
That's an actual species, instead of just 'a red fox'. And from what I recall, some admins wanted to eradicate that anyway, because it's getting misused.

Canon doesn't matter much when it comes to TWYS, but yoshis are all same species. For instance, the one that hatches in Thousand-Year Door has a random color (based on how long it takes for the egg to hatch).

It seems canon is varied on this issue: paper mario shows them as the same, however entries like SMW show the different colors as having slightly different abilities depending on the color, and yoshi's story shows them as having preferences and differing weaknesses (white and black yoshi species have specific immunities to spicy foods for example)

It's a bit muddled in canon it seems, tho that doesnt matter with TWYS I suppose

Updated by anonymous