Topic: Tag Implication: knotting -> penetration

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

What about oral knotting or does that have its own tag?

Updated by anonymous

GDelscribe said:
What about oral knotting or does that have its own tag?

Your answer is literally in your own words, GDel.

I usually either double brackets the precise word someone is looking for, like as shown, or just type it in the response field with double brackets in order to find out if it exists or at least is in use.

Updated by anonymous

GDelscribe said:
What about oral knotting or does that have its own tag?

'knotting' is an umbrella tag for some more restricted tags, which specify the orifice being knotted.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Already suggested at forum #220078.

There is a discussion about changing that wiki and un-implicating 'knottingsex', since we also have knotted dildos.

While you're mentioning dildos, should dildos have "knot and knotting" tag? Since when I search for knot or knotting, I wanna see bulbus glandis and not plastic/silicone.

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
While you're mentioning dildos, should dildos have "knot and knotting" tag? Since when I search for knot or knotting, I wanna see bulbus glandis and not plastic/silicone.

but knot is a knot even if its not a real

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

DelurC said:
While you're mentioning dildos, should dildos have "knot and knotting" tag?

Not as far as I know.
Knotted_dildo was created so that those wouldn't need to be tagged as knot. Separate tags just like barbed_dildo and barbed_penis. Since there seems to be some confusion about that, the knotted_penis -> knot alias should probably be flipped around. Maybe that'd also stop it from getting tagged for rope knots.

Not sure about knotting, but I feel like it doesn't quite fit either. It's intended for the act of knotting, not for showing thick things into orifices. That's the tight_fit tag instead. Though many furry artists either don't know or care about how knots work, and draw them permanently expanded. Which doesn't differ much from knotted dildos. So... I don't know?

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
but knot is a knot even if its not a real

A not real penis is not called a penis.

Updated by anonymous

Bump. Seems like a complicated decision, since this thread does outline that "knotted_dildo" does not imply sex. +1

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