Topic: Site Suggestion

Posted under General

I'm not sure if this is an idea said before, or if it was already declined, but i think there should be some sort of page for Mods and Admins and such, and if possible, a way to tell if any of said staff are online.
at the very least, i think a list that is continually updated for any changes should be implemented so that users know who all the staff is, and/or to know which are online if they are having something that they want addressed ASAP.

If there is already a list, it should be put somewhere more easily noticed/accessible.

Updated by SnowWolf

slight edit: maybe not "online" but possibly "last online"? depending on how "online" works here.

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
As far as I know there's no status userpage for staff/users. There's a list of Admins and Janitors available through the user listing. We do have a Discord channel which you can use to see what staff that use the Discord are online. Site logs are also available here (moderator actions specifically here) if you want to see any actions we do.

well i guess the moderator actions thing works. Though I dont think normal people would know how to actually get there unless they've told (as far as i know i dont really see a link on the main hotbar or anything).
Site logs to me wouldn't be as helpful since there are so many sections

Updated by anonymous

Scakk said:
well i guess the moderator actions thing works. Though I dont think normal people would know how to actually get there unless they've told (as far as i know i dont really see a link on the main hotbar or anything).
Site logs to me wouldn't be as helpful since there are so many sections

Discord is your best bet for getting in contact with staff ASAP as there's always staff on Discord. Mod actions is your second best as you can see what staff were recently active. There's also the IRC chat at the top of the site, "Chat", but that's mostly been phased out.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
at the very least, i think a list that is continually updated for any changes should be implemented so that users know who all the staff is, and/or to know which are online if they are having something that they want addressed ASAP.

Yeah, no. If it's a real emergency (such as someone posting something illegal), then Discord will work for that.

And Contact lists everything for other kinds of urgent business.

But otherwise there's nothing that can't wait a day or two. Flags are there for a reason, as is dmail. If the admins are online, they're usually busy with something important and have no time to answer random questions. You're not the only one trying to contact them, so use the queue.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
slight edit: maybe not "online" but possibly "last online"? depending on how "online" works here.

Please no. We're users too. And we already get enough messages complaining about us not doing things fast enough, or "ignoring" people. We like to come here and look at pretty pictures too.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Please no. We're users too. And we already get enough messages complaining about us not doing things fast enough, or "ignoring" people. We like to come here and look at pretty pictures too.

Admins are humans?!
a joke I believe to be sadly true for way to many people :(

Updated by anonymous

No. A lot of the admins here are volunteers.
If something is an issue, simply report it or flag it(if it has a flaggable reason), and we will get to it when we can.
I do approvals and tickets on my spare time, which often is in between waiting for events on guild wars 2. If people see that I am online and they send me a message about something that may take a bit of time to handle, they may take it as I am ignoring them.
This could also be true for if I wake up to get a drink and I check in on the site for a minute or two and go back to bed.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Admins are humans?!
a joke I believe to be sadly true for way to many people :(

Mostly anyway. I'm about 20% sunshine and 20% raging swampbeast.

It can be pretty confusing.

A lot of people seem to expect people in our position to be the same as paid customer service representatives. which is pretty funny, because in a lot of ways, we'll get back to you faster, yet they seem to expect near instant service.

I do think a list of staff might be nice, because I know that both times I've been 'new to e621,' I wondered "Who's the best person to ask this question to?"

but for panda's sake, no one needs 'last online' status. It's just begging for harassment.

Updated by anonymous

I'm 90% available, I just don't really know how to do some things (approvals, tickets) or if it's okay do to certain things (don't wanna get me or anyone in trouble). Though, if your main language is Spanish, I could be of some help

SnowWolf said:
I'm about 20% sunshine and 20% raging swampbeast.

What about the 60% remaining?

I do think a list of staff might be nice, because I know that both times I've been 'new to e621,' I wondered "Who's the best person to ask this question to?"

I agree on the list, or making the staff user search more accessible (admin and janitor links as Blind_Guardian posted)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Xch3l said:
What about the 60% remaining?

Human, mostly. But sometimes potato. Or pancake. Depending on the day of the week.

Updated by anonymous