Topic: Other ways to upgrade to a privileged

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

According to e621, to be upgraded from an average member you have to be a valid member of the community through: helping tag projects, translations, reporting malicious users and updating wiki.
The problem is (not complaining, in fact I'm praising) is that because this community is already so involved, I rarely get to see an opportunity to help out even a little bit, seeming that more or less everything is done. Also the fact that most translation requests are Japanese or a language I wouldn't even begin to understand, and apart from the usual few down voted comments and I haven't seen anyone particularly 'malicious' before.

So, is there a way, maybe through a certain amount of donations, that I could become a privileged type account? I'd be more than happy to pitch some money in, especially when this is one of the best made image boards/furry porn sites I've ever seen without a doubt.

Updated by Chessax


Former Staff

There are more areas of contributing to e621 than tagging and translating. Think of:

  • posting images/gifs/videos
  • flagging posts for deletion
  • partaking in forum discussions
  • suggesting/discussing tag aliases/implications
  • sending in valid tickets (reports)
  • being helpful to users anywhere on the site
  • reporting bugs/feedback/suggestions
  • bringing the attention of site staff to offenders/ban evaders/other anomalies

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

"Everything is done."

I've got enough projects to last a lifetime. There's never a shortage of work. Take a look at the tagging projects thread, or start with one of these:

-solo -duo -group -zero_pictured - Tag the missing character counts. There's currently ~67000 posts that lack those.

speciestags:0 -zero_pictured - Those are missing the species tags. ~17700 posts.

*_(disambiguation) - All of those need to be moved under the proper tags.

Updated by anonymous Just sift through here, and try to tag with only Tag What You See. If you reach a confusing tag, don't touch it; ask an admin for specific rules.

If you wish, you can do missing/wrongful tag searching. "Dragon -Scalie", means you are looking for dragons that are MISSING the Scalie tag, and they do need that tag unless they're hybrids or furred dragons, or Flora fauna, etc. off the second verse: "male/male solo"; we don't use sexual preferences for tagging, and a solo image can never imply sex between two characters as a result. Third time's a charm: "-solo -duo -group"; if an image has a character, it needs one of those tags, how many is 1char = solo, 2char = duo, 3+char = group.

But, my listed one is not just to find missing tags specifically, but to also find missing tags in general. Chances are, if they are missing one tag, they'll be missing more; don't just tag what you were looking for in the search, tag all that you can think of, that are missing.

Cum -penis -pussy is my current held search, if a penis or pussy is visible in the image, tag it as such, then include the rest. Questionable rated images get changed to explicit, cum is always explicit. I haven't touched this for a while, so it will be a long list. 123 pages, by 99 posts per page, and some are tagged right (bulges, balls_deep, where cum is leaking but the genitals can't be seen), but a good portion will be tagged wrong. It'll be the easiest to start, though, since all it is is looking for a missing visual detail.

Updated by anonymous

Be a cis-gendered white male and you can get all the privilege you want.

Updated by anonymous

Another pair of good suggestions are translations of foreign text (Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Russian, etc) via notes on individual posts, as well as accurate wiki editing.

Also, there's no money involved. E621 is a community-driven furry image archive. The drive to contribute shouldn't be clouded by the drive to excel. Just do what you can in areas that you see are lacking. No need to invest all day, every day into e621 either.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:

Unfortunately not many people seem to recognize/properly tag (untranslated) Korean text.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Unfortunately not many people seem to recognize/properly tag (untranslated) Korean text.

There aren't a lot of posts on e621 that are tagged with even english_text.

Updated by anonymous

Before anybody goes jumping into tagging projects, please (please please please) ask others for insight and review.

Even to this day, I find myself searching the wiki for proper tag usage. If the wiki doesn't include any info relevant to tagging, bring up the question on the forum.

The forum is an indispensable resource.

If you're unsure about how to tag a certain case (things get difficult when ambiguous genders, undefined species, and obscured vision get involved), search the forums to see if there have been discussions on this issue in the past. If the discussion seems a bit outdated (I'd question it if it's more than 2 years old), either bump the thread with your questions, or create a new topic. Make it PUBLIC.

Peer review is the best way, if not the only way, to improve your tagging accuracy and consistency. It also sucks you into the community, which is what you want if you're aiming for privileged.

Oh, and don't take what we say at face value. Question your sources. Make them explain things.

Updated by anonymous

davidshaw said:
So, is there a way, maybe through a certain amount of donations, that I could become a privileged type account? I'd be more than happy to pitch some money in, especially when this is one of the best made image boards/furry porn sites I've ever seen without a doubt.

No, we don't do pay-for-ranks here, that would be unfair to the people who work really hard for their ranks.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
No, we don't do pay-for-ranks here, that would be unfair to the people who work really hard for their ranks.

We also don't need money.

davidshaw said:
So, is there a way, maybe through a certain amount of donations, that I could become a privileged type account? I'd be more than happy to pitch some money in, especially when this is one of the best made image boards/furry porn sites I've ever seen without a doubt.

If you want to financially support e6 whitelist and/or buy dongs/merchandise from our overlords Bad-Dragon.

Updated by anonymous

Every privileged-ranked member I have run across here has earned their 'P' with hard work and time invested; check their respective tag edits, wiki edits, and upload counts to see what I mean.

The tagging projects mentioned above are huge, and likely overwhelming to those but the most dedicated, most crazy, or most OCD. Maybe try finding a smaller mistag that bugs you personally, and take it on as a personal project.

Have a positive presence here, so The Powers That Be know who you are: be active in the forums, be an accurate and thorough tagger, be helpful to other members, and so on.
(I have ... containment issues ... with my inner snark demon, so I may never be issued a big green 'P' fridge magnet. And that is okay; my inner snark demon is a pretty rad chick.)

While a great image board, e6 is also a great community, and it takes work on both fronts to keep it thusly.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Be a cis-gendered white male and you can get all the privilege you want.

Not true.

I of all people I know.

NotMeNotYou said:
We also don't need money.


Mind sharing then?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
We also don't need money.

Are you sure? 'Cause I've got a Canadian $5 bill with your name on it if you make me head admin (sorry but you'll have to pay for shipping).

GameManiac said:
There aren't a lot of posts on e621 that are tagged with even english_text.

I had no idea that was even a tag.

Updated by anonymous

There are a ton of projects on this site, and as if that weren't enough, you can make your own projects that help things. So yeah. Plenty of opportunity to find something to do. Already some good things suggested here.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Although fixing mistags is important, it is also slow work compared to generic tagging. So that might not the best way to get noticed.

Same goes for the opposite end of the scale: tagging only a single thing that could've been easily tag scripted or even implicated is not going to impress the admins. Quality of tagging is more important than the tag count. If you tag a lot, but leave behind lots of mistags to be fixed, then you're more likely to be warned than promoted. So yes, like Knotty Curls said, if you're unsure about something... ask first.

Updated by anonymous

Dragonlayer said:
Fucking rekt lol

It's true, though! They are still looking for people in a couple positions and do pay well.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I don't think they have a position open for a priest.

are you sure? you'd think a dildo company would be in need of someone holy

Updated by anonymous

Hudson said:
There are more areas of contributing to e621 than tagging and translating. Think of:

  • posting images/gifs/videos
  • flagging posts for deletion
  • partaking in forum discussions
  • suggesting/discussing tag aliases/implications
  • sending in valid tickets (reports)
  • being helpful to users anywhere on the site
  • reporting bugs/feedback/suggestions
  • bringing the attention of site staff to offenders/ban evaders/other anomalies

I'm partakeing in this forum discussion can I get promoted now?

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I'm partakeing in this forum discussion can I get promoted now?

Getting a promotion is something that takes time and a whole lot of dedication to the site. I suggest you find something constructive that you are good at and work at it for a while, and with enough work someday it could happen.

Updated by anonymous

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
Getting a promotion is something that takes time and a whole lot of dedication to the site. I suggest you find something constructive that you are good at and work at it for a while, and with enough work someday it could happen.

Pretty sure that was a joke.

If you see somebody who's doing a great job at things that doesn't seem to get recognized (You are not allowed to do this for yourself, though), use the report feature and write a positive report. Positive reports are still reports, after all!

Updated by anonymous

I remember saying that a long time ago in the forums, but I will say that again : It's really sad to see how many people want to be privileged just for the hell of it and to show off. Then you have this situation similar to that "Top score" thread where people would then only upload/edit tags just so their score would be high as possible, basically artificially working on e621 just for the reward at the end. Like I said before, a rank up isn't something you should be asking for, and at the end, it's just a rank name, no need to salivate over the idea of having it changed

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:
I remember saying that a long time ago in the forums, but I will say that again : It's really sad to see how many people want to be privileged just for the hell of it and to show off. Then you have this situation similar to that "Top score" thread where people would then only upload/edit tags just so their score would be high as possible, basically artificially working on e621 just for the reward at the end. Like I said before, a rank up isn't something you should be asking for, and at the end, it's just a rank name, no need to salivate over the idea of having it changed

I believe that privledged members have access to subscriptions afaik.

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:
I remember saying that a long time ago in the forums, but I will say that again : It's really sad to see how many people want to be privileged just for the hell of it and to show off. Then you have this situation similar to that "Top score" thread where people would then only upload/edit tags just so their score would be high as possible, basically artificially working on e621 just for the reward at the end. Like I said before, a rank up isn't something you should be asking for, and at the end, it's just a rank name, no need to salivate over the idea of having it changed

its not just rank name, i being priv allows me to do THIS which is imo, totally worth of drooling after. oh and also not so much restricting flag and tag edit limits and also ability to use subscriptions. so. not just a rank name.

Updated by anonymous

Melissa_R said:
I believe that privledged members have access to subscriptions afaik.

Which barely work and are highly limited. It's much more comfortable to have a couple RSS feeds that grab new stuff every hour.
I purely use RSS feeds to keep up with posts that interest me, I don't use the subscriptions at all.

Updated by anonymous

We also get access to "The Lounge." But I don't I'm supposed to discuss that with the plebs.

Updated by anonymous

What I mean is, most of the time you heard someone who wants to be privileged, they're people who actually don't work a bunch on tagging or uploading, and the reason to why they want the rank is just, again, for the hell of it, because it's special and unique. Coloring your text with the rainbow spectrum isn't something people who actually work on the booru would care at all. On the other side, people who actually work on the booru shouldn't feel the need to be privileged to make the task easier. I am not extremely active myself, but if you look at how many stuff I uploaded since, that's actually not too shabby, but there isn't a moment I had the need to be privileged to get my upload count infinite, not with my upload limit at 224 (Actually I think that's a Janitor privilege) Same with the other benefits of hourly limits being gone, I never felt the need to have a higher one since- Man I have been here for 6 years I feel old.

What I mean is, people who want that rank so badly are, in general, people who don't really need it, while an actual member who uses his time to work on the booru shouldn't really feel the need for those privileges. People wanting the rank mostly care for their "appearance", rarely because they feel like the limits restrict them

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:
Coloring your text with the rainbow spectrum isn't something people who actually work on the booru would care at all.


Updated by anonymous

@: Neitsuke

Well, actually, there IS one thing that I find extremely useful about having a higher user status. Tag search limit. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but before I got contributor status I would run into the "cannot search more than 6 terms" problem all the time. So there are slight benefits that I could see people wanting. But all in all, I think you're right.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
We also get access to "The Lounge." But I don't I'm supposed to discuss that with the plebs.

heh heh heh

Updated by anonymous

I always forget I can color text .....

I had long-term goal of Contributor from early on, but I never actively tried for it. Just goofed off, browsed the site, tagged here and there...

Eventually I ended up with stats that still surprise me to an extent and my promotions to Privileged and Contributor both took me by surprise because I didn't even realize how much I was doing.

My advice for getting those ranks: Just do what you can to help the site as time and motivation allow - it'll happen in time. Don't go overboard though trying to just impress the admins, focus on the goal more than what you're doing and mistakes happen that can move that goal further away.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Tokaido said:
Well, actually, there IS one thing that I find extremely useful about having a higher user status. Tag search limit.

Yes, the tag search limit increase is extremely useful.

...I wish it were even higher for janitors, actually. Eight just isn't enough for some projects.

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
I always forget I can color text ..... ... But in yellow color!

That is honestly the best advice that can be given. Don't force yourself into trying for the better positions, especially because of fuck ups. I had to do a re-clean of some Infantilism tags, because I misread the tag's wiki twice(!), and fix my mistakes when I was going for mod attention. If you really think about it, follow the steps of our leaders: the people that are privileged and up are obviously doing something right, so go check out their tag edits and comments; "mimicry is the best form of flattery", and learning how a person tags on certain images can be smart.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Tokaido said:
Well, actually, there IS one thing that I find extremely useful about having a higher user status. Tag search limit.

That's what I would like most. It's definitely a bonus worth working towards.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
The most appealing things to me about the rank are tag scripting, ...

..., but I'm taking far longer than what somebody who's been deemed worthy of the privileged rank would.

Tag scripting can get you in trouble in a hurry because thumbnail images can be misleading. For most tagging projects the "one image at a time" approach is still the best one, even for the Privileged.

I agree with others that the increased search tag limit was most appreciated, though it is possible somewhat to artificially increase search tags by creative use of blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

I want to say this: if you get privileged, you had better damn sure behave like you earned it.

Some users here can attest to me getting upset when I see ranks not taking the time to explain something to a normal user. Instead, they're given an "I'm right, you're wrong" response, and the ranks are somehow surprised when normal users speak up against them and it escalates to reports. Is the impression that higher ranks treat members with disdain really so far-fetched?

When I see this happen, I just want to wring their necks and say "You were like that once, too!"

I used to have NO IDEA that image ratings defaulted to Questionable. I had no idea we could upload using URLs, instead of saving images to our computers first. I thought "bottomless" was slang for a character taking an absurdly large insertion as if they were a bottomless pit. I only discovered the wiki by accidentally clicking on the question mark next to a tag.

It's as if some ranks get their upgrades then grow complacent. Surprise, e621 isn't a gated community. The moment I see anyone talking down to anybody over a tagging issue, without also attempting to help them understand, I will call you out. In fact, stop talking down to anybody, period. We are not here to argue over who's right and who's wrong, we are here to argue over what is right.

Ranked users are representative of the site whether they intend to be or not. It's the reason a chat mod had his status revoked in the past couple months. Volunteer work is the life and blood of e621, and we need to encourage users to do their part, not turn them off from the site altogether.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

As Wodahlap said, be really careful with tag scripts. The damage that can be done with reckless script use can take weeks to reverse. Always check tags before posting to make sure they (and ratings) actually apply. Too many times I have seen this go awry and I want to save you some of the trouble if I can.

Knotty_Curls said:
I want to say this: if you get privileged, you had better damn sure behave like you earned it.

Some users here can attest to me getting upset when I see ranks not taking the time to explain something to a normal user. Instead, they're given an "I'm right, you're wrong" response, and the ranks are somehow surprised when normal users speak up against them and it escalates to reports. Is the impression that higher ranks treat members with disdain really so far-fetched?

This. We do see these things, and when you are being just as rude as the people you're reporting, even after several instances of telling you to stop, I'm going to resort to revoking that status. Clearly you must not care if you're going to act like that, yes?

Ranked users are representative of the site whether they intend to be or not. It's the reason a chat mod had his status revoked in the past couple months. Volunteer work is the life and blood of e621, and we need to encourage users to do their part, not turn them off from the site altogether.

To add to this, this does not mean that with status comes moderation. I will see you if you backseat. You are not staff, just users who have proven to be helpful to the site in some way. I hate to come off so snide, but this is really becoming a problem.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not really gonna say what it takes to rise in the ranks since that's been talked about already, but I'd just like to add my thought about that being privileged isn't that interesting to a normal user either. At least it wasn't for me.

When I search in order to find stuff not related to tagging I usually don't go over the 6 tags and if I do I can usually tweak it to keep within that limit. So while of course helpful, it's not really that big of deal in many cases. If what you're looking for is increased features etc. then tag subscriptions might be more interesting in that case. Most other stuff you get is either related to tagging or posting, i.e. simply making some of the things you need to get promoted in the first place easier.

I think this might have also been mentioned, but still: Just don't nag, asking is probably fine. But I'm pretty sure the administration want to promote people who help them, not promote people who want to be promoted.

Qmannn said:
While I do like helping out to some extent, I'm lazy and my goals are primarily self centered.

Haha, I just had to comment on this. To be completely honest I almost entirely tag because I want to be able to search my porn, which is why I prefer e621 to most other popular general furry image sharing sites. This in combination with the tagging culture you can find on boorus makes it ideal for me. The problem is that in order to be able to search for stuff I want I have to tag all the other stuff so it doesn't interfere. Hence I tag everything.

That said I do get a kick from helping people, and if that means I have to carry the burden of being a contributor, then I'm not gonna argue. Unfortunately (or maybe that's fortunately?) I'll probably not be anything more than that since my helpfulness on this site is too intermittent.

I never planned on getting promoted (I'm pretty good at devaluing myself) and I don't really "chat" around that much other than when it comes to tagging which probably explained how I somehow managed to "Go to directly to contributor. Do not pass privileged.". It came as a bit of a surprise to say the least.

Updated by anonymous

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