According to e621, to be upgraded from an average member you have to be a valid member of the community through: helping tag projects, translations, reporting malicious users and updating wiki.
The problem is (not complaining, in fact I'm praising) is that because this community is already so involved, I rarely get to see an opportunity to help out even a little bit, seeming that more or less everything is done. Also the fact that most translation requests are Japanese or a language I wouldn't even begin to understand, and apart from the usual few down voted comments and I haven't seen anyone particularly 'malicious' before.
So, is there a way, maybe through a certain amount of donations, that I could become a privileged type account? I'd be more than happy to pitch some money in, especially when this is one of the best made image boards/furry porn sites I've ever seen without a doubt.
Updated by Chessax