Topic: Vulpine/Lupine are NOT CANINE

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

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Something my mate noticed is now when you attempt to put in 'Vulpine' it now becomes 'canine', and this is GREATLY annoying because they are VASTLY different species. Vulpines are FOXES not DOMESTICATED DOGS. The tagging system is getting messed with in fairly bad ways, making tagging things properly more difficult and thus making users who upload or tag edit look stupid to other users.

Updated by null0010

Iona said:
Something my mate noticed is now when you attempt to put in 'Vulpine' it now becomes 'canine', and this is GREATLY annoying because they are VASTLY different species. Vulpines are FOXES not DOMESTICATED DOGS. The tagging system is getting messed with in fairly bad ways, making tagging things properly more difficult and thus making users who upload or tag edit look stupid to other users.

Canine is the family, so, fox implies canine. Note that an Implication does not change a tag, it just adds it. In this case, when you tag an image with vulpine, it gets replaced by fox (alias replaces tags), which in turn adds canine (implication)


Updated by anonymous

Where do you think dogs came from? They didn't spring forth spontaneously from the forest one time when some guy said "please don't eat me, you cute little thing".

Which is not a refutation: Just an observation.

Updated by anonymous

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