Topic: Tag Implication: albatross -> bird (also huge list of sorted implications)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating albatross → bird
Link to implication


Albatrosses are birds.

Related implications:


See also: forum #148083

Edit 4/6 - Added the following:


Alright, I've approved most of these, but a few of these I'm uncertain of.



quail -> bird

While this is indeed a bird, they are also part of the galliform family. Taxonomically, this looks something like this:

It seems to be fairly distinct as a family, but I'm not sure if the difference matters enough to make a new tag. Any thoughts on this?


Parakeet seems to be an ambiguous term referring to any medium/small-sized parrot. I'm not quite sure what we should do with it, but these seem to be our options:

I'm leaning towards Option 1 at this point, but I'm not that knowledgable about parrots so I could be wrong on this.


From what I've gathered it seems that it is both a regional name for vulture (specifically turkey vulture) and a more vague group of large birds that includes a number of hawks as well. I don't know enough about them to have a good solution for this.


Not much to say about this one, but pinniped is essentially the "seal family" which contains true seals, sea lions, and the walrus. It looks something like this:

  • Seal family
    • True seals
    • "Eared seals"
      • Some things they still call "seal"
      • Sea lion
    • Walrus

I'm not sure what the best course is for this one as the seal tag is a bit of a mixed bag as it is.

Misc. notes:

The porcine and pig tags are slightly mixed up in usage as they technically mean the same thing. Porcine is the blanket "pig family" tag and pig seems to be used for the domesticated pig in particular. I've set up the wiki to reflect this usage, but if anyone has any comments on this let me know.


Centipede and millipede technically belong to the same family, but they have been implicated directly to arthropod instead of adding new tag in.

Updated by anonymous

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