Topic: Tag discussion: manly

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions


Former Staff

I just checked the manly tag after a year or so, and... well, it has changed.

It's lacking a wiki description, but it was originally used as the antonym of girly: tagged for manly females. But since then, tomboy has overtaken that usage, and manly is now tagged for muscular males and occasional females (mostly by one user).

Is it still needed as a tag, or should it be aliased away? Because it seems like searching for big_muscles gets just about the same results as manly.

Updated by coyotebear

If manly was suppose to mean muscular females maybe imply female would fix the issue or at least get caught sooner?

Although I'd guess searching for female muscles or big_muscles might get the same results as long as it's solo though. For duo or group images I can see where with a muscular female with a normal guy the tag might still be wanted.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

pc-king said:
If manly was suppose to mean muscular females maybe imply female would fix the issue or at least get caught sooner?

I think it might be too late to change it, since tomboy and muscular_female tags have gained prevalence over manly. Which is probably a good thing, those seem like better tags for manly females.

Although I'd guess searching for female muscles or big_muscles might get the same results as long as it's though. For or images I can see where with a muscular female with a normal guy the tag might still be wanted.

We do have that muscular_female tag for the latter.
So maybe manly really isn't needed as tag for anything anymore? Maybe alias it to big_muscles, or just muscles?

Updated by anonymous

Tagging males as manly just seems stupid. Of course they're manly. They're men. We don't tag pictures like this with girly.

I think that the manly tag should be reserved for pictures like these.

post #504785

post #142109

post #124954

post #120078

Characters don't have to be muscular to be manly. It could just be a female character that has a male facial structure or body type. (Or be in exceedingly manly situations)

I wouldn't mind if we nuked it, seeing as it's used incorrectly 95% of the time, but the alias seems like a bad idea to me.

Updated by anonymous

I feel 'mannish' would be a better antonym for 'girly' here, as 'tomboy' (as a tag) is starting to look like more of a lifestyle / attitude than any set of physical attributes.

Updated by anonymous

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