An intestering topic of debate was brought up to me, through a PM I received from lemongrab, in regards to tagging characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as ponies, and therefore horses as a result of tag implication.
According to the pony wiki, "They should not be confused with other equine species as defined by the e621 Wiki. Ponies are differentiated from unicorns by the lack of a horn and from pegasi by the lack of wings." And while that may be true for anything excluding MLP, everything including MLP differs from this.
My Little Pony. In the show, every variation of equine is referred to as a pony. Doesn't matter if it has horns (unicorns) or wings (pegasi) or both (winged unicorns or "Alicorns"), they are ponies, in the same way that humans of different nationalities are still referred to as humans.
I don't care who's right or wrong. I just want decisive answers and an invigorating debate to clear my head of this troubling conundrum.