Welp. After doing a lot of looking around in the forums over what I've missed/ignored over the last year, I see I'm probably going to regret opening this convo back up, BUT. Here goes.
Disclaimer: This conversation is not about tag implications, or whether or not bondage=bdsm (I am not effing starting that. I promise. If anyone digs in on that it's all on them.)
So, as per a long conversation from...three years ago, I think, BDSM was determined to be consensual activity, thereby rendering it highly unlikely you would ever see BDSM and rape on the same image (CoC is an easy exception, it eventually depicts both things). So, I was going to go through once again and try to straighten out any conflicts of tags. Then, I looked at the wiki and saw that consent had been removed from BDSM. Bound, however, still clearly refers to consent.
As per forum #111924, consent is "is impractical or impossible to determine from the image in many cases."-Tony
If this were totally true, we would need to stop using the rape tag, as it depends entirely on determining consent- or the lack of it.
I refer to forum #106019, forum #31032, and forum #17835, where if you ignore any sort of discussion about whether bondage is BDSM, it is repeatedly agreed upon that BDSM requires- hinges upon- consent. And while most people will also agree it is certainly difficult to determine consent from an image, the attempt should be made.
I move to revert (or re-edit) the wiki for BDSM to include language about consent, and the wiki for bondage to explicitly be for consensual binding, leaving bound for ALL binding, with restrained being the further umbrella tag which can sometimes include characters holding other characters down without the use of implements.
Updated by titanmelon