Now, I have not slept for a while, and my grammar is derp, but I'll try and explain my idea as simple as possible.
Right now the current tagging system works flawlessly.
A person who wants to see a fox and a horse having straight sex can simply just search for fox horse straight sex.
But - If that user wanted to specifically see a female fox having sex with a male horse, there is currently no way to specifically get those results.
What I am wondering is that if there is any possibility of making species specific tagging a thing. I'm not saying it should replace the current system, but more so build upon it.
Let's say that you have an image of a male fox, fucking a female horse. The user can then just add something to the end of said species tags, declaring their gender in the image.
So it would be something like fox=m horse=f straight sex
m obviously standing for male and f standing for female.
Now, if such a system was implemented, the amount of posts using this little system would grow exponentially over time, especially since we have quite a lot of good taggers, and taggers in general who would utilize such a thing. Plus, it'd be one heck of a tagging project. And other thing would be how unique such a function would be, no other site comes close to having such a system (afaik).
Maybe this is a dumb idea, maybe it'd be too complicated to even utilize properly without breaking the site, but I'd love to hear other opinions on this idea.
Updated by ShylokVakarian