Alright, so we've had all these gun tags laying around for a while. Every now and then another gets implicated to gun but there's still a lot out there. One thing we know for certain is that we (by admin order) shouldn't be ultra specific with tagging them. We can all agree that having a tag like .223_bushmaster_semi-automatic_rifle is not only not helpful for searching (to bring up the 1 single post that happens to have it tagged), but these posts run the risk of not getting tagged rifle, gun, or even just weapon...which is somewhat obnoxious from a tagging point of view. Implicating (or even aliasing) all of them would be a massive project with extremely little benefit to the site; this much has already been established. This is, however, not why I've created this post.
The reason I've created this post is to say... okay, so we definitely shouldn't encourage obscure tagging... but how specific should we get? I mean, I know we should probably discourage gun tags like the one I mentioned because...well frankly they are a pain to keep track of, and probably not worth the effort. However there are a handful of guns that are more iconic than that which may at least be worth implicating such as the m16, ak-47, and the thombson_submachine_gun ("tommy gun"), and probably the uzi which even people who haven't even held a gun before have probably heard of at some point.
The tree below is just my suggestion of how this might be laid out. If we would alias anything away, it would most likely be to the tag above it.
Gun list
- weapon
- ranged_weapon
- gun
- handgun (hand_gun)
- rifle
- machine_gun†
- shotgun
- sawed-off_shotgun † (sawdoff_shotgun, sawn-off, sawd-off)† (barely used, but is probably worth mentioning) The first is probably the correct form.
- Note that there's an artist named sawedoff_shotgun, but they only have 1 post here (which was over a year ago)
- submachine_gun (submachinegun, sub-machine_gun)
Misc. guns and related:
- railgun†
- raygun†, laser_gun† - There's probably other names (like blaster, phaser, "laser", etc.), but
- m4† - Can be a carbine, a rifle, a submachine gun, a shotgun, an autocannon (whatever that means)...I have no idea what the most common is tbh. Alias to gun?
- cannon† - Not a gun really, but we may want to imply weapon at least
- party_cannon† - It's silly and pretty specific to MLP, but it is a type of cannon technically speaking. Only reason not to is it would imply weapon (if we did that) which seems... odd.
† Needs implication
(tag_name) Alternative form, should be aliased to whichever the more correct/more convenient form is.
This list is definitely not complete (nor should it ever be), but any suggestions would be appreciated. Note that for the most part tags with less than 5 posts probably aren't worth doing anything with unless they are particularly notable. Most of what I'm looking to add is very well-known ones to make exceptions for.
Ideally I think we should encourage retagging of all the ".22_caliber_winchester_submachine_autocannon_2nd_reissue"-type tags with something less specific, but that is probably subject for another forum (and definitely a tagging project in and of itself).